Chapter 21: Summer's End Part Two

Table of Contents

Summer's End Part Two


And here is another one for you guys and the start of Harry's fifth year.

Anyway, do check out my other social media where there is a tonne of things going on with lots more to follow.

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This chapter is dedicated to Shane Day, another higher tier patron of mine x

With his return to school fast approaching, Harry was determined to enjoy what remained of his time away from the castle, the time he had left with the Delacours, all of whom he had grown very fond of over the weeks he had been here.

He had not expected to spend as much time within their home as he had and any time the subject of him leaving was broached, there was always a reason for him to stay. Whether that was Gabrielle insisting he remained for another couple of days with a pout he could not say no to, or Apolline and Sebastien making it clear they did not want him to leave, something kept him here. Not that he minded, he merely did not want to feel that he was intruding upon them.

When he voiced that concern, it had been readily and vehemently dismissed by both parents who, for whatever reason, seemed to like having him around. It was an odd thing to the boy who had spent much of his life being shunned, by people that were supposed to want him no less. The Delacours had no such obligation to him, and yet, here they were making him feel more welcome than his own family had. It was a rather bittersweet feeling, and one he struggled to comprehend.

Though Apolline, Sebastien and Gabrielle had seemingly done all they could to get him to stay, Fleur had said nothing to convince him to do so. She had assured him that it wasn't that she didn't want him here, but she would understand if he felt he needed some time to himself.

That conversation had been so unlike the one he had shared with Aline. With her, he had been somewhat guarded, but not with Fleur.


The two of them were seated by the pool having returned from the beach the previous day. Aline had left for her own home only this morning and the day had been spent unpacking at a rather leisurely pace and doing little else. Sebastien had aptly named it the holidays blues, the time in which you return home but you're not ready to return to the mundanity of day to day life.

"Something is bothering you," Fleur muttered, breaking into his thoughts as she extracted herself from his chest.

"Lots of things bother me," he replied with a smirk.

She raised an eyebrow in his direction, and he deflated.

Many things did bother him, that was no lie, but they bothered him more so with each day that passed when he would return Britain and could no longer put them to the back of his mind, could no longer live in ignorance without thoughts of Voldemort plaguing him and the monumental task he had to undertake.

Those thoughts, he could ignore. He had accepted long ago that it would one day come down to him and the Dark Lord and he never expected such a thing to be as simple as striking the man down. No, it was the changes in his life that distracted him.

The loss of Tom, the adjustments he had to make, the Horcruxes…

There was much he needed to deal with, some of which would take time.

"There is a lot bothering me and I don't really know where to begin," he sighed.

She offered him a sad smile.

"I know, 'Arry. I see you lose yourself up there," she replied, placing the tip of her finger on his temple. "If you need more time…"

He shook his head.

"No, it's not that. Everything is just different and it's taking me time to get used to it."

"You mean us?"

"Not us, but other things," he answered cryptically. "It's complicated and I want to tell you, and I will one day. I'm just not ready, not yet."

She nodded.

"Only when you are ready."

He smiled as he held her close to him once more.

Not once had she pushed him to share his thoughts and feelings, nor had they discussed Voldemort and what he faced when he returned. She knew that she would not be able to prevent him doing what he would. It was as though there was a silent agreement between them, one that could not remain so indefinitely.

One day, it would be discussed, but today was not it and tomorrow not likely either. For now, neither wanted to voice their thoughts on the matter. To do so would mar what they were building between them, whatever that may be, and neither wanted to be responsible for that.

"You will know everything one day. I just need to come to terms with it first."

She simply nodded against his chest in understanding. Were it a pressing thing, he would tell her and would do so when the time was right for him.

End Flashback

"Are you sure you do not want a croissant, 'Arry?" the voice of Apolline shook him from his reverie.

"No, thank you," he answered, giving Fleur's hand a squeeze under the table as she looked at him worriedly. "I don't understand how you eat pastries for breakfast. They should be a dessert."

"Watch it, 'Arry," Sebastien warned. "You do not want a lecture from 'er as to 'ow uncultured you British are."

Apolline's hands were firmly on her hips as she was seemingly preparing to do just that. With a playful glare at her husband, she took her seat and began tearing strips off the sweet treat before popping them into her mouth.

"It's scary how much you look like her," Harry said to Fleur. "I remember when you did that with the bacon."

"You said I would get fat," Fleur reminded him.

"No, I said it to Hedwig."

"And then to me."

"See, there's that face," he said triumphantly, gesturing between the girl and her mother.

"It is uncanny," Sebastien agreed.

"Oh, 'Arry, did you not learn your lesson to not upset a creature of fire?" Apolline asked almost demurely.

The woman had been furious with Fleur when she had seen the burn scars on his arm and quite the heated argument had broken out between the two. It wasn't until Fleur reminded her that she too had once lost her composure and almost immolated Sebastien that the woman reluctantly conceded the point.

Still, she had not been happy for several days and had fussed over him more than usual. It wasn't until he explained the situation that she had calmed. This, however, was the first time she had referred to what had happened without chastising her daughter.

"I do not think 'e 'as, Maman," Gabrielle piped up.

"Bloody hell, you can't win here," Harry grumbled as the three veela stared at him amusedly.

"Non, 'Arry, you cannot," Sebastien chuckled.

Fleur smiled sweetly at him before shoving half a pastry into her mouth, reminding him of 'the cake incident'.

