Chapter 13: The Second Task

Table of Contents

The Second Task


Hello, one and all,

Here is my later offering :)

For the podcast this week, I am looking to do something different. My scheduled guest, due to unforeseen circumstances, is unable to record this week.

So, I thought it would be great to do something more interactive with all of you guys. I would like to do this as a discussion/Q&A for anyone that wishes to take part. You can either:

Send me a message on here or my other social media with questions and I will answer them on the podcast.

Speak to me directly and we can discuss or you can question me on anything fanfiction related, or anything else you wish to.

It would be great to get as many questions as possible in and speak to as many of you as possible in the coming days, so do please get in touch. I am happy for you to remain anonymous if you so wish. Also, this podcast will be free for all to listen to and will be published on m £0 n page this Friday.

Also, do just check it out and support where you can. It would be amazing continuing with the momentum we started to build last year and spread the word to any you think would be interested.

And of course, a Happy New Year to you all.


Sharing a dinner table once more with her family had somewhat lifted the gloom that had befallen her since Christmas. They had arrived this very evening after her father had tended to his duties to the ICW with an assortment of dishes her mother had prepared. She hadn't known she'd needed this. She'd been working each day towards the impending second task and how she would approach it, and before she knew it, the eve of the undertaking had arrived.

The Bouillabaisse she was spooning into her mouth warmed her, was as delicious as it always had been but ultimately failed to lift her spirits. Not much had been able to, in truth.

It wasn't as though she had not tried. She had enough self-awareness to know that she was hurt and angry, had done all she could to come through those emotions and emerge from the other side feeling better. She'd duelled furiously hoping that it would alleviate what was bringing her down, had thrown herself into the solving of the clue and then the preparations for the task to distract herself. Nothing had worked and she cursed her grandmother for being right. As much as she tried, nothing could stop her thinking of him.

Begrudgingly, she'd accepted that feeling this way had very little to do with his control around her. It was the person he was. From the rare smile to that hidden, caring nature she had seen within him, had felt when he held her in his arms when they had danced. Even the intensity of his eyes that would unnerve most but had drawn her in. She missed it all.

" Are you ready for tomorrow, Fleur?" her father asked, watching her speculatively.

She nodded as she relaxed the grip around her spoon.

" Oui, I have prepared as best I can."

Her father continued to watch her knowingly as he nodded and offered an almost sympathetic smile.

" I do not doubt you, little flower," he offered almost nervously.

" What is wrong? What are you not telling me?"

Sebastien sighed as he shook his head.

" I cannot say, but you must be at your best for tomorrow," he replied cryptically.

Although he had been assured of the safety of his youngest daughter, he was as apprehensive as any parent would. Had it not been Albus personally advocating, he would have denied his consent. He had all the faith in the world in his eldest daughter and what she felt now would only drive her forward.

Once the task was done with, he would have a much-needed discussion with her, and one with Harry if the boy would allow it.

For almost two months he had been preparing, had been making discreet enquiries that had amounted to nothing. Still, he trusted Dumbledore enough to know there was truth in which he had spoken. As such, he had prepared his home so that his family would be safe for when Voldemort returned.

Having seen the ineptitude the British government had demonstrated under Cornelius Fudge; he could not trust them to contain what was coming. Voldemort would sooner or later turn his attention towards the continent and his country would be first in sight. Monsters like him always had ambition; some that could be seen and others beyond.

Grindelwald had been similar and much more successful. War had spilled across France as it had the rest of Europe and Sebastien refused to wait for such a thing to occur as it possibly could.

His thoughts switched to the boy that the rest of Britain would undoubtedly turn to in their hour of need. Harry could well be the difference between victory or failure and Sebastien had no indication which.

He could very well refuse to help, could flee and seek sanctuary. As bright and gifted as he was, he could likely live out his days in hiding. Sebastien did not believe this would be the chosen course of action. Even from the very little he knew about him, Harry was bright but even the smartest of people could be blinded by vengeance.

He doubted there would be any that could dissuade him from whatever he decided to do, and as he had been preparing so determinedly, Sebastien could only conclude that he would fight.

He shot his daughter a final glance before placing his napkin on the table. Already, she was struggling to come to terms with the boy and with what she felt about him. Knowing that he would one day be in more danger than any person should be, would not sit well with her and it worried the man.

She was a passionate girl, so very similar to her mother and she would walk to the ends of the earth to keep those safe that she held dear.

Such a thought relaxed him for what was coming the following day, though it offered little comfort for what was to come further into the future.

He loved his daughter dearly, loved her nature and all that she was. He had vowed from the day she was born, when he had first cradled her in his arms, that he would do all he could to make her happy and keep her safe.

It was in this moment that he realised that both do not necessarily go hand in hand. Her happiness could well see her in danger and her misery, safe.

What was a father to do when faced with such choices?


Harry had been pondering his approach to the task for the past days, his mind flitting between the many options he had to complete it. On the one hand, he had devised several ways he could potentially retrieve something from the lake, and on the other, he was aware that many of these could have detrimental repercussions to the creatures that dwelled within, himself and possibly the other champions. Although he had been entered against his will, he did not want to cause permanent harm to anything.

