Chapter 7: Preparations

Table of Contents

Chapter 6: Preparations


Another chapter here for you now :)

For those interested, I have begun creating Honour Thy Blood as an audiobook and the first chapter is available on m page, free. Along with this, there is a Q&A (Audio recording) that has been uploaded recently along with 7 chapters of my original work, so do please check them out.

I am also in the process of beginning a fanfiction podcast where I am intending on having other authors on as guests to discuss their work and anything pertaining to fanfiction. Subjects and topics will be decided via polls held on m re o n page.

Details of all my social media can be found on my profile here.

If there are any authors on here or anyone you guys would like to have featured, then please do let me know and I will get the ball rolling with it. You can send me an inbox on here.

First task will be up after this and Yule Ball for anywhere else I publish.

Anyway, without further ado, enjoy.

Follow, favourite and review as always.


This Chapter is dedicated to Kristopher Christensen, another higher tier patron x

"So, what do we do first?" Harry questioned, having spent the night in the hidden room.

He had returned to the Ravenclaw Tower only to retrieve his belongings and had taken leave immediately after. If he must compete in the tournament, he would do so as he saw fit, and dealing with his housemates was not something he had time for. The tournament needed absolute focus and he had no intention of anything getting in the way of him winning.

" To the chamber. You will need the best protection available and you will find what you need in there."

Harry nodded as he readied himself for the day, left the room and headed towards the entrance on the second floor. It was early, and though he had donned his cloak, it proved unnecessary. The castle was bereft of any wandering its' halls.

" Open," he hissed as he reached the sink.

It gave way to the entrance it concealed, and Harry wasted no time in plunging into the abyss as he cast a cushioning charm on himself. It would not do to break a bone because of negligence. He reached the bottom of the slide with a gentle thump and cleaned away the small amount of grime that accumulated on his robes.

Pressing forward, he was stopped by the voice of Tom only a short distance into the adjoining tunnel.

" The skin, Harry. That is what we need. Perhaps a fresher sample is available."

Harry continued and eventually reached the door adorned with locks resembling several snakes.

" Open," he hissed once more and found himself within the Chamber of Secrets for the second time.

The room was as it had been left. The floor was littered with debris from the conflict that had taken place and the carved wall that housed Serana still bearing scorch marks and chunks of missing stone.

" It can be fixed, but not today."

Harry agreed with the sentiment. The chamber should at the very least be preserved. It was of little use to him unless the other room was discovered. Here, it was damp, cold and housed a rather dangerous creature. Not the best place for one to abscond to.

" The skin, Harry," Tom reminded him. "Ask Serana."

Harry swallowed nervously as he approached the opening and cleared his throat. Although she had been rather welcoming to him previously, he couldn't be certain of the reception he would receive.

" Serana?" he called.

A scraping of hard scales against stone could be heard as the large serpent seemingly rushed towards him hissing incoherently.

" Tom," she hissed excitedly. "You came back. I knew you would. I missed you."

" I missed you," Harry replied with a smile, remembering how childlike she was. "How are you? Are you hungry? Are you comfortable?"

" I have everything I need, Tom," she hissed contentedly, "Another of my kind would be nice, but I would only eat them if they bored me."

Harry grimaced at the thought. There probably wasn't a creature alive she couldn't devour.

" I'm pleased you're doing well," Harry offered sincerely. "I wanted to ask you for something, but you can say no if you don't like it."

" I would never say no to you, Tom."

Harry sighed guiltily feeling that he was taking advantage of her.

" Would you happen to have any skin you've recently shed? I need some to help keep me safe."

" Safe from what? You do not need my skin, Tom. I will keep you safe."

Harry snorted. He had no doubt that she could.

" If only it were that simple. I would not have you harmed. If people found out about you, they would do all they could to kill you. I can't allow that."

" They could try…" She hissed defiantly, "but I would not want to leave you. If some of my skin will help you, then it is yours."

Once more, the sounds of the enormous snake moving could be heard as she slithered away from the opening. She returned a few moments later and deposited a large roll of dark green skin through the opening.

" Is this enough?" she asked nervously. "I'm sorry if it isn't."

" It is more than enough, girl," Harry assured her as he began rubbing her snout.

She began to growl happily as she melted into his touch, revelling in the attention he gave her.

" How is your fang? Is it still hurting?"

" Another grows," Serana replied proudly, opening her mouth to show him the deadly teeth.

Harry gave a genuine smile when he saw that another fang was indeed growing in place of the missing one.

" That is amazing," he praised. "It will be the strongest of them all."

Serana nodded as she butted her head against his hand, demanding more attention from the teen.

Harry chuckled as he catered to her needs, rubbing her nose the way she enjoyed and giving her a final pat.

" I must leave for now, but I will return again," he promised.

" I know," Serana sighed. "I'll be waiting for you, Tom."

Harry gathered the gifted skin and placed it in a trunk before shrinking and pocketing it. He smiled as he exited the chamber, the fearsome beast having grown on him even more. She truly was a fantastic creature to behold.

"Where to now?" he asked.

" To Knockturn Alley, Harry. Our day has only just begun."


She ran the brush through her silver tresses, stifling a yawn as she prepared for the day. The previous evening should have been one of celebration. She had been chosen to represent her school above all others in the tournament, but the occasion had been soured by perplexity.

With Harry chosen as a champion alongside the other three, the competition had already been thrown into disarray, had been tarnished by apparent sabotage.