He opened his mouth to speak but was prevented doing so by the girl as she held her hand up to silence him whilst she finished her mouthful of food.

"I would choose your words carefully, 'Arry Potter," she warned. "I know you well enough to know that you were going to say something that would get you in trouble."

"I was not," he denied.

She hummed in disbelief as she took another, more delicate bite of her breakfast this time, waiting to see if he would continue.

Any further back and forth between the two was interrupted by a gentle tapping on the kitchen window. Sebastien admitted the owl with a flick of his wand, and it landed next to Fleur with its missive presented.

"It must be my results," she whispered nervously as she relieved the large tawny of the burden.

It promptly exited through the still open window leaving Fleur staring at the roll of parchment she held in her hands.

"I think you're worrying over nothing," Harry offered as he took the pastry from her other hand and took a bite. "If you've failed anything, I'll eat Hedwig."

"You will not," Gabrielle said hotly.

"It would be quite rude to eat something you are related to," he mused aloud, eliciting a scowl from the girl.

Sebastien snorted as Fleur glared at him.

"That is one too many bird jokes from you, 'Arry," she chided, the corners of her mouth tugging slightly as she broke the seal holding the scroll together.

"It stopped you feeling nervous."

She shook her head before turning her attention to the unrolled parchment. She released a deep sigh of relief and handed it to her father who smiled.

" I'm very proud of you, my little flower. I think this calls for a celebration."

She blushed under the praise as her mother also read the missive and stepped around the table to give her a tight hug.

" I did not expect anything less from you," she whispered

" Thank you, Maman."

"I'll take it you did well?"

Fleur nodded.

"I got all nine and top grades in everything except 'Erbology."

"Even Transfiguration?"

She nodded once more. That had been the one she had been least confident with. Harry had spent hours with her working on it.

"Thanks to you. You should become a Professor, you're a good teacher."

"I've thought about it. I've got to get through my mastery first before I can even consider it."

"Is that something you want to do, 'Arry?" Sebastien questioned.

"I'm still not decided," he replied with a shrug.

"Speaking of your apprenticeship, shouldn't you have received a letter about it by now? You only 'ave a few days before you go back," Apolline reminded him.

"Oh, McGonagall gave me a letter the night before my trial. I completely forgot about it until now."

"Is there anything you need to get or prepare in advance? I will need to go shopping tomorrow and can take you with me," Apolline offered.

"I didn't read it," he admitted sheepishly. "I should probably do that now."

"You should," Apolline sighed.

He went to his room and retrieved the letter from his trunk where he had placed it with the locket, another thing he would need to deal with when he returned to the castle along with collecting the diadem.

Pushing thoughts of the horcruxes aside, he returned to the kitchen with the missive in hand and took his seat as he opened it.

The first piece of parchment was the standard Hogwarts letter one would receive every year. Having already completed his OWLS, his required reading list was different to what his peers would have gotten. He had been instructed to get the NEWT test for the subjects he would be continuing with along with additional texts for charms and transfiguration, though the letter informed him that others would be provided.

Inside the envelope was two more pieces of parchment, the first being a note from Professors McGonagall and Flitwick.

Dear Harry,

We would both like to once again extend our congratulations to you on your results and express how proud we are of you.

We are currently working on a tailored timetable for yourself, which will be discussed the morning after you arrive back to Hogwarts.

Further information regarding your apprenticeship with us and what it shall entail will follow also.

For now, enjoy your summer break and we look forward to seeing you in September.

Warmest regards,

Professor Minerva McGonagall

Professor Filius Flitwick

He placed the note with his list and released an audible groan as he read the final piece of parchment.

"What is it, 'Arry?" Apolline asked.

"Why would they make me a prefect?" he despaired as he upturned the envelope and a gold badge with a blue P was deposited into his palm.

"I thought being a prefect was a good thing?" Gabrielle said, confused by his reaction.

"It is," Fleur confirmed.

"I don't want to spend my evenings looking out for people hiding in broom closets or dealing with the Weasleys."

"Why would people be 'iding in broom closets?" Gabrielle enquired.

"Never you mind," Sebastien huffed. "Why is it such a bad thing, 'Arry?"

"It is not. You should be proud of yourself," Apolline urged.

"I suppose so," Harry grumbled, not seeing any benefit to the position.

"Your professors clearly think you will be a good role model for the younger students."

Harry snorted.

"I have broken more rules there than most, but I suppose there must be some good that will come of this," he added, eying the badge as though it had been horribly cursed.

"Then we will 'ave a double celebration," Sebastien declared, "For both of you."

"You should not see it as a bad thing. I am sure you were chosen for a reason," Apolline comforted as she wrapped her arms around Harry and placed a kiss on his cheek.

He shrugged as Fleur smiled encouragingly at him.

"I think you will do a good job. You could always scare the naughty children with your snakes."

He grinned at the thought. His spy network will love the new role and would do most of his work for him. Them, along with the map, will make being a prefect rather easy.

Still, he questioned why he had been chosen?

Dumbledore and Flitwick would know that he wouldn't relish the position so they would not have appointed him without a very good reason.

Something told him that it was not as positive as the Delacours believed, but only time would tell. He would know in only a few days.


"I'm going to miss you, 'Arry."

He pulled her into his arms, conscious that her parents and sister were stood only a dozen feet away, though they did their best to give them a moment of privacy.

"I'll miss you too," he returned sincerely, an uncomfortable weight setting into his stomach at the thought of leaving them all behind.