He had been considering using elemental magic once more, but a vivid memory from his muggle schooling had resurfaced and did so because it had taken place the very same day he had turned his teacher's hair blue, as unwittingly as that had been.

It had been during a lesson that they had been studying eco systems and a point had been made as to how sensitive to change they were. From what he remembered, even the slightest rise or fall in temperature could upset the balance and cause irreparable damage and he certainly did not want to be responsible for that. According to Hogwarts: A History, the lake had been there longer than the castle itself and unless the need arose, he wouldn't act in a way that could compromise it.

" You have come to know the lake well. It is perhaps best to continue on as you have." Tom suggested.

Harry nodded his agreement.

He had spent many hours under the surface to identify the creatures there, with little luck. He had spotted the squid, a few Grindylows and even the merepeople, who continued to watch him vigilantly any time he came close to their home, though they did not attack. Whether or not their passivity would remain during the task, he knew not. He couldn't help but think his excursions thus far had been too easy. There was always the chance that additional creatures and obstacles could be added for the event.

He sighed as he pulled on his swimming shorts, his armour proving to be more cumbersome in the water than beneficial. He also had no intention of engaging anything if it could be avoided. He was fortunate enough to be well-versed in non-verbal magic, but his movement and casting were far from being as sharp as they were on land. His job was to get in and out as fast as possible with whatever the judges believed to be what he'd sorely miss, something that eluded him.

He had kept all his items of any value, both monetary and sentimental, with him since he had deciphered the clue, and all was accounted for.

" I still believe it will be a hostage," Tom broke in, repeating his thoughts once more.

" There isn't anyone I care enough for who they could use."

" Sirius, Remus, Boot, oh, and the veela girl," Tom reeled off, the last uttered irritably.

"Shut up," Harry grumbled, ignoring the voice and exiting the room. He would break his fast in the kitchens to avoid the other students as was his usual practice.

Although Tom didn't mention her often, when he did, it was to either mock or speculate as to how much Harry cared for Fleur, a conversation that would always leave the boy in a sour mood.

He didn't want to dwell on the French girl. Doing so only encouraged him to reminisce their time together and she was something that would remain out of reach. It was easier to avoid her now than continue as they had. It could only ever end badly for him.

Reaching the kitchens, he was all but set upon by the gathering of now familiar elves. The first time he had ventured here, he had almost turned hell and sprinted away, his experience with the one house elf he had met previously not warming him to the creatures.

That elf, however, proved to be one of a kind. The ones at Hogwarts were respectful, polite and took joy in bringing him food. He had grown fond of the strange creatures and they him. Whenever he entered the kitchen, they were all pleased and excited to see him, bowing and offering platters of food.

Today was no different, and he helped himself to a veritable feast of eggs and toast knowing that he would need the energy for the efforts ahead.

Finishing his meal, he checked his watch and realised he had only twenty minutes before the task was due to begin. Thanking the elves, he took his leave and made his way towards the lake, the nervousness of the unknown starting to seep in.

When he arrived at the edge of the lake, it was to find that several stands had been erected overnight to seat the crowd that would gather to spectate, though he doubted there would be much to see. Among those in attendance were journalists and others whom Harry did not recognise but were likely ministry officials or other important guests.

He snorted at them as he joined the other three champions and judges that had arrived before him, ignoring the flashes of cameras and the talking that had ensued now that he had been spotted.

"Ah, Mr Potter, excellent," Bagman greeted him with a look of childlike wonder. "Shall we begin?"

Harry frowned as his gaze switched between the three other champions, all appearing to be in various states of nervousness.

Krum was tense, more so than usual but offered him a nod of acknowledgement which he returned.

Diggory already held his wand in his hand, his grip around it tight as he stared out across the lake.

Fleur was the worst of all. Somehow, her skin had paled further than her usual milky complexion, her eyes scanning the crowd furtively with her becoming tetchier the longer that passed without spotting what she was looking for.

"As you will have gathered from your clue, you have one hour to retrieve the hostage we have taken, one for each of you," Bagman explained.

Fleur's eyes widened in realisation, the fear she felt evident for all to see.

"Gabrielle?" she questioned.

"Your sister, yes," Crouch cut in irritably. "You will have an hour only. Prepare yourselves whilst the task is announced to the crowd.

Madame Maxime gave Fleur a nod of encouragement as she followed the entourage of judges away and towards where they would be seated.

Krum immediately removed his robes along with Cedric, the former sporting red shorts and the latter the yellow of his house. Harry followed suit, his own black as he ignored the frown gave as he nodded questioningly towards the litany of scars across his back.

Harry merely shrugged in response and flicked his wand into his hand.

His scars were not something he paid much mind to anymore. He remembered them, particularly in the cold when the skin would pull tight, but they no longer meant anything more than being a distant memory of when Vernon had been able to get the better of him. There were three in all where a particularly ridged belt buckle had torn his back to shreds.

His pushed those thoughts aside, not wanting to be reminded of the time he had been weak and helpless. He was no longer that, far from it. Any who dared attempt such a thing now would find it to be much less pleasant for them than it would be for Harry.

Taking up his position, he felt a burst of familiar magic wash over him from his left, much stronger than it usually was.