Truly, it didn't matter to her. She still planned on winning, but it was quite a worrisome development for the younger boy more than any other, though it could prove to be detrimental to them all. Only time would tell.

She felt sorry for him, even pitied the position he had found himself in. Though any other would relish the opportunity, Harry was not. He had been rather displeased by his inclusion, going as far to almost come to blows with Igor Karkaroff.

The confrontation between the two had been tense, and had Dumbledore not intervened, Fleur had no doubt that the situation would have escalated. She was not ashamed to admit that it had unsettled her. Harry, only at the age of fourteen, was quite something. He did not waver under the glare of Karkaroff, nor did he back down in the slightest. He himself was quite intimidating, a cold presence that reeked of confidence and assuredness. Just how one so young could be such a way made no sense to the girl.

She shook her head of the thoughts as she failed to stifle another yawn.

The sun had yet to rise and she was awake after very little sleep. What had transpired the night before had played on her mind, a mixture of excitement and nervousness making it very difficult to settle. She had already penned the letter she would send to her parents and sister to inform them of the news of her selection. She just needed to send it.

She decided that there was no time like the present. Most students would still be asleep which meant that she wouldn't have to deal with the vacant staring of the boys nor snide whispering of the girls as she went about her way.

Exiting the carriage, she shivered courtesy of the morning chill as she walked towards the castle. Harry had shown them where the owlery was the night they had and explained that some of the birds belonged to the school and could be used by anyone. Fleur just hoped there was one up to the long journey to the south of France and back.

So lost in her thoughts, she crashed into a person walking the opposite way she didn't see as she rounded a corner and released a yelp of surprise.

" Merde."

She looked up to find herself staring into what was becoming a pair of familiar emerald eyes, her own widening as she held her chest.

"You almost gave me a heart attack," she chided.

"I wasn't paying attention, sorry," Harry offered.

She huffed as she shook her head.

"I wasn't either. Where are you going so early?"

"I have a few things to do," he replied cryptically, "a tournament to win."

Fleur raised an eyebrow at him as he smirked.

"As do I," she returned challengingly.

"Then I wish you luck Miss?"

"Delacour. Fleur Delacour," she replied, tentatively offering her hand.

He shook it unwaveringly and gave a nod in recognition.

"Well, you already know who I am, but it's Harry," he returned.

Fleur nodded.

"I have to be going. I have to send a letter to my parents and sister," she explained. "It was nice seeing you, Harry."

She had taken a few steps when his voice called for her attention.

"There's a snowy owl up there. I've not had much for her to do lately so she would really appreciate something to deliver. Her name is Hedwig. She's a good girl. Just tell her I sent you."

Fleur nodded appreciatively as he began to turn away.

"Harry?" she called, pausing him. "I believe you. I don't think you entered yourself in the tournament."

His lip curled slightly as he shook his head.

"I appreciate it, but you'll be about the only one. Enjoy the rest of your day, Miss Delacour, and good luck with the tournament. You'll need it."

Fleur narrowed her eyes at him amusedly as he walked away. He seemed to be taking what had happened in his stride, but that didn't stop her worrying for him. She had read all abut the tournament and she could not help but think that Harry had no idea what was awaiting him.

If he was smart, he would learn soon enough, and then perhaps he wouldn't be so smug.

Meeting no other as she climbed the many staircases of the castle, she arrived at the owlery and looked for an available bird. After only a few seconds of searching, she spotted a ruffle of white feathers that stood stark against the darkness of the room.

"'Edwig," she whispered loudly.

The owl turned its' head towards her lazily and blinked.

"Could you take a letter to my 'ome? 'Arry said you would like to."

At the mention of the boy the owl stood and swooped from where she roosted. Landing on her shoulder with a gentle thump, she barked loudly, eliciting a giggle from the girl.

" You are a very clever owl hmm?" she questioned as she stroked Hedwig's feathers. "Your master will have to be as clever if he hopes to survive. Do you think he will be okay?"

The owl barked in defiance and stood proudly in reply.

" If you think so, then he must be," she agreed, petting her once more.

She retrieved the letter from her pocket and added a further note before resealing it. She attached the envelope to the owl.

" When you get there, Gabrielle will want to meet you. She is a little girl that looks like me," she informed the bird before sending her on her way.

She watched Hedwig's flight until she could no longer be seen before heading out of the tower, wondering just what it be they would face in the first task.


"Are you sure about this?" Harry asked from within his charmed hood.

" The man will not say a word. If it was known he had such a material, he would be targeted by those who wished to possess it."

Harry nodded as he pushed open the door to a shop Tom had directed him to in Knockturn Alley.

The inside smelled worse than any apothecary he had visited, the dry skins that adorned the walls giving off a sweet, sickly odour. He ignored it as he approached the counter, an aged wizard behind eying him with suspicion.

"How can help you?"

"I wish for a protective suit made of a material I will provide. The payment for your work will be whatever remains. It must be completed within two weeks. Are you interested?"

The man frowned at him before flicking his wand towards the front door, locking it with a series of clicks.

"That, my friend, depends on what the material is."

Harry removed a small sample of skin he had painstakingly cut away from the hide from his pocket and placed it on the counter. The man picked it up, his eyes widening as he nodded.

"You have my attention," he muttered. "How did you obtain such a thing?"

"That is not of your concern. Can you work with it and have the job done in the time needed?"