The celebration they'd had for Fleur's results and his being named prefect had been the last time they had spent an evening together as a group.

Sebastien had been working tirelessly for the ICW as a series of strange disappearances had been occurring across Europe and the giants seemed to have mobilised from their home in the mountains on the west side of France, all without any official explanation.

Harry knew why, as did Sebastien who made a final plea for Harry to remain away from Britain; an offer that only became more tempting with each unwelcome development.

As much as he would like to, he couldn't. Thoughts of his parents, of Tom and all those that would suffer would not allow him to walk away. Above all else, he wanted to be the one to put an end to Voldemort and to do so on his own terms. If he did not, he knew that it would consume him. As selfish as he was being, it simply had to be him.

He had managed to go to the French magical shopping district in Paris the day after the celebration, though it was out of necessity. Due to his growth over the summer months, he had need of being fitted for new robes, something he had thankfully checked whilst arranging his trunk for the coming year.

Once again, he found himself in disguise as he perused the various wares on offer, and though he purchased little, he was looking forward to returning in the future.

Now, however, his time with the Delacours had come to an end and his inevitable return to Hogwarts and Britain had arrived.

"Please, be careful," Fleur whispered.

He nodded.

"I will," he promised, "and I will speak to you every day and even write."

She smiled sadly.

"It won't be the same."

"What if I come and visit, as much as I can?"

"Will it be every day?"

He chuckled and shook his head causing her to pout.

"It's not enough then."

"And there's the spoilt princess coming out."

She narrowed her eyes at him but giggled, nonetheless.

"I am not spoilt, 'Arry, I just like 'aving you around. Is that such a bad thing?"

" Non, it is not a bad thing. I quite like being around you."

" Then why are you leaving? You don't have to do this," she choked.

He squeezed a little tighter not knowing what else to say. How did he explain the mess that had been his life? Would she understand or think him unstable?

He shook his head.

If anyone would understand, it would be her. She knew him better than any, had learnt to read his moods and despite everything, she only wanted him more, a sentiment he could readily return.

It was not the veela he saw when he looked at her but a beautiful, intelligent and passionate young woman that made him feel worth something for the first time in his life, made him feel that he was not merely a burden to be tolerated.

Tom had been the same in many ways but different also. With Fleur, she was there because she wanted to be not because she was obliged to be or a voice that dwelled within him.

" You won't forget about me, non?"

There was the insecurity, the vulnerability of a girl that had been scorned by her peers and most others she had encountered in life. As strong as she was, it hadn't come without a price, and he was sorely reminded of that in this moment.

It was not only the adversity she had to overcome to be here, it was also her nature and the words of Aline played over in his mind:

" She is a veela 'Arry. She is different to you. She will give you 'er 'eart fully, and for 'er, there will likely never be another. Are you prepared for that?"

He nodded to himself.

" Of course, I won't forget you. I couldn't even if I wanted to."

" I will hold you to that, 'Arry," she sighed. "I think my parents would like to say goodbye to you too."

She beckoned to them and they approached.

Gabrielle closed the distance between them with a sprint and flung herself into his arms, almost sending him sprawling as she fired off a string of French he could not understand. He was improving but quickly lost the thread of a conversation if it sped up. Gabrielle spoke quickly and more so when she was either angry or upset.

" You will have to slow down, Gabby," Sebastien snorted.

The girl blushed as she frowned at her father.

"I don't want you to go, 'Arry," she huffed.

Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"You will still see me. I'm not going away forever."

She nodded as Sebastien pulled her back gently, though the words seemed to offer little comfort.

Apolline approached next and took his hands in her own.

"Please, be safe, 'Arry. I do not like the thought of you walking into danger."

He gave her smile.

"It's not so dangerous, for now. He is hiding and won't come out until he is ready. That could take years and he won't do anything to risk being exposed."

She nodded unhappily.

"It does not mean I 'ave to like you going back," she returned. "Just come back whenever you like, non? There is Christmas and our new year ball. I'd like you to be there for both if you don't have other plans?"

"I will need to see Sirius, but I can be here," he replied.

"Good. Then I will see you soon, 'opefully before?"

"I'm sure I can get out of the castle without any problems."

The woman shook her head.

"I cannot condone you sneaking out of school, but I will pretend that you 'ave permission, non?"

He grinned in response eliciting a sigh from the older veela.

"You 'ave a very mischievous side to you, 'Arry. I think I need to keep an eye on that."

"You can blame my father for that, apparently," he chuckled. "From what I know about my mother, she stuck to the rules."

Apolline hummed as Sebastien stepped forward.

"It is almost time," he announced as he pointed to his watch.

It was ten-thirty and he needed to be on the train. Were it not for the prefect meeting, he would have arrived at Hogsmeade on his own volition later in the day.

"I should go."

"Oui, but I 'ave something for you," Sebastien said as he removed a small box from within his robes. "I 'ad a friend make this for you. It is a portkey that will bring you 'ere. I do not think it will work in 'Ogwarts but should most other places."

He opened the box to reveal a black ring inscribed with various runes.

"It will also send a message to mine," he explained showing one adorning his own finger. "If you are in trouble and can't escape, press your thumb onto it and say my name. I will be able to find you."

"Thank you, Sebastien," Harry offered gratefully as he placed it on one of his fingers.

"I only wish for you to be safe. Please do not go looking for trouble if you can 'elp it, 'Arry. There are a lot of people that care about what 'appens to you," he finished, gesturing to the rest of his family around them.