"You need to be calm. If you panic, you will make mistakes," he offered, his eye firmly on the surface of the water before him.

"Some of us actually care about others," Fleur snapped.

He felt her eyes boring into the side of his head and it took much of his own control not to shiver. She was quite the force when she was angry. Any response he may have had was cut off when Bagman's amplified voice sounded.


A cacophony of cheering and clapping sounded at his greeting, the crowd working themselves into a fever.


The crowd had fallen much quieter, muttered conversations beginning to take place at the explanation.


Harry readied himself for the beginning, keen to get this over with, as were the other champions. He did not know who would have been taken from them other than Gabrielle for Fleur, but it mattered not. He would retrieve his own and put another one of the tasks behind him and he had every intention of finishing before the others.

The claxon finally rung out and the three other champions surged towards the water, both Fleur and Cedric casting bubblehead charms on themselves whilst Krum opted for a rather rudimentary transfiguration, turning the top half of his body into that of a shark.

Giving each no more than a cursory glance, he closed his eyes and began muttering under his breath whilst waving his wand about himself in intricate but purposeful motions. From what he could gather, he had managed to achieve was something yet to be done with this spell.

It was one he had discovered whilst erecting the wards at his home and was combination of a ward and an enchantment designed to repel water. It was something usually imbued into a ward scheme to protect certain parts of properties like outdoor swimming pools and ponds. The purpose was to repel water, thus ensuring such things did not flood. Harry had experimented with it and gave his own little twist so that it could be used on a person, something much preferable to the weakness of a bubblehead charm or a dangerous transfiguration that would fail if one was to become unconscious.

Once he had finished his work, and unpleasant cool sensation washed over him and he took a step into the lake, the water parting away from his foot. With a satisfied nod, he stepped in until he was submerged but just as dry as he was before her entered.

He had found that he didn't like swimming much. Not only was it more taxing on the body, he did not relish the vulnerability he felt whilst doing it. He simply could not abide his movement being compromised and with this approach, he need not endure it.

He was not fond of swimming, but running he knew well. He had spent much of his youth doing it and his experience would finally prove to be fruitful.


Her arms and legs were pushing her forward as quickly as possible, her thoughts solely on reaching her younger sister. She was a strong swimmer, had spent her childhood amongst the waves in the south of France when her family would stay at the beach house they used as a holiday home. The current of the lake had nothing on the ocean.

What she didn't consider was the heavy, laboured breaths she took within her bubble, her lungs working overtime to fuel the efforts of her limbs.

Also, she was used to navigating clear water, not the murky depths she found herself in. She knew not if she was even heading in the right direction.

Taking another deep breath, she stilled, trying to calm her whirring thoughts and pounding heart. Gabrielle was relying on her and she could not let her down.

The tip of her wand shifted sharply as she felt something brush against her foot. Lighting the tip, she breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that it had only been a flailing reed.

Gathering herself for another push, she kicked her legs once more, only for something to seize her around one of her ankles. Turning to the reeds once more, she was met with the murderous, yellow gaze of the strangest of creatures that had wrapped its' spindly fingers around her. Its' tentacle-like hair flowed behind it and the almost reptilian face opened to reveal a set of sharp teeth that were quickly sunk into her leg.

With an inaudible scream, she banished it away with a flick of her wand and kicked her legs desperately, and odd ribbon of crimson trailing behind her. She made it only a few strokes before the creature returned, this time joined by several others, her eyes widening as she became aware of her disadvantageous position.

In earnest, she cast all she could to keep them at bay and it worked for a short period, though each time one was removed it was replaced by another waiting to take its' place. Eventually, the fatigue began to set in, and her spells slowed and weakened, being underwater making her work doubly difficult.

She, however, would not concede. Even when several hands closed around various parts of her body, she fought on with all she had, casting until her wand was ripped from her grasp and something tightened around her throat, blackening her vision.


He paused as the merfolk village came into view, his presence seemingly not being welcome each time he had visited before. This time, however, there was no heavily armed retinue of guards waiting for him, the entrance eerily bereft of the usually vigilant creatures.

Carefully, he pressed on, spotting the occasional, curious stare of one of them as he passed through the remarkable habitat, though none attempted to prevent him progressing.

When he arrived at what was seemingly the centre that was surrounded by roughly hewn houses, he came upon a large statue of a merman, his visage grim, stood proudly and wielding an enormous trident. Tied to the base of the statue were the four hostages, all of whom he recognised.

Cho Chang had been selected for Diggory as the person he would miss most. If that were the case, Harry could not help but think that the boy was a terrible judge of character.

Next to Chang was Gabrielle, her silvery hair swaying in the current, her appearance being that of one who was merely enjoying a peaceful sleep.

Hermione had been placed next to her for Krum to retrieve, and for himself, Terry Boot. The boys' already pale skin appearing more so against the dark stone he had been lashed to.

With a shake of his head, Harry released him from the others with a simple cutting curse to his bindings and watched as he rose away from the statue slightly, though he remained unmoving and unconscious.