The man placed a pair of rimless glasses on his nose and scrutinised the skin, humming and turning it to take in each angle.

"A material like this requires specialist equipment. Fortunately for you, I have it and will dedicate whatever time is necessary to finish on time. I simply need your measurements and the work will be done."

Harry nodded and a tape measure shot from behind the counter and carried out the task in only a matter of seconds.

"It is a pleasure doing business with you," Harry said, "of course, this must be treated with complete confidentiality."

The man snorted.

"I would be a fool to share this. Whatever is left of the skin will be out of the country within the month and my funds more than enough for myself and several generations to thrive on. For that, I can assure you both my silence and best work."

"Then I shall return in a fortnight," Harry replied before taking his leave, happy to breathe in fresh air once more.

" Very well handled, Harry. Now, there should be a menagerie about eight doors down from Borgin's."

"What do we need in there?"

" Snakes, Harry, as many as you can buy. It is something we should have done after your second year, but, I did not think things could possibly continue to sour."

"How can lots of snakes help me?"

" They will become your spy network, Harry. They will be able to navigate the castle without being seen and bring you important information. I feel that it is necessary."

Harry nodded appreciatively at the idea. He certainly didn't have any allies to rely on for help, but the snakes could be quite the boon.

"Okay, then what?"

" You should let Sirius know about what has happened. It will become news shortly anyway and it will be better coming from you. It may well prevent him from storming the school and being captured."

Harry groaned at the realisation that Sirius would likely do just that. That would be disastrous with his interview with Amelia Bones fast approaching. Shaking his head and not looking forward to the impending conversation with his godfather, he pushed open the door of the menagerie, his senses again assaulted with an overwhelming aroma, this time accompanied by the sounds of various animals.



"OH, SHUT UP, YOU OLD BAT," Sirius roared as he closed the curtains of the portrait with a flick of his wand.

"I see your mother is on fine form today," Remus chuckled as he entered the kitchen.

"She's losing her touch," Sirius shrugged. "I haven't heard anything original from her in weeks now. It's quite disappointing really."

Remus continued to laugh as he retrieved this morning's edition of the Daily Prophet. It had arrived later than usual and the reason for its' tardiness became obvious as he unfolded it and read the headline.

"Oh dear," he sighed.

"What's happened?" Sirius asked.

Remus merely shook his head as he through the paper to his friend. Sirius frowned as he fetched it, the blood draining from his face before turning red with fury.


"Calm down, Padfoot…"

"Don't bloody well tell me to calm down."

"You going up to the school will only result in you being arrested and probably put back in Azkaban."

"It's a good job I came here to make sure that doesn't happen then," Harry commented from the doorway.

"What the hell is going on?" Sirius demanded, waving the newspaper in front of the boys' face frantically.

Harry released a deep breath as he shook his head.

"Someone put my name in the goblet. I'll give you one guess who."

Sirius slumped into one of the chairs at the table.

"It's alright, Sirius. I'm dealing with it," Harry assuaged.

"It's not alright," the man denied angrily. "If he is behind this, then you are in danger, Harry. That is not alright."

Harry shrugged.

"It's not something I haven't dealt with before, and as I said, I'm already working on it."

"What are you going to do?" Remus pressed.

"I'm going to win the tournament for a start and handle whatever comes when it does."

"That idea doesn't fill me with confidence," the werewolf grumbled. "Have you spoken to a solicitor or anything?"

"It won't do any good," Harry sighed. "If that was an option, Dumbledore or Flitwick would have mentioned it. The contract is clear, if a name comes out of the goblet, then that person must compete. I will not risk losing my magic for refusing."

"But you didn't submit your name!"

"But it was my writing on the parchment," Harry huffed. "We are just arguing semantics when I could be preparing for it."

Sirius nodded reluctantly.

"I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. This Skeeter woman already seems to have it out for you," he added, pointing to the discarded newspaper.

Harry shrugged uncaringly.

"People have always made assumptions about me. This isn't anything new. The best thing I can do is win and rub it in their faces."

"Do you really think you can?" Remus broke in.

Harry nodded.

"I do. It will be quite the feather in my cap. I'll prove to whoever it was that entered my name that they made a mistake, and when I find out who it is, it will be them that will need to worry about what I will do to them," he finished coldly.

Remus and Sirius shared a look of concern. Harry was a worry to the pair, both unwilling to see him thrust into the situations he often found himself in. Here, they had little to no control in what happened.

"Just, be careful," Remus pleaded. "We are here for you, so use us if you need."

"I will," Harry vowed. "Anyway, I'd better get back to school. Good luck with Bones and you with your furry little problem," he added to Remus as he left the room, the front door closing behind him a moment later.

"He worries me, Moony," Sirius sighed. "One day, he will bite off more than he can chew."

Remus nodded his agreement.

Harry was a brilliant wizard for his age, but he was no match for Voldemort and likely never would be. James had barely lasted a few minutes against the man and he had been the best of them by miles.

"Let's hope not, Padfoot. I still think we should encourage him to leave. Being at Hogwarts has only put him in these situations. Maybe if he was away from there, it would help."

"I will bring it up with him," Sirius promised.

He too did not believe that Harry being at the school was safe any longer. In truth, it had never been. Year after year, something had happened that almost resulted in him dying, and Sirius Black could not allow that to happen. He had promised Lily and James he would keep Harry safe and it was a promise he had no plan to break.


It had been five days since she had been selected as one of the champions and four since she had written to her parents. If her calculations were right, she should receive a reply from them in the next two.