"I won't go looking for him, not yet," he promised.

He was not ready to do so. Before he would be, there were other things that he needed to do first and he still had much to improve on. Voldemort was leagues above him in skill and it would take time until he would be able to face him with any hope of putting an end to the monster permanently. That didn't mean he could not deal with the horcruxes in the interim.

"Good, then I can let you go knowing that I will be seeing you soon, oui?"

"You will."

Sebastien nodded as he offered his hand.

"It 'as been wonderful 'aving you 'ere with us and you can come back whenever you like. I'm sure Fleur would appreciate it."

Harry accepted the proffered limb.

"I'll visit her, and the rest of you. Thank you for having me and being so welcoming, Sebastien."

"Remember, anytime you wish, 'Arry. I mean that. If I 'ad my way, I would keep you 'ere but I know you will not. As much as I wish you could let it all go, that is not who you are, 'Arry Potter. Just, be safe and remember we are 'ere for you whenever you need."

He could only nod as Fleur once more threw herself into his arms and all but squeezed the air from his lungs.

"I will write to you tonight," he gasped.

"And use the orbs?"

"And that," he chuckled. "I will be back before you know it."

She released him reluctantly and he offered them a final smile before activating his portkey, the smile setting into a hard line as he arrived at Hogsmeade and apparated to London, a short distance from Kings Cross.

The muggles milled around him, going about their days unaware of the danger that could lurk in any corner. Men in suits talked away on phones as they dragged wheeled suitcases behind them and women chatted, seated outside coffee shops without a care in the world.

Any modicum of relaxation Harry had felt whilst in France had all but vanished as he arrived in Britain, his eyes scanning the crowd in suspicion, his body tense and wand ready to be used.

As much as he denied the danger to the Delacours, Britain was not safe, and he had no intention of assuming otherwise until he looked upon the corpse of Voldemort.

Giving a final fleeting glance at an oddly dressed man by one of the ticket barriers, he leaned casually against the pillar between platforms nine and ten and emerged into another crowd, this one of his own kind, though they too were seemingly unaware of the peril they were in.

Evidently, they were happy to remain ignorant of Voldemort's return, at least until they could no longer be so. He would show himself eventually and they would look to a leader who had already proven his ineptitude to lead them.

Harry felt nothing for them other than pity. If they were foolish enough to follow Fudge, then whatever ills befell them were there's to handle. He would not treat kindly those that would undoubtedly look to him and those that followed the Dark Lord much worse.

He had often dreamed about the night in the graveyard and the cruelty he had been subjected to, not only the physical, but the laughter and mocking of the robed men as he was helpless.

They would feel the same too if he happened upon them. He knew of them all; Tom had been meticulous in the names he had provided and the various ways in which each could be dealt with.

He had not voiced his intentions to any but being here and having those dreams goad him steeled his resolve.

A dozen or so plans formed in his mind and he shook himself of them. It would not do to dwell on such things now, not when other matters required his attention. Besides, it wasn't as though he would likely encounter them unless in a scenario that would be, or soon erupt into violence.

Fighting the urge to draw his wand and seek them out, he entered the train and secured a compartment for himself. Before he could seal it, however, he was tapped sharply on the shoulder.

"Bloody hell, Harry, I tried writing to you almost every day over the summer, but the owl kept coming back."

"Sorry, Terry, it's been a weird few months," he replied, sliding his wand back into his holster.

The boy shook his head as he took a seat.

"I saw you, when she brought you back. I've not seen a dead body before, but you were gone. How are you here?"

Harry shrugged.

"It's complicated. I don't even understand it myself."

Terry released a deep breath.

"Mate, I've been worried. The only thing I've heard is what happened with the Wizengamot. My dad told me," he explained as Harry shot him a questioning look.

"Idiots," he grumbled.

"He believes you, Harry, and so do more people than you'd think. Just not enough to make a difference. He has moved my family to our holiday home in Portugal."

"A smart move."

Terry nodded.

"Anyway, I don't expect you want to bring all of that stuff up again," he said as he stood. "And congratulations for being made prefect. You'll do a better job than Corner or Goldstein.

"What about you?"

"I'd rather use the time to focus on my OWLS. I don't want to spend my evenings lurking around."

"Thanks, Terry, I'll remember that when I need to meet my detention quota for the week."

"You have those?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Would you like a week with Filch first or with Hagrid in the forest?"

Terry snorted.

"You wouldn't do that to me."

Harry simply raised an eyebrow in his direction, and he laughed.

"I'm glad you're okay, Harry. Maybe next time, just send me a letter to let me know, yeah?"

With that, Terry left, and Harry sealed the door with a series of locking charms and wards. He had a little bit of time before the prefect meeting and he wanted to use it to work on his occlumency and centre himself.

When he did pull himself from his efforts some time later, the train had left the station and he stood and checked his watch to see that he had only a few minutes to reach the carriage.

He had opted to not sit there for the duration of the journey. He liked the peace and quiet a solitary compartment offered and had no desire to exchange false pleasantries with the others.

Exiting his compartment and resealing it so it would not be lost to him, he was pleased to see the corridors bereft of students, thus, his walk to the front of the train was unhindered and he entered the prefect carriage just as the meeting was getting underway.

"Nice of you to join us, Potter," a seventh year, the new head boy according to his badge, greeted him disapprovingly.