Having not planned to transport a person through the depths, he did what he felt was best and tied Terry to his back before leaving the merfolk village behind with no plans to visit in the future. Although it was beautiful in its own way, he did not belong there, nor did any creature that walked on land. It was their kingdom and from what he had seen, they had begrudgingly hosted this part of the task. He would not intrude upon them further.

Carrying the weight of his housemate slowed him but so much so that the task was difficult. The spells he had cast on himself helped, pushing Terry away from him with the water, lightening his load considerably as he made his way back towards the shore.

It was when he reached around the halfway mark that a disturbance ahead of him caught his attention, something he had not seen during any of his excursions here.

A dozen or so Grindylows had congregated and were seemingly focused on a single target that he could not see due to the sheer amount of bubbles and movement. As he drew closer, it was a glimpse of familiar, silvery hair that spurred him into action.

With a flick of his wand, six lengths of black magic extended from the tip and struck at the creatures, eliciting a screech from them as they fled. He repeated his actions, careful not to strike the girl. It was an unpleasant spell, one that Tom had taught him. It was like a whip but also had the effect of searing the flesh it met. It proved its worth here as he managed to scatter the tricky little beasts, relieving Fleur of her burden.

Immediately, he rushed to her. Blood was trickling upwards from various small wounds, none of which were deeply concerning. What did bother him, however, was the marks around her throat where she had been strangled. Miraculously, her charm had held during the attack and she was still breathing.

" She must not have been paying attention to her surroundings," Tom deduced.

Harry nodded his agreement, pushing aside the sinking feeling at seeing her in such a state. Reapplying her charm for good measure, he held her to him as he undid his own spells and applied a bubble of his own before he continued, this time pushing himself towards the surface. The additional weight hindered him more so. She was by no means heavy but her and Terry combined was more than cumbersome, even with the assistance of magic. Carrying both as he had would be difficult and he hoped that the boy would wake once he was clear of the water.

Though heavy, he persevered, nonetheless and slowly but surely, the water began to clear around him.

When he did break the surface, it was to the sound of himself and another taking a deep breath. Feeling movement coming from behind him, he released Terry from his bindings.

"Can you swim?" he asked.

"Yeah," Terry answered, somewhat confused by the situation he found himself in.

"Good. You need to get her back to land. Her sister is still down there, and she will be panicking when she wakes."

"What the bloody hell happened?" Terry groaned. "Why am I in the lake?"

"You should feel privileged, Boot. Apparently, you are the thing I'd sorely miss."

Terry shook his head, still not understanding what was going on.

"Just get her to the shore," Harry instructed. "I need to get her sister and her wand," he added with a frown, noticing the girl was missing it.

From the weighing of the wands, he knew how much hers meant to her and she would never forgive herself were it to be lost.

"Alright, I'll take her," Terry agreed, taking the girl from Harry's arms.

"I'll be back soon."

With that, Harry submerged himself once more into depths.


Adjusting the weight he now carried, Terry began heading towards the land he could see in the distance, his mind foggy from what he was experiencing. He vividly remembered being summoned to Flitwick's office, but nothing beyond that. The next thing he knew he was tied to Harry's back and had the girl thrust upon him without any further details.

Choosing to worry about his lack of knowledge later, he turned to the job at hand and reached the shallows after several minutes of difficult swimming.

When he did reach to where he could stand, he was greeted by a man speaking French, likely questioning why he held the girl. From what Terry could tell, it was quite the unexpected development.

"What happened? Where is Gabrielle? Where is my other daughter?" the man asked, switching to English.

"Harry has gone to get her and Fleur's wand," Terry explained breathlessly. "I don't know what happened to her. I woke up and Harry had us both with him."

The man nodded as Madame Pomfrey approached and immediately set to work on the French Champion.

"She will be fine," the matron assured the man who breathed a sigh of relief. "I would hazard a guess that she fell victim to a swarm of Grindylows. She will need rest but should wake soon."

The man nodded once more as the healer wrapped a thick blanket around Fleur.

" Sebastien, what is happening?" Apolline asked as she hurried towards him.

" Grindylows," he muttered. "'Arry as gone back in to get Gabrielle."

" I am surprised you have not gone after him."

Sebastien snorted.

" I do not know these waters. Is it strange that I trust him so much?"

Apolline shook her head.

" He would not allow anything to happen to her. Whatever people may think, he is a good boy."

" No, and Albus has assured me she will be okay even if Fleur was not successful."

He switched his focus to look over the water, one of his free hands stroking his eldest daughter's hair as t Madame Pomfrey continued her work.

" Gabby?" a weak voice questioned.

Sebastien glanced at his eldest, her eyes widening when the fog started to shift.

" Where is Gabby?" she demanded.

" It is alright, little flower," Apolline placated, "she will be fine. 'Arry has gone to get her."

"' Arry?" Fleur questioned, a deep frown marring her features.

"He pulled you out of the lake," Terry interjected. "Well, I did but he rescued you from whatever happened."

Fleur deflated.

"The Grindylows," she sighed, rubbing her neck where she had been choked.

"I don't know. I was out of it until we were out of the water."

"So, you are what 'e would miss the most?"

Terry shrugged.

"I doubt that," he chuckled. "Doesn't mean I won't mention it to him though."

Fleur ignored the boy, her thoughts occupied by her sister. The lake was no place for a little girl.