She frowned at a seventh-year boy sat further up the table from herself, Marie and Fae. Every meal since Halloween, the same boy had bemoaned Harry's taking part in the tournament, outright accusing him of cheating and being an attention seeker. Everything she had seen of him was the opposite.

Since the morning she had bumped into him, she had not seen him again, nor had anyone else if the speculation of his whereabouts was to be believed.

"He's a cheater and a coward," the same boy dressed in the blue and bronze house colours declared to those that were willing to listen to him.

Fleur shook her head.

" So much for school and house unity," she mumbled.

" He's a pig," Fae growled.

Marie giggled as the girl made a rude gesture towards the boy under the table.

Any further conversation was cut short by the arrival of the morning post. A sea of owls entered the hall through an opening in the rafters.

" Whose owl is that?" Fae asked when Hedwig landed in front of Fleur, taking the girl by surprise.

" I did not expect you back so quickly," she said to the bird before offering her a large piece of bacon. "She is 'Arry's."

" Why do you have his owl?"

" He said I could use her to write to home," she shrugged. "I saw him the morning after the champions were chosen."

Fae and Marie shared a look whilst Fleur relieved the owl of her missive.

" You didn't tell us!"

" It wasn't important. We bumped into each other and he said I could use his owl."

Fae narrowed her eyes suspiciously, unbeknownst to Fleur who unfolded her letter.

To our beautiful daughter,

Congratulations on being chosen to represent the school. Your father and I are very proud of you, although he insists he had no doubt. He danced across the kitchen, you know how he dances, like the old man he is becoming.

Your grandmother was also here when we received your letter and asked me to pass on her best wishes. She is doing well and taking every chance to annoy your father that she can. He still becomes flustered around her after all these years.

We will all be coming to watch each of the tasks and Gabrielle is more excited than either of us, especially now that she has met Harry Potter's owl. I was worried the poor thing would be unable to fly after all the treats she was given.

What is the boy like? I imagine those taking care of him will be very worried by him being in the tournament.

Anyway, Gabrielle will likely seek him out when she arrives no matter how many times I tell her not to bother him.

We will see you soon,

Love Maman

Fleur folded up the letter and put it inside her robes, smiling at the thought of Gabrielle overfeeding the poor owl. Clearly, Hedwig didn't mind as she continued chewing on the bacon she had given her.

"You know, she will come and find you now that you've fed her," a voice whispered in her ear causing her to jump.

"That is not funny," she huffed as she swatted Harry on the shoulder.

"You walked into me, it's only fair."

"You walked into me," Fleur countered, sticking her nose up in the air defiantly.

Harry shook his head amusedly.

"You're going to get fat if you eat that."

"Excuse me?" Fleur questioned, flushing red.

"I was talking to Hedwig," Harry sighed, "not everything is about you, you know."

Fleur raised an eyebrow at him as he began petting the bird who nuzzled against his hand affectionately.

" What is going on?" Marie mumbled to Fae.

The girl shook her head dumbly, watching the interaction between the pair.

"So, you decided to crawl out of your hole," Fleur commented before shoving a mouthful of bacon in her mouth and glaring at the boy challengingly.

"You'll get fat too," he replied causing her to narrow her eyes, "and yes, I think I need to have a conversation with one of my housemates. I hear that he has been quite slanderous, much more than anyone else."

Fleur looked on in interest as Harry clapped a hand firmly on the boys' shoulder, shocking him by his appearance. He said something that could not be heard by any other and the boy paled before Harry gave him a look of warning and leaving him to finish to his breakfast.

"Come on, Hedwig," Harry called, offering the owl his arm.

She jumped on and the two left the hall amidst the whispering of those they left in their wake.

" What was that?" Marie asked.

" I don't know, but he looks like he might wet himself," Fae answered, nodding towards the boy Harry had spoken to.

" I didn't mean that," Marie sighed, "I meant the flirting between her and Harry."

" We were not flirting," Fleur denied hotly.

Fae shook her head to shut her friend up. It was not a good idea to rile Fleur up when it came to boys.

" What do you think he said to him?"

Fleur shook her head and shrugged.

" I have no idea, but he doesn't look happy."

" Well, maybe he will shut up now. I'm tired of hearing him moaning," Fae returned.

Fleur could only agree. The boy was becoming rather irritating and she hoped what Harry had said would keep him quiet and maybe a few others also.


Harry couldn't deny that Tom's idea of having a spy network of serpents working on his behalf was beneficial. At three sickles each, they had already proven to be money well spent.

He knew that once again the focus of the school would be on him, that the fickle nature of the school would rear its' head. Many were speculating as to how he had been entered in the tournament, the majority believing had indeed found a way to do it himself. Those who did not believe he was involved on his name coming out of the goblet were very few, the most of whom having been Roger Davies.

Harry was used to the boy being a git, but he could not let the comments he was making slide. Thus, he had confronted the boy in the Great Hall and put a stop to it. Roger had been surprised by how much he knew of what he had said and offered no rebuttal. The boy had been told under no circumstances that he could continue with his vitriol or certain things Harry had discovered would become public knowledge. In all, the snakes had proven their worth, though they saw it as their personal mission to bring him all sorts of gossip he had no interest in nor wished to hear.

What did he care what other students got up to inside some of the broom cupboards dotted around the castle?

He shook his head of the thoughts of what one of the creatures had revealed to him, grimacing at the image that popped into his mind.