Harry merely frowned in response as he took a seat next to Padma Patil, his fellow Ravenclaw prefect as he took note of the others within the compartment.

Garbed in the red and gold of Gryffindor were Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, the latter paying rapt attention to the head boy, her quill poised to take notes.

Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott had been selected for Hufflepuff. He'd had little to do with either of them over the years other than sharing a boat with the girl when he had arrived for his first year, though she was now a far cry from the pig-tailed eleven-year-old. She had blossomed into a rather attractive young lady.

His frown deepened as his eyes drifted towards the Slytherin prefects where Pansy Parkinson was seated as closely as possible to Draco Malfoy who was leering at him, his cockiness and arrogance somehow having seemingly doubled since he had last seen the boy so many months prior.

It was no surprise, in truth. He had always been cocksure and that would have only increased with the return of Voldemort. Undoubtedly, he felt as though he was more untouchable than ever, believing that the Dark Lord would care enough to keep him safe should any cause him upset.

Harry snorted lightly at him, shaking his head.

Did he expect Voldemort to waltz into Hogwarts and murder anyone that upset poor Draco?

Voldemort cared for only himself and Draco would soon learn that. Following the man was not a privilege, it was folly.

He was pulled from his musings by the head boy as he began speaking once more.

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate you all on earning your positions. Prefects are not chosen lightly. It is a role that comes with many responsibilities but benefits also, all of which are explained in these packs," he explained as he handed each of them a wad of parchment. "You will need to read those. It explains exactly what you can and cannot do and when you should defer to a professor."

"Why can't we give out detentions to students in other houses?" Malfoy questioned as he perused the handout.

"We could last year," the head boy answered with a shrug. "I was only told that has changed. You can still issue detentions to members of your own house and deduct up to five points from others. If you feel further punishment is warranted, you must bring it to the attention of the student's head of house."

"Only five points?" Parkinson probed.

"Its to prevent people abusing their power. You can take only five points from a single student in a forty-eight-hour period. If there are further instances that require more points to be taken, it must be cleared with…"

"The student's head of house," Malfoy finished disgustedly.

The head boy nodded.

"That badge does not give you unlimited power at Hogwarts. You are still expected to adhere to the same rules as other students and will receive equal or even worse punishments for any transgressions. You are here to act as a role model to younger students, not terrorise them."

Weasley snickered at the crestfallen Malfoy who glared at the redhead in turn.

"The only other thing we must establish," the head boy spoke loudly to head off any unpleasantness erupting between the two, "is your schedule for patrol at night. There are six prefects in each house from fifth to seventh year. For the most part, you will only be required to pull a late shift once a month. Sixth years will manage the remaining days as yourselves and the seventh years have exams to prepare for. You will be notified of when your stint will come a week in advance. This will be completed with the prefect in your house."

"If you have any other questions, you can find either one of us or speak to your head of house," a girl, the thus far silent head girl suggested. "For now, the sixth years are patrolling the train and the seventh will take over halfway through. Just be available if any students need help."

With the meeting ended, Harry exited the carriage, still none-the-wiser as to why anyone would want to be a prefect. With a shake of his head, he continued on his way.

It was when he was making his way into the carriage his compartment was in that he realised he was still being followed and had been since he had taken his leave from the prefect one.

He turned to be faced with the smug visage of Malfoy as Pansy Parkinson stood next to him. Behind them was Weasley and Granger who had seemingly followed also, for reasons he knew not.

"I'm surprised you came back. You'd better watch your back, Potter. My father…"

Any further words he wished to speak were cut off as Harry seized Malfoy by the throat with one hand and quickly cast a series of charms around them with the other. It would not keep people out for long but would give him enough time to have a private word with the boy.

"Your father is a snivelling, cowardly shit, just like you," he spat.

Malfoy gasped for breath, wide-eyed, as Harry pressed the tip of his wand to his temple.

"You seem to be under the impression that with Voldemort back, you are safe, that you can do whatever you want, and people will be too scared to correct you. You're wrong."

His gaze shifted to Granger who was struggling more than he expected to undo his work. Parkinson was pale and mute as Weasley was torn between intervening and letting the Slytherin get what was coming to him.

"I will tell you now, Malfoy, you are less safe than anyone else in this castle. Do you want to know why?"

Malfoy shook his head and Harry pointedly ignored it.

"I promised your father that I would end your line. That means anyone with the name Malfoy; your father, you and even your mother, are not safe from me. I will keep my word, Draco but I want you to live in the same fear that you seem to enjoy everyone else experiencing. I am going to kill you, you just won't know when it is coming."

"The Dark Lord…"

"Will also die by my hand but not likely before you. Write to your father Draco, write to Voldemort for all I care. Just remember, the less attention you draw to yourself, the longer you will live. If I hear even a whisper of you throwing your weight around and making a prick of yourself, you will answer to me. Do you understand?"

When an asinine comment was on the verge of being uttered, Harry tightened his grip.

"Do not make the mistake of thinking my words are empty, Malfoy. I killed three of his followers the night he returned. Your time will come but it doesn't have to be so soon. Take this as fair warning and if you ever attempt to hinder, mock or goad me again, I will not be so lenient."

For good measure, he rammed his head into the bridge of Malfoy's nose, sending him sprawling to the ground with a satisfying crunch of breaking bone.

"Do we have an understanding?"

Malfoy could only whimper as he nodded, a stream of blood spilling through his fingers as he attempted to stem the flow.