Thankfully, he had surfaced almost directly above where he had found Fleur, so had no difficulty in returning to the spot. Finding her wand, however, would not be easy. Visibility was particularly poor this far down and there was an enormous patch of reeds for him to search.

" Feel for her magic, Harry. You are familiar with it," Tom urged.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and did so, being surrounded by water and possible threat making such a thing much more daunting. He could feel the remnants of his own magic from the spell he had used to drive the Grindylows away and even that of Fleur's desperate efforts.

" She was always going to be at a disadvantage down here. Her own magic is attuned to air and fire elements. It is likely the creatures sensed that as her equal opposite and felt her to be either easy prey or the greatest threat to them."

Harry nodded. Despite being a witch, her magic was very different to that of a regular one. It would make sense that she would stand out in the water.

Having no luck in feeling beyond the spells cast, he cautiously sunk further towards the reeds in hope that being closer to her wand would reveal its location.

Evidently, any other creatures here seemed unwilling to impede his search, either having seen what he had done to the Grindylows or had fled with them. Not that he was complaining. He certainly had no desire to fight off an ambush.

He stilled as a new presence was felt, one so very similar to Fleur's but also different. With a frown, he carefully cut through the thicket of plant life and breathed a sigh of relief as he managed to find her wand amongst them.

" Very well done, Harry. Locating another's wand just by feel is an exceptional feat. They are known to actively hide from those they do not belong to."

" I didn't know that you were an expert on wandlore."

" I am not, but how often do you here of people losing their wand, let alone finding one that does not belong to them?"

Harry conceded the point with a shrug as he picked up the wand, surprised by the warmth he felt emanating from it. He slid it into his holster and began the journey back to where he had vowed to avoid, his promise lasting all of fifteen minutes.

When he arrived back at the statue, it was to find only Gabrielle remaining with Diggory and Krum having managed to retrieve their own hostages. He couldn't blame them for leaving the little girl behind as he had done the same but seeing her alone and in such a helpless position angered him. He had no doubt that measures had been put in place so that no permanent harm would come to the hostages, though it offered him no comfort in this moment.

The bottom line was that a girl not even old enough or able enough to defend herself should they unthinkable had been left here defenceless.

With that thought permeating, he approached and found himself faced with a trio of mermen before he could reach herm each brandishing a trident and shaking their heads. The one at the front held up a single finger, the message that he would only be allowed to take his own clear.

With his patience being test, he held his wand aloft and sent up a small spark of electricity, not powerful enough to cause harm but to show that he could if he chose to.

The jolt scattered the creatures and he was left to retrieve the girl. After cutting away the ropes that secured her to the base of the statue, he took her in his arms and kicked towards the surface, aware that he had likely missed the deadline for his return.

He cared not. Fleur had been in trouble and he did not want the girl he cradled to his chest to be here longer than necessary. If the judges were to penalise him, so be it.

With how small and light Gabrielle was, he managed to surface much quicker than he had with Fleur and Terry and she woke with a gasp as the latter had.

" Where am I?" she garbled in French.

Not understanding what she had said, Harry soothed her.

"It's alright. I'm taking you back to your parents."

Gabrielle faced him, her eyes widening.

"'Arry?" she questioned, "where is Fleur?"

"She ran into a bit of trouble, but she's okay," he assured the girl. "Can you swim?"

"Not very well," she answered, blushing at the position she found herself in.

"Then you'd better hold on tight," he advised as he pointed his wand behind him.

Focusing, he used a powerful burst of wind to propel them both towards the shore, the girl shrieking in a mixture of fright and excitement at the ride she was receiving.

When they arrived, they were greeted by a loud round of applause and cheering as he carried her from the water towards the waiting Delacour's and Madame Pomfrey.

"Is she okay? Is she 'urt?" Fleur questioned frantically, trying to escape the grasp of her father who offered him a respectful nod.

"She's fine," Harry assured her as Madame Pomfrey fell upon him and he released the girl into the waiting arms of her mother.

"And yourself, Mr Potter? Are you any worse for wear?" the matron asked.

Harry shook his head.

"I'm fine," he answered. "Not a scratch."

The woman pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes before accepting his word and taking her leave.

"Well, I don't know if I should be flattered or worried that I would be the person you missed the most," Terry broke in with a chuckle. "Either way, thanks for getting me out."

"Shut up, Terry," Harry grumbled. "I wish I bloody left you down there now."

"You wound me, Harry. How is a boy supposed to know where he stands with such mixed messages?" Terry questioned, clutching his chest dramatically.

"I'll put you back in the lake if you don't shut up," Harry warned.

Terry grinned before nodding at something over his shoulder and walking away to do whatever he did when he was irritating him.

"Why did you 'elp me?" Fleur's voice broke into his thoughts.

He turned to face the girl who wore a look of confusion.

"I was hardly going to watch you be killed, was I?" he returned.

"Non, but you got your 'ostage. Why did you go back for Gabrielle?"

"Because I didn't want her left down there longer than she needed to be and I knew that you would be worried about her," he added quietly.

Fleur nodded as she raised an eyebrow at him.