" What are you planning today, Harry?" Tom asked.

"I thought I would study the tournament and get at least a background of the types of tasks I will be expected to complete."

The tournament was one of the very few things he had encountered that Tom had very little knowledge on. When he had been at school, it was little more than a distant memory, a tradition that had not taken place for several centuries, so he'd had no reason to learn much of it.

" I believe that would be a good idea," Tom agreed.

He spent the next few hours pouring over what books he could find in the library regarding the tournament, as few as they were, and mapped out any similarities and glaring differences in information. When he was done, he put his quill down and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

" What did you discover?" Tom questioned curiously.

"There is a wand-weighing ceremony that I have to attend to ensure mine is in full working order before the first task. I will have to find out when that will be."

" That can only be a good thing, Harry. What of the tasks?"

"The first task usually has a creature of some kind that a champion has to subdue or outmanoeuvre. It is always something dangerous. In the past, they've used griffins, manticores, chimaeras and even a bloody cockatrice! That one went on a rampage and killed all three champions and some members of the crowd."

" Creatures we can deal with. I know a few spells that will put most down," Tom mused aloud. "What else?"

"The others seem to be a mixture of puzzles, retrievals and sometimes even a duel. I don't think they will bother with that one, not when they have the duelling running alongside it."

" Do you still plan to enter?"

Harry nodded.

"I don't see why that has to change. Winning both would likely open more doors to me."

" Well, I believe that you will win both," Tom offered sincerely.

Harry smiled gratefully. If he didn't have Tom working with him, he could very well be in real trouble. Luck would not get him through the tournament nor the duelling portion. Both would rely on skill and he found he was looking forward to seeing just how well he would perform in both despite not wishing to be included in the first place.

He sighed as he shook his head, the words of Dumbledore back in June ringing in his ear.

"Do you think I will ever have a normal school year?"

Silence prevailed for a few moments before he received a response.

" No, Harry, I do not. I believe that with what has happened this year, your safest place is anywhere away from the castle. I know it is not something you would like to hear, but I speak only my feelings. You are put in more dangerous positions as each year passes and it is only a matter of time before fortune no longer favours you. Someone entered you in the tournament for a reason."


" My thoughts exactly," Tom agreed. "As such, I think that it is prudent to begin preparing for his inevitable return, because it will happen sooner or later, and we do not want to be at a disadvantage when he does."

"So, where do we begin?"

" We began seven years ago, Harry. Now, however, your first priority is to find a place of safety. I would recommend a property away from England, somewhere known only to you."

"I don't have the gold to do that," Harry pointed out.

" Just a single vial of basilisk venom would bring you great wealth. Serana will provide it and then you need only take it to one of the most connected people who will charge a nominal fee for his services."


" Indeed. He may be an odious man but one we can put to good use."

"How much would a vial get me?"

" I do not know exactly but I would hazard a guess at half a million galleons at the very least."

Harry's eyes bulged at the astronomical figure. That would certainly buy him anything he needed several times over.

" That will be something we will get to very shortly, but now, I need you to fetch some more parchment, ink and a quill. It is time you learned the vital information you need to not only survive but win also, Harry."


For two days, Harry's head had spun courtesy of the plethora of things he had learned about how Voldemort came to be, the steps he had taken to ensure his immortality and what protections he had put in place to keep safe what needed to be preserved. Had Tom not told him, he didn't think he would ever have figured out the extent of Voldemort's actions.

There were many concerning revelations but none he could do anything about for the time being. As things stood, he had to survive the tournament before even considering confronting the mess that was Voldemort.

Tom had been oddly quiet since they had spoken, the memories of the atrocities caused by what he had become haunting him considerably. Perhaps there was a small part of him that felt he was betraying another part of himself? Harry could not be sure. Tom and Voldemort were a very complex and unique magical occurrence that he would not even pretend to understand.

" Remember, Harry, do not bow down to the man. He will do all he can to ensure he gets a better deal than yourself."

Harry nodded and pushed the door open to perhaps the most curious shop in Knockturn Alley.

It took only a moment after the bell had sounded for the shuffling of feet to be heard and the appearance of the hunched, unkempt man.

"What can I do for you?" Borgin asked in what Harry imagined he deemed to be a charming greeting.

"I wish to acquire your services as broker between myself and any interested party you can find," Harry replied.

Borgin nodded thoughtfully.

"And what is the item you wish for me to broker a deal for?"

Harry said nothing as he removed a small, enchanted vial from within his robes and placed it on the counter.

Borgin frowned as he picked it up and inspected the contents, coughing in surprise when he realised what he held.

"Merlin," he whispered as he locked the door to the shop with a flick of his wand. "I have dealt with many things in my years, objects you would not believe existed unless you were to see them yourself, but this is something else entirely. There is only one type of person that could hope to harvest this and the last has been dead for some thirteen years. How did this come into your possession?" he asked worriedly, his tongue wetting his dry lips.

"Let us just say that I am very much connected to the person in which you speak of," Harry offered cryptically.

Borgin swallowed audibly as his hands trembled.

"I do not want any trouble…"

"And you will get none unless you give me a reason to visit you on less pleasant terms."

Borgin nodded frantically.

"You will speak of our business to no other and you will never mention that you know of my existence, or I will return, Borgin," Harry finished with a hiss.

The man trembled as he continued to nod.

"H-how much do you have?"