With a wave of his wand, he ended his spells and Malfoy scrambled away from him as quickly as he could, a trail of blood left in his wake.

"You're going to be in so much trouble," Hermione whispered furiously.

"Fuck, Malfoy," Harry grunted. "The pompous little shit got what he deserved."

"Bloody hell," Weasley exclaimed in awe. "I've dreamed about doing that for years now. What did you say to him?"

"That is between Draco and me. Let's just hope he listened."

Hermione frowned disapprovingly.

"I thought the ferret was going to piss himself," Ron said gleefully.

"It is not funny, Ronald. Harry could be expelled."

Harry shrugged indifferently.

He had barely been back in the country a few hours and he was already fed up. Perhaps he was getting close to having outgrown being at Hogwarts full time?

It was something he would have to ponder in the coming days and weeks.


"You have to do something, Albus," Minerva growled. "She has been here for a day and has made her intentions clear to all."

Dumbledore released a deep sigh as he shook his head.

Dolores had been appointed by the governors, the only applicant that had received unanimous approval, undoubtedly at the behest of Lucius Malfoy. Of course, the man would champion someone who could curb any truth to the knowledge that the Dark Lord had returned despite the fact she was not qualified to teach the subject.

"There is little that can be done, Minerva. Any prospective candidates were vetoed, and Cornelius took advantage of the very little influence he can have within the castle, though he will try to further it in the coming months."

"What can we do about it?"

"Very little. He has successfully turned opinion against me. Should he push for more, it is unlikely he will meet little resistance."

"We cannot allow that to happen!"

"It is, for now, out of our hands, Minerva. We must plan accordingly for when I will be forced to leave the castle."

"You can't believe it will come to that," the woman returned exasperatedly.

"It is almost inevitable."

Minerva could only shake her head as Severus's lip curled in distaste.

"What can we do, Albus? We can't just allow this to happen."

"You do as you always have, Minerva. You teach and allow me to manage these affairs. I would not see you ousted also. There is no other I would trust with the safety of our children."

Minerva nodded reluctantly.

"She will cause problems. You know why she is here, Albus."

"Indeed. I am relying on you to keep Harry away from her as much as possible. With him out of her classes, there should be little reason for them to interact."

"Does she truly bear a grudge against him?"

Dumbledore nodded sagely.

"For the reason that Harry is currently at odds with the Minister would be enough for her. Add to the fact that he humiliated her during his trial, she has quite the chip on her shoulder where he is concerned."

"Humiliated her?" Minerva pressed.

"I believe his exact words were that she was a nosy cow and a glorified note-taker with an overinflated sense of self-importance."

Minerva snorted unwittingly and even Snape fought the urge to grin.

"He was rather unflattering to the entire Wizengamot," Dumbledore continued with a frown. "I recently learned that he had been coached by none other than Arcturus Black on how to manage official meetings."

"Oh dear," Minerva sighed. "Potter already has quite the venomous tongue. I do not suppose the man urged caution and diplomacy?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

"He did not and took much glee in informing me of the lessons he gave. I dare say that Harry will not be welcomed by his peers when he accepts both his lordships in only two years."

"Both his lordships?" Snape questioned.

"Harry is due to inherit both the Potter and the Black titles when he comes of age. Arcturus urged Sirius to arrange it at his earliest convenience to ensure it does not fall to the Malfoys."

"Lucius will be most displeased," Minerva said knowingly.

"Speaking of which. I do need to bring a rather unpleasant altercation to your attention that took place on the train between Potter and Malfoy," Severus broke in severely.

"An altercation?"

"I do not know what was said as Potter charmed the area so none could hear, but words were had, and Malfoy was physically assaulted."

"He told you this?"

Severus shook his head.

"Miss Parkinson witnessed it and Draco refused to explain when I raised it with him. He is scared, headmaster. Whatever Potter said, it has frightened and left him with a broken nose from where he was headbutted."

Dumbledore frowned.

"I know Potter has a temper, but he wouldn't do such a thing without provocation," McGonagall defended. "Draco evidently bit off more than he could chew."

"He is arrogant, and with the return of the Dark Lord, it has only increased. I would, however, urge that we watch the pair closely. It would only cause further problems to deal with should Draco be hurt by his own foolishness."

"I will speak with, Harry," Dumbledore muttered, seemingly lost in thought. "If that is all?"

Minerva and Severus took their leave and Albus released a deep breath, his mind occupied by more than he would like so early in the school year.

"Are my suspicions about him right, Fawkes?"

The phoenix trilled uncertainly, and Dumbledore opened the top drawer of his desk to retrieve his notes. Glancing over them briefly, he put them back with a shake of his head.

He had yet to make any significant progress on the conundrum that was Harry Potter and would not likely do so in his current frame of mind.

For now, he was needed in his capacity as headmaster and his other pursuits would have to wait until all had settled.

He knew not what having Madame Umbridge teaching would further provoke, but he needed to be prepared for all eventualities.


The notion that he had outgrown Hogwarts had only strengthened when he took note of Madame Umbridge at the staff table, the sight of the pink bow in her hair and matching cardigan sickening him. As much as Dumbledore was barmy, he would not have appointed her as a professor. Something else was afoot and were Tom still here, he would advise caution.

Tom, however, was not here to urge such and Harry had no intention of allowing Fudge's sycophant to add to his already sizable list of problems. If she crossed him, he would ensure it would only be once. He had no time for the apparent political manoeuvring. The enormity of what he faced was more than he needed without adding egocentric games to his load.