" So, you do care. Why have you been such an idiot? Why have you ignored me all these weeks, 'Arry Potter?" she demanded, prodding him in the chest.

Harry's mouth fell agape at the furious onslaught as Fleur's eyes took on a distinctively avian quality about them. He understood nothing of what said other than his name.

" Fleur!" Sebastien intervened, chastising his daughter with a glare. "Now is not the time. We will talk this evening, now go to your sister."

Fleur deflated, her eyes returning to normal as she nodded and turned away from the boy.

"Fleur?" Harry called.

She turned towards him once more and he flicked her wand into his hand before offering it to her.

"You got my wand too?" she whispered.

Harry nodded and she gave him a sad smile with what could only be described as a look of longing.

"Thank you," she said as she left.

"You 'ave my thanks also, 'Arry, for 'elping Fleur and bringing back Gabrielle," Sebastien added.

Any dismissal Harry may have given was cut off by the booming voice of Ludo Bagman addressing the crowd.


Fleur accepted the decision with no protest, just a nod of acknowledgement.


The crowd clapped for the Durmstrang champion, none louder than Karkaroff.


Once more, the crowd clapped politely for the Hogwarts champion.


The crowd erupted once more in loud cheers, certainly louder than they had during the first task and he grimaced. He didn't care much for their approval.


"Congratulations, 'Arry, once again, your score is well deserved," Sebastien offered.

Harry nodded gratefully.

"Would you be able to meet with me later? There are some things that I would like to discuss with you," Sebastien questioned.

"I can," Harry agreed, doing his utmost to hide his reluctance.

It had now seemingly become a regular thing for the man to want to converse with him. He didn't dislike him, he just questioned why he was so interested.

"Thank you," Sebastien returned with a smile. "Come to the carriage at eight and we can talk there."

Harry vowed to bring his map to ensure he was not overheard. Just because Skeeter had been temporarily banned from writing, it did not mean she wouldn't seek opportunities for her return.

"'Arry?" another voice called before he could turn to leave.

He found himself staring into the relieved face of Apolline Delacour who closed the distance between them and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, for everything," she said.

Harry could only nod dumbly at the gesture, the warmth and magic washing over him causing a blush to form on his cheek.

As he walked away, however, he could only think about how very different it was from Fleur's. Hers too had been warm and her magic had invaded his senses, but it had held so much more.


" Will 'Arry not be joining us for lunch this time?" Gabrielle questioned as they headed towards the carriage with the task having been completed.

" Not today, Gabby," Sebastien answered. "How're you feeling?"

Gabrielle bounced on her feet excitedly as she walked.

" I was saved by 'Arry Potter. Everyone will be really jealous."

Sebastien chuckled, his younger daughter showing no trauma from her experience in the lake, not the she remembered anything. The same could not be said for his eldest. She had been silent since Harry had returned her wand and it had not left her hand. As she remained in step, her eyes did not wander from it.

" Do not be hard on yourself, little flower. What happened to you could have happened to any other."

Fleur was shaken from her thoughts as she nodded.

" I panicked. I took the clue too seriously and was ambushed," she sighed, annoyed by her own naivety but accepting her loss, nonetheless. "I did not deserve any points."

" You deserved what you were scored," Sebastien countered. "Do not think on it too much. I am still very proud that you did all you could to get to your sister."

Fleur offered her father a wry smile. She had almost died to save Gabrielle and would have if necessary. The little girl was a nuisance at times, but she meant the world to Fleur.

" Anyway, your mother has packed more than enough food for us so we can stay in the carriage for lunch. Do you feel up to it?"

" Oui, it will be nice to have another meal with you before you leave," Fleur answered.

It was difficult being away from her family so much, especially that there was no one else here she felt she could really talk to anymore. Marie and Fae were fine day to day, but they didn't fully understand her, not like her parents and sister did.

Lunch turned out to be a quiet affair. Fleur was simply content to have her family around her for a while longer before she was once more left on her own. When they were finished, her father released a deep sigh, appearing to be more tired than usual.

" Gabrielle, would you like to go to the village with your mother? Perhaps you can pick out a birthday present for your grandmother."

" Oui," the girl said excitedly as she practically pulled Apolline from the room .

Fleur watched her father intently as his face flittered between several emotions before settling into one of worry.

" We need to talk, little flower, about 'Arry," he declared almost apologetically.

" There is nothing to say," Fleur returned heatedly.

" Non, there is much to say," he countered firmly.

It wasn't often he'd needed to take this approach with his children, not unless they were being particularly stubborn. She was upset by the situation, and as a father, he was not blind to it. She, however, needed to understand many things. His priority was making sure she was okay, whether she wanted to discuss the matter or not. As things were, it was clear that she wasn't, and he could not leave the subject any longer.

"' Arry has made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with me. Today was the first time he has spoken to me in weeks and it was only to give my wand back."

Sebastien shook his head.

" Have you ever wondered why he is the way he is?" he asked gently. "There is much about him you do not understand, little flower."

" I know that he is an orphan and that his family did not like him," she huffed.

" Non, there is much more to it than that. His childhood cannot have been a happy one. Did you see the scars on his back?"

Fleur nodded.