"One full vial," Harry confirmed. "You will receive two percent of whatever is made. That should be quite the sum."

It appeared as though the man would attempt to negotiate but thought better of it as he sighed his acceptance.

"It w-will take some t-time."

"I understand. I will return in a month, Borgin."

Borgin merely offered another nod in reply as he unlocked the door so that Harry could take his leave. He waited until he had put considerable distance between himself and the shop before removing his charmed hood.

"Well, that went better than I hoped."

" I expected much more resistance. I believe that the reputation of Voldemort served you well. Although you needed to do little to get the best deal, what you did was excellent. You took advantage of his unease and will benefit significantly, and you have the added boon of knowing he will not do anything to undermine you."

"Let's hope so," Harry muttered as he disappeared with a crack.


Fleur was readying herself for bed when she was disturbed by a knock on her door. With a slight front, she crossed the short distance and opened to find herself facing the large torso of Madame Maxime. Without waiting to be admitted, the woman ducked down and entered the room before closing the door behind her.

" I have some news for you," she began as she gestured for the girl to take a seat. "I have been listening out for any information I could get on the other champions. Diggory is a gifted student, better than one should be for his age and excels most in transfiguration."

Fleur nodded thoughtfully. It wasn't her best subject, but she wasn't concerned. The branch took many years to master so he could not possibly be better in it than she was in charms.

" Krum is well-versed in curses and, under Igor, I would imagine other types of dark magic. He is quite powerful too, though not very bright. Any real threat would come from Karkaroff. He is a very intelligent and dangerous man. One does not become High-Master of Durmstrang without being so."

" He is not very pleasant," Fleur commented.

" No, he is not," Maxime warned. "It is 'Arry Potter that could prove to be the biggest surprise however."

"' Arry?"

Madame Maxime nodded severely.

" There are rumours about him. Whether they are true or not is unimportant. He has a reputation one should not have at his age."

" What rumours?"

" From what I have been told by a credible source, he is excellent in Charms and Transfiguration, supposedly the best to come through the school since Dumbledore himself in the latter. He has already completed his OWLS in both."

Fleurs eyes widened at the revelation, though she found it very had to believe. He would have had to complete them the year before at the very latest.

" There is also a rumour that he subdued a fully transformed werewolf at the end of his third year. Not something beyond the realms of possibility, but quite the feat, yes?"

Fleur released a deep breath. A werewolf attack was not something many could survive, especially without being bitten.

" Is he…?"

" No, he is not. It would have to have been disclosed to me before we arrived."

Fleur sighed in relief.

" That is not all," Maxime said seriously. "I have it on good authority that he is a parselmouth. That is not a magic we know enough about to counter. They are very, very rare and are secretive of the branch. The last one in Europe was Voldemort, so he is the first since and likely the only one left, which could mean he does not know much about the magic. I would, however, recommend caution when dealing with the boy. Their reputation is not a good one."

" He is not bad," Fleur denied.

Madame Maxime raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

" When we first arrived, he stopped all his housemates from staring at me and he let me use his owl to write to Maman. It was the rest of our students that were rude to him, asking him about the night his parents were murdered."

Maxime shook her head.

" I do not know the boy, Fleur, and I would not judge him as you think I am. You and I both know that encompassing reputations count for little when it comes to the individual. If our reputations were to be believed, I would be a bloodthirsty monster that lives in a cave and eat humans and you would be promiscuous girl using your powers to seduce any man you could get your claws into. No, I am only urging caution."

Fleur nodded her understanding.

" Is there anything else?"

" For now, no, but I have been invited to see something rather special tomorrow evening that I think has to do with the first task. I will keep you informed," the woman promised before taking her leave.

Fleur rubbed her eyes tiredly as she climbed into bed and extinguished the lighting with a flick of her wand. Harry was proving to be even more of an enigma than she had first thought, judging by the rumours surrounding him. She couldn't be certain if they were true, not with how many rumours she had heard about how he had been raised. He had put those to rest in only a single sentence.

He was raised by his muggle relatives and not in a castle as her sister had been told whilst her mother read her stories about the-boy-who-lived. She didn't know what to believe anymore, nor what to expect from him, not that any of what she had been told truly mattered.

Although the tournament was a competition between the champions, it was traditionally judged on individual performance. All she could do was focus on herself and her approach to the tasks. What the others, including Harry, did was no concern of hers.


Harry found himself in a room with the five judges, three other champions, Mr Ollivander, a journalist and her cameraman. He stood off to one side to avoid the predatory glare of the woman with her green quill and had no intention of speaking to her, even if Dumbledore insisted. It was she that had written the article speculating as to how he had found himself in the tournament, even going as far to mention his mother and father in her drivel.

" Be calm, Harry," Tom advised.

He took a deep breath as Dumbledore situated himself in the centre and addressed them.

"I would like to welcome you all to the weighing of the wands ceremony. Here, your wands will be checked and tested by our resident expert, Mr Ollivander, to ensure they are in full working order. From then, you will be asked to take a few photos and maybe even give a short interview to Miss Skeeter who will be covering the duration of the tournament. Without further ado, Mr Ollivander?"

"Miss Delacour, if you please," the man requested.

Fleur stepped forward and presented her wand to the man and watched as he turned it about his hands and even listened to it.

"Hmm, 9 ½ inches, Rosewood and dear me, the hair of a veela."

"One of my grandmother's," the girl confirmed proudly.