He stared at the space the woman had occupied the previous evening and snorted as he began eating his eggs.

Fleur had practically begged him to leave the castle when he had explained the latest development during their first use of the orbs she had gifted him for his birthday. As she likely expected, he refused to budge, to be beaten by the presence of another thorn in his side.

She had dropped the subject quickly but was unhappy to do so, though he assured her he could handle the woman. Fleur was not convinced. Harry, in her own words, was too blunt to diplomatically navigate around Umbridge.

Harry had no intention of such, not that he would voice that to the veela who would only worry for him more than she already did.

He released a deep sigh as he finished his breakfast.

Were it not for his apprenticeships, he would take his leave from the school. Already, it was evident that this year would not be a pleasant one for those within the walls.

"Ah, Mr Potter," a squeaky voice broke into his thoughts, "would you kindly join me and Professor McGonagall in her office? We have much to go over."

He looked down upon the diminutive figure that was his head of house and nodded as he stood. The man offered him a smile as he led him from the sparsely filled hall, the hour still being early and most of the students still likely sleeping.

"How was your summer, Harry?" Flitwick asked as they ascended the first flight of stairs.

"More eventful than I would have liked, Professor."

Flitwick nodded severely.

"I heard of the unpleasantness with the Ministry. I also heard that you dealt with it rather effectively."

Harry smirked unwittingly.

"I'm not going to bow down to morons like Fudge. I think I was quite lenient on them considering they used rather unsavoury tactics to lure me there under false pretences."

"Well, I am pleased that you weathered the storm. I myself faced quite the inquiry from them when I was offered my appointment here some years ago now. Many believed that I should not be allowed to teach nor carry a wand despite the fact I hold a mastery in charms and duelling."

"Why shouldn't you carry a wand?"

"Because I am not fully human," the man chuckled. "I am quarter goblin on my father's side. He was denied the right to practice magic and they attempted to do the same to me. Albus, however, fought my case and accepted me here. I suppose that's partly why I came back to teach when he asked, though I have grown to love what I do."

"What is it like teaching?"

Flitwick frowned thoughtfully before answering.

"It is hard work, Harry. Most of what we do is thankless, but it is the most rewarding thing I have done. There is not another career I would rather have."

Harry pondered the words until they reached Professor McGonagall's office.

They found the woman waiting for them, seated behind her desk with several pieces of parchment fanned out on the desk. She offered him a tight smile as she gestured for him to take a seat. Flitwick took the one next to him and was seemingly happy for the transfiguration mistress to take the lead.

"Before we discuss the formalities of what this year will consist of, here is your timetable," she began, indicating one of the many pieces of parchment in front of him.

He looked it over, a frown creasing his brow as he read.

"There are no defence lessons on here," he pointed out.

McGonagall nodded.

"With the animosity between yourself and Professor Umbridge, we felt it best that the situation was not antagonised further," she explained, her tone one of displeasure as she referred to her colleague with the esteemed title. "Albeit for me to make decisions for you, I have written a letter to Griselda asking for her to come in and assess you for the remainder of your NEWTS shortly after Christmas. With your free periods, I have no doubt that you will have sufficient time to prepare for them."

"That's more than enough time," Harry replied.

He would need to work more on theory for arithmancy and perhaps potions, but for the most part, he was confident he would pass the rest with little issue.

"Since we are on the subject of Madame Umbridge, I must ask you to avoid her as much as you can, Harry. If that is not possible, you must keep your temper in check. The relationship between the headmaster and our Minister is currently strained and that means the relationship between the school and Ministry is very delicate."

"I understand," Harry replied. "If she leaves me alone, I will do the same."

McGonagall nodded gratefully.

"Now, I believe it would be prudent for us to explain where we begin with your further education. As you can see, you do have lessons to attend on your timetable. They are, however, not compulsory. Each professor has agreed that you need not attend lessons with older students and that you have proven yourself capable in supervising your own learning. With that being said, we are all at your disposal should you need assistance. Professor Snape insists that you meet with him at least once a week so that he can observe your practical work. That is something you will need to arrange."

"I will speak with him."

"Good. With myself, you will spend Monday and Wednesday evenings from six to nine pm where we will complete your necessary work, assessments and discuss transfiguration theory. You cannot obtain a mastery without in-depth knowledge and understanding. Filius?"

"We will be doing very much the same on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Each of us will often set you projects that will need to be completed in your own time. Make no mistake, Harry, the level and standard of work expected from you is much higher than that of the standard curriculum. Above all else, we are strong ambassadors of our craft, and though neither of us have concerns with your work ethic, we do expect commitment and the best you have to offer."

"You will get it," Harry assured them. He had a deep passion for both subjects and could not accept anything less from himself. "I did want to ask something. Am I under the same rules of the rest of the students? Am I able to leave the castle if needed?"

"Usually, I would be reluctant to allow it with the current climate. However, I know you, Harry. If you wish to leave, you will do so regardless of my wishes. If you are here when required, I will give you permission. It will save me the headache of having to search for you," Professor Flitwick chuckled.

McGonagall flared her nostrils, her eyes narrowed before nodding reluctantly.

"I agree, but should you miss any of your commitments, I will personally lock you in the dungeons and have Professor Snape watch over you."

"I'm sure he'd love that."

McGonagall released a deep breath.