" To scar so deeply, it must have been terrible for his magic not to fix it. Muggle injuries do not scar a wizard like that, not unless his magic was weak when he got them, or they were very bad. I think we can both agree that he is not weak, non?"

" He is not weak," she agreed.

" For reasons I will explain, I have been making discreet enquiries about his childhood. DO you want to know what I found?"

Fleur frowned, wondering why her father was taking such an interest in Harry.

" Not a thing," Sebastien declared irritably. "In the muggle world, 'Arry Potter has never visited a doctor, a dentist or an optician. It is as though he did not exist. The injuries from those scars would have needed medical attention."

" Maybe he was taken to a healer?"

Sebastien shook his head.

" He has not been to a healer since he was a year old, not even after surviving the attack that killed his parents. It is as though he vanished entirely."

" Maybe he was hidden to keep him safe. He could have been given a fake name," Fleur replied.

" It is a possibility," Sebastien conceded, "but I think not. It would partly explain he is the way he is, just not all of it."

" It doesn't matter, papa…"

" It matters to me and to you whether you admit it or not," Sebastien cut her off before taking a breath to compose himself. "You cannot discuss with anyone what I am about to tell you. It will cause panic and the wrong people must not hear of it. Do you understand?"

Fleur nodded, concerned by the severity in which her father spoke. It was not like him at all.

" I believe the reason 'Arry pushes people away is because he knows that Voldemort is not dead."

Fleur snorted.

" He died the night he attacked 'Arry," Fleur pointed out.

" Non, he did not, little flower. Twice more he has tried to kill 'Arry since he came to this school. He has been lucky to survive."

Fleur stared at her father in disbelief, trying to determine if this was his idea of a poor joke. Judging by his grim demeanour, he truly believed what he had said.

" How did you learn this?"

" Dumbledore told me and Madame Maxime. I came to thank him for dealing with the Prophet for what they printed about you and he told me he had advised against you seeing each other anymore. I wanted to know why, and Dumbledore explained."

" Why would he do that?" Fleur questioned.

" I think he fought so hard to have the tournament reinstated to build allies for when Voldemort manages to return. Not that he will get help from the Bulgarians nor us unless it becomes necessary."

" And he is still after 'Arry?" Fleur questioned.

" It makes sense that he would want to deal with the person that was his downfall," Sebastien mused aloud. "What I don't understand, however, is why he went after him in the first place."

Fleur shrugged, a deep well of fear forming in her stomach at the revelation.

" So, he is scared?"

" I believe so and he has never had anyone care for him before. He does not know how to handle it. I think he is preparing for him to come back. I don't know if he wants to kill him or just be able to keep him away, but he is waiting for it to happen. My guess is he does not want anyone to get hurt by being around him."

" Poor, 'Arry," Fleur mumbled. "It is not fair, has he not suffered enough?"

Sebastien nodded.

" He has, little flower. He has spent his life alone with all this hanging over him. Do you understand why he is the way he is now?"

Fleur nodded sadly.

" It doesn't mean he should have to do it alone," she huffed irritably.

" It is not me that needs convincing."

" Is there nothing we can do to help him?"

Sebastien smiled, having expected nothing less from his daughter.

" I have already told Dumbledore I can keep him safe in France if 'Arry wishes. I hope that he will accept eventually."

Fleur shook her head.

" He will not," she sighed, "He is stubborn."

" More than you?"

Fleur scowled at the man but nodded.

" Will you try to convince him?"

" I will," Sebastien confirmed. "He should not have to deal with him. It should be the ministry's job."

" Won't that make us a target?"

Sebastien shook his head.

" It is not as though I will advertise that he is with us. I just want to give him the opportunity to be safe, something that he has never had."

Fleur offered her father a warm smile. He was the best man she knew, his heart always open to those in need.

" So, what are you going to do?"

" We will speak to him this evening. I have invited him here. For now, get some rest. I will catch up with your mother and sister," he explained before pressing his lips to her head and taking his leave.

" Oh, 'Arry," Fleur muttered sadly.

He had endured so much at such a young age, and yet, there was more to come. She wondered how he managed to keep everything together with what he faced.

Now that she knew why, it was no surprise he was the way he was.


Harry arrived at the Beauxbatons' carriage at the appointed time, pondering why he had agreed to speak to Sebastien. He didn't have anything against him, but he was curious to see why the man had taken such an interest in him. Yes, he'd had dinner with him and his family, but they hadn't conversed much beyond that.

Knocking on the door, he was greeted by the man in question a moment later.

"'ello, 'Arry, please, come in," Sebastien offered, stepping aside.

Harry did so and found himself inside a large building, the enchantments concealing what was within very well.

"Madame Maxime 'as allowed us use of 'er office," Sebastien explained as he led him down a long corridor. "It would not do for us to be over'eard, non?"

Harry frowned and nodded. He had consulted the map before he had left the castle and had not seen any people in the area to give him pause.

Pausing at one of the doors and unlocking it with a tap of his wand, Sebastien gestured for him to enter and take a seat.

"I do not believe you are on to respect stalling tactics, so I will get to the point, 'Arry. I know that Voldemort is still alive, and I know that you know it too," he opened the conversation without preamble and took a seat a short distance away.