"Indeed. Not something I myself have used. A very volatile core, but if it works for you," he shrugged. "Orchideous."

He gave a nod of satisfaction as he handed the girl the flowers he had conjured along with her wand.

"Mr Krum," he called next.

Krum slouched forward and thrust his wand towards the old man, the surly scowl remaining in place.

"Well, I know Gregorovitch's work when I see it. A fine wandmaker indeed. 10 ¼ inches, unyielding hornbeam and with a dragon heartstring core. An excellent example of wand crafting."

With a flick of the wand, he released a sound comparable to a gunshot and a flock of doves flew from amongst the smoke. With a nod, he handed it back to the owner who stalked back towards his headmaster.

"Mr Diggory, please."

Cedric removed his wand from his sleeve and handed it gently to the wandmaker.

"Ah, one of my very own. 12 ¼ inches, ash and with the hair of a very fine specimen of a male unicorn. You have taken care of it well, my boy."

"I polished it last night," Cedric announced happily.

"Very good," Ollivander replied as he gave it a wand and produce a fountain of colourful sparks before returning. "And finally, Mr Potter."

Harry slid his from the holster and handed it to the wandmaker, a sense of nervousness coming over him. He hoped there was nothing wrong with it, he had become very fond of his wand.

He watched as the man inspected his own craft and placed it by his ear for several moments before a ghost of a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"I remember this very well," he said in just above a whisper. "You proved to be quite the challenge, Mr. Potter."

All within the room listened intently to the man, even the green quill of Skeeter's having ceased its' scratching.

"11 ¾ inches, a combination of yew and holly with the cores of a phoenix feather and a dragon heartstring," he announced before waving his wand and producing a fountain of wine. "It is in fine working order, Mr Potter. I see that it is serving you well."

Harry accepted his wand back, ignoring the questioning looks of some of the other occupants. Dumbledore in particular appeared pensive and the other two heads stared at him thoughtfully.

"And that concludes the ceremony," Dumbledore announced, shaking himself from his reverie.

"Photos, Dumbledore," Rita reminded him.

"Of course, of course," he replied dismissively.

For the next fifteen minutes, Harry and the other champions were shifted into various positions around the room so the cameraman could take his snaps for Rita's impending article. When they had finished, Harry approached the door with the intent of leaving when his elbow was gripped tightly, and he was turned around to face the woman he was trying to avoid.

"Our readers would love an interview with you, Harry," she breathed.

Harry pulled free from her grasp as he glared at her.

"I wouldn't give you an interview if my life depended on it. Do you really think that you can drag my family name through the mud, and I will do you any favours?"

Rita smiled tightly at him.

"Then I shall have to simply write what I believe to be the truth," she sighed.

"Then I will have to tell Dumbledore that someone who shouldn't be on the grounds is buzzing around," he returned.

"I do not know what you mean," Rita denied.

"Of course, you don't," Harry replied with a grin. "Perhaps I will go and have a word with him now and then maybe Madame Bones. I'm sure she would take me more seriously than you appear to be."

"You have proof of nothing," she ground out.

"It's an easy enough spell, is it not?" Harry questioned as he slid his wand into his hand. "I don't think it would do you any good were I to make a lot of noise about what I know. According to a very reliable source of mine, you make a rather fine beetle," he finished with a whisper.

Rita paled and swallowed nervously, her eyes darting around to ensure no one had heard.

"You will do nothing but print about the tournament. If you mention one personal thing about myself, including your toxic speculation, I will see to it personally that your career is over, and your name left in utter disgrace. Do we have an understanding?"

Rita flared her nostrils as she nodded.

"It appears that you have me at a disadvantage, for now," she huffed before turning sharply away from him.

Harry shot her a scathing glare and left the room, his network of snakes proving once more to be an indispensable acquisition. He had spotted her on the map several times and sent one his spies to keep an eye on her. It had been quite the revelation that she was an Animagus. A quick conversation with McGonagall confirmed that she was not registered, the professor having been the only one in the past forty-five years.

He grinned at the thought of outwitting the woman.

"Harry," a voice called from behind him.

He waited for the redhead to catch up and to catch his breath.

"How's it going, Ron?" he asked.

"I've been looking everywhere for you for days," he panted. "There's something you need to know," he whispered and took Harry by the arm. Pulling him into a nearby classroom he closed the door behind them. "I've had a letter from my brother, Charlie, the one that works at the dragon sanctuary in Romania," he reminded the other boy.


"He says that he will be here for the first task of the tournament. I don't know if it means anything else, but I thought you should know."

Harry felt his stomach sinking at the thought.

" It could be nothing, Harry. The tournament will attract many. Perhaps his brother is merely spectating."

"Did he say anything else?"

Ron shook his head.

"It makes sense though. Him and my brother Bill both knew about the tournament during the summer, before it became public knowledge."

"Thanks, Ron," Harry returned gratefully.

Ron waved him off dismissively.

"You saved Ginny and then me from that werewolf last year. Besides, I want you to win. Diggory is an idiot," he declared before leaving the room with a final smile.

"Bloody hell," Harry groaned.

If dragons were indeed involved in the upcoming task, then it certainly would not be an easy one.

" If there are dragons, the only place that they could be kept is in the forest. You should venture in under the cloak and take a look," Tom suggested.

Harry shook his head.

"It's probably guarded, and I don't want to risk getting injured in there. I will send a couple of the snakes."

" A good plan," Tom agreed.