"He had quite the concerning tale to tell of you and Mr Malfoy. What happened to provoke such a reaction from you?"

"He was under the impression that he could attempt to bully me, to make light of what happened to me. He has spent every year here bullying people who won't fight back. I did and it did not end well for him. I'm sorry, Professor, but I won't take any crap from his father who is a worthless sack of shit and certainly not from his idiot offspring. I gave him fair warning of that."

McGonagall shook her head.

"Be that as it may, you cannot physical assault another student, despite how much they may deserve it," she added. "I will be watching Mr Malfoy and some of his peers very closely this year, you can be assured of that."

Harry nodded.

"Is there anything else I need to know or do?"

"For now, I do not believe so. However, when your NEWTS are finished, I would like you to teach some first-year transfiguration lessons, under my supervision of course," McGonagall explained. "Many masters of a subject will eventually enter the teaching profession and I believe it would be beneficial for you to get some experience. We will discuss it further into the school year unless you have any objections?"

Harry shrugged indifferently.

"If you think it is a good idea, I won't dismiss it."

"Good. I'm sure you will find the experience to be much more rewarding than you expect. If you have no other questions, I will see you this evening at six pm."

Harry nodded and took his leave, finding that he was very much looking forward to working with both Professors. He simply adored both charms and transfiguration and was excited to see how far he could push himself when it came to both.

He had a lot of work ahead of him, but he was relishing the opportunity he had earned.


Dolores Umbridge stalked towards the headmaster's office, her mood sour and her patience having been sorely tested. For the past two days she had tried to implement the new ministry approved curriculum in her classroom only to be subjected to question after question by the students who were already proving determined to defy her authority. That simply would not do.

A conversation with Cornelius would be had. She needed more power to exert control over the ungrateful whelps. However, this was not the reason she was seeking an audience with Dumbledore, he would be of no assistance with the matter, after all. No, she had need to discuss a particular student, one who had failed to even arrive to his scheduled lesson with her.

"Stand aside, I wish to speak with him," she demanded of the gargoyle who remained unmoving. "Did you not here me? You will move aside or face the consequences."

The guardian sprang aside, and Dolores returned the wand she had drawn to her handbag before stepping onto the staircase. Even before she knocked, Dumbledore's voice rang out.

"Come in, Dolores," he bid.

She sneered at the impatience in his voice but schooled her features. The man was an old fool, but she had been warned to treat him with caution.

"What can I do for you this evening?" Dumbledore asked as she entered.

"I would like to know if it is common practice for students to fail to attend compulsory lessons?" she asked sweetly.

"It is not," Dumbledore answered with a frown. "Do you have such students."

"Only one. Mr Potter did not come to class today and try as I may, I am unable to locate him to administer suitable punishment."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"You have my apologies, Dolores. I have been busy, and it slipped my mind to mention it, but Mr Potter already obtained his OWL in Defence Against the Dark Arts and will not be attending your lessons."

"Impossible, the boy has only entered his fifth year," she returned disbelievingly.

"Unlikely, but not impossible," Dumbledore corrected. "He was examined by Madame Marchbanks last year. I believe I have a copy of his transcript here somewhere," he added as he opened a drawer and removed a stack of parchment. "Ah, here it is."

Dolores all but snatched the offered parchment and scanned the contents, her face reddening in fury.

"This was not sanctioned by Cornelius. How has this been allowed to happen?"

"Madame Marchbanks does not answer to the minister in matters of examinations and student achievement."

Umbridge's jaw clenched.

"If the boy has his OWLS and two NEWTS, if this document is to be believed, why is it he is here?"

"Because he has been offered and has accepted an apprenticeship under both Minerva and Filius to obtain his mastery in charms and transfiguration. He also has his other NEWTS to complete."

"No," Dolores said firmly. "Cornelius would not allow this to happen."

"I refer you to my previous answer, Dolores. It is not Cornelius's job to supervise nor approve scholastic matters, but I do wonder why you are taking quite an unhealthy interest in young Harry. Should we not be celebrating his most excellent achievements?"

"The boy is a liar and a disrespectful brat."

Dumbledore's visage darkened and Dolores knew she had overstepped the mark.

"Your personal opinion of Mr Potter cannot impact your professional conduct, Madame Umbridge. He has earned his opportunities through hard work and diligence and I will not allow you to speak ill of him because of any vendetta you may hold. I will say this once and once only, stay away from him. Should you provoke his ire, then you will have to deal with the consequences. Professor or not, you will get no sympathy or support should you not heed my words."

She unwittingly shuddered in her seat, the swift change in demeanour chilling her to the bones. Gone was the benevolent, whimsical man he showed himself to be. This side unnerved her, though she would not be cowed.

"If that is all?" she said stiffly.

He said nothing, merely offering a bow and she took her leave.

She was out of her depth and the conversation with the minister would need to take place sooner than expected. The only reason she had accepted her role here was to placate Cornelius and sooth his paranoia. At the very least, she could keep an eye on Potter and Dumbledore for him, but she could do no such thing if the boy remained elusive.

Besides, she wanted the opportunity to humiliate him the way he had her during his trial. He had dared openly insult her and that could not stand.

Cornelius would see that she was right, and he would take the needed steps to ensure that the wrongs were righted. She simply needed to exercise a little patience.

She would get her opportunity, of that, she had no doubt. Potter would learn his place, and that was beneath her heel. By the time she was finished with the boy, he would not dare breathe without her permission.