Harry had not known what to expect from this conversation, but this certainly was not it.

"You do not 'ave to say anything. Dumbledore 'as said all that needs to be. I would, 'owever, like to 'ear it from your side, 'Arry."

Harry released a deep breath as he shook his head.

"Why? It isn't going to make any difference. He's out there and he wants me dead. What more is there to say?"

"Is that why you told Fleur that you should not spend time together?"

" Yes," Tom answered for him.

Reluctantly, Harry nodded.

"I don't want to see her in danger and that's what will happen if she spends time around me," he answered honestly.

"I can respect that," Sebastien returned with a nod, "but do you not think that it should be 'er decision also?"

Harry frowned at the man.

"I would have thought you would not have wanted her near me."

Sebastien deflated.

"Most fathers would not, 'Arry, but for me, it is different. My little flower 'as not 'ad it easy, much like yourself. When she came 'ere and told me of you, I was pleased that she 'ad found someone other than family to speak to without 'er 'eritage being a problem. She spoke of you fondly in 'er letters 'ome and I knew that she would come to care for you. When a veela cares for you 'Arry, it comes with responsibility. They are creatures of love and passion and neither is easy to earn from them. You were not to know of this, of course, why would you? But it is true. I do not believe Fleur understood it either and since you 'ave not spoken, she 'as been very un'appy. As a father, it is difficult to see 'er this way."

"I did it to keep her safe," Harry defended.

"Oui, I know but I would like to see 'er 'appy and safe, 'Arry. You can say that I am selfish, but it is all I 'ave ever wanted for both my daughters. That is why I want you make you an offer, one that I 'ope you will consider carefully."

Harry waited for the man to continue.

"I would like you to stop this foolishness, stop pushing 'er away. I think that you both deserve better than this," Sebastien began. "I would also like you to consider allowing me to shelter you from the end of the school year. I could keep you safe and away from 'im. For once, 'Arry, you do not 'ave to worry about 'im coming for you."

Harry released a deep breath, as a strange warmth spread throughout him.

"I appreciate the offer, Mr Delacour but I think you are mistaken. I don't want to hide from him when he comes back, I want to personally put an end to him. After what he has done to me, no one has more right to that. "

Sebastien was taken aback by the anger in his eyes, the green almost glowing with the desire in which he spoke.

"As for Fleur, what good would it do for her if I was to die? Let's face it, there's a strong chance that could happen. I don't want to see her hurt in any way because of me but I will take the lesser of the two evils. It can't be any other way, I'm not worth that."

"DO NOT SAY THAT!" Sebastien shouted as he banged his fist on the desk.

Harry flinched at the suddenly raised voice and Sebastien took several breaths to calm himself.

"I'm sorry 'Arry. I should not 'ave shouted," he sighed. "But why would you think that?"

Harry shrugged.

"When you spend most of your life hearing it, it's hard to think otherwise."

Sebastien nodded.

"I know. I was made to feel the same when I was a boy. It was not until I met my wife that I felt worthy of anything. I was like you once, 'Arry, not the same, of course, but similar in many ways. That is why I care about what 'appens to you, not just because of Fleur but it 'urts me to see you think so little of yourself. 'Ave you never thought about a family of your own or what you will do when you defeat 'im?"

Harry shook his head.

"No. I won't allow myself to, not until it is within reach."

"You should," Sebastien advised. "It is much better to 'ave something to fight for. As a father I am asking you to reconsider and as a man who 'as felt what you are feeling, let me 'elp you. As little or as much as you need."

"As you 'ave said to me, everything is not about you, 'Arry," a voice broke in from the doorway.

Harry turned to find himself faced with a half angry half upset veela, her blue eyes staring pleadingly into his own.

"If you can tell me that you do not care for me, I will accept it, but if you cannot, I will 'ound you until the end of your days, 'Arry Potter," she vowed.

Sebastien fought a smirk as Harry stared at his daughter.

" She's got you there," Tom chuckled. "Tell her, Harry. Tell her that you do not care for her at all and watch her crumble," he mocked, knowing that Harry could not do such a thing.

Harry shook his head.

"I can't do that," he admitted.

"Merlin, you are an idiot," Fleur huffed "I do not know why I put up with it. You will start by apologising to me and you will not ignore me anymore."

She became so worked up that se began rambling in French after and Harry could only stare in shock as she laid into him in a language he did not understand.

"Do I make myself clear?" she asked, breathing heavily.

"Erm, I think so," Harry replied. "My French still isn't very good."

Fleur muttered under her breath. He understood the word 'pig' but little else.

"My offer will stay open to you. 'Arry. I do 'ope you think about it. A word of advice; although veela are very caring and warm creatures, they are also a massive pain to deal with when you upset them. I wouldn't make an 'abit of it. Fleur is the worst of the three I live with," he added before patting him on the shoulder and leaving the room.

Harry turned and faced the girl who continued to stare at him expectantly.

"Well?" she questioned. "I am waiting for an apology."

Harry could only shake his head in disbelief. He was expected to be able to defeat Voldemort, and yet, the glare of a girl not much older than himself had him stilled.

But then again, Fleur Delacour was not just any girl, something he was beginning to learn all too well.