It was strange to see him at all, let alone outside the castle, but it was undeniably him sat on a large rock by the lake. All night she had been debating with herself what she should do with what she had learnt from Madame Maxime. The competitor within her wanted to hoard the information to herself, use the time to formulate as good a plan as she could to deal with what she faced, but there was something within her that wouldn't settle, that wouldn't allow her to do such a thing, not when someone who hadn't signed up for this could be hurt. She wanted to win but not at the expense of the younger boy.

She had eventually fallen into a fitful sleep as she pondered her predicament, her dreams disturbed by visions of flying behemoths raining fire from the sky. Unable to get comfortable, she rose early and dressed to ready herself to find him.

It was sheer luck that that he happened to be only a short distance away, seemingly lost in thought as he stared across the expanse of water.

Hoping she wouldn't regret her decision, she pushed open the door to the carriage and made her way towards him.


Harry petted the snake on the head and sent it on its' way for a well-earned rest. The creature had confirmed that Weasley had been onto something when his brother had informed him of his presence. With a sigh, he shook his head morosely. He had expected a creature of sorts, but not a dragon. How was he expected to deal with one of those?

" Forget about the dragon, Harry. No one would expect you to defeat one in combat."

"Well, it's kind of hard not to, Tom," Harry snarked. "Massive creature that shoots fire? Not the easiest thing to forget."

" I know but the task must be something other than dealing with the dragon itself. If they are indeed nesting mothers, I would be inclined to think you would need to successfully retrieve something from within the clutch of eggs."

"I'd still have to face the dragon," Harry pointed out.

" Yes, but if we take it out of the equation, what else will be present?"

"The eggs, maybe some materials that can be transfigured?"

" I was referring to the crowd, Harry. The event will be spectated, and measures will need to be in place to protect them."

"Wards," Harry murmured.

" Yes, Harry. Think more about what you can use to your advantage rather than what is against you."

Harry nodded thoughtfully as an idea began to form.

"'Arry?" a familiar broke into his thoughts.

Harry turned and shook the invasive magic of the girl away as he made eye contact with her. It never failed brush against his own and for him to lose control around the girl for a moment. It was not something she could help, so he certainly wouldn't hold it against her.

"Miss Delacour," he greeted cordially.

The girl worried her lip as she stared at him for a moment, her bright blue eyes showing considerable concern.

"'Arry, I found something out last night and I need to tell you about it. You didn't ask for this, so it is only right that you know."

"Know what?"

Fleur looked around to ensure hey were not being watched or eavesdropped on.

"The first task, it has something to do with…"

"Dragons," Harry sighed, causing the girl's mouth to open in surprise. "I might not have Madame Maxime on my side, but I have my sources."

"Oh. Well, how do you feel about it?"

"Not great, to be honest, but then again, I don't like the idea of any creature that can burn me coming after me," he replied with a grin.

"And as I said, you need not worry if you don't make me angry."

Harry snorted as he shook his head in amusement.

"Thank you. I appreciate that you would have told me. I doubt anyone else would have."

"I suppose I did owe you one," Fleur returned airily. "You did let me borrow 'Edwig."

"If anything, you did me a favour. She doesn't get as much exercise as she'd like."

Fleur frowned as she took a seat next to him on the large rock.

"Do you not have other friends or family to write to?"

"The only family I have are my muggle relatives and I haven't seen them for more than two years now," he explained. "I don't really have friends. I wasn't allowed them growing up and got used to being alone."

Fleur felt her chest tighten. He didn't seem sad that he had no friends, just matter of fact.

"So, who looks after you? Who do you live with when you are not here?"

Harry chuckled at the questions.

"I've looked after myself since I was seven and spend my time away from here in hotels usually."

"'Arry! You can't be doing that. Surely Dumbledore would not allow it."

"Dumbledore washed his hands of me the night he left me with them," Harry bit back. "It's better this way. I get to live my life and people leave me alone."

There were many things Fleur wanted to say to him, things that could comfort him or make it all seem less bleak, but she couldn't. It was not her place.

"Well, I will be very offended if you do not write to me when this is all over."

"I'm sure Hedwig would enjoy the journey."

"And I would quite like getting letters from the famous 'Arry Potter," Fleur added.

Harry narrowed his eyes at her as she smiled at him innocently.

"I'll let that one slide because you did try to help me," he allowed.

"Twice," Fleur corrected. "I helped you with 'Edwig and now with this. You still owe me a favour."

"Fine," Harry agreed. "If there is anything that I can do for you, then just name it."

"I will remember it," Fleur promised as stood. "Be careful, 'Arry. It is not my wish to see you get burned alive unless it is me doing it."

Harry chuckled at the girl.

"That's assuming you can. I've dealt with worse creatures than an angry bird that can throw fire."

"Not this angry bird," she returned as she stomped away in faux rage as a smile formed across her face.

It was refreshing to speak to someone who did not drool at her or lose themselves the way most others did. It certainly didn't hurt that he was quite witty in his own way and gave as good as he got when they had their back and forth moments.

It saddened her to think of the life he must have led to this point. She didn't know the specific details, but one did not become as lonely as Harry Potter had without suffering and neglect. No boy of his age should have to be alone and take care of himself.

There was little else she could do to help hm for the time being. Her father would be the best to speak to, but she did not want to overstep the mark and make him think she was going behind his back.

It was his life to live, and though she did not agree, he should be able to live it the way he chose. Even if others were seemingly not content with this.