Chapter 8: The First Task

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Chapter 7: The First Task


Another one for you guys here.

Just a quick note to thank everyone for the support on pat re0n, things are beginning to pick up over there very nicely with my original work, audio books and soon to be podcasts. For those that missed it, 'The Yule Ball' has been uploaded there.

Already, work has begun on the first one of those with another author who is very keen to be my first guest. If you are a fan of Harry/Fleur, you will absolutely know their work. In my opinion, it is the best of this pairing out there and I am looking to get this done an up ASAP.

For those of you that haven't, do check out my page. In the past 7 days, there has been 3 chapters of this and two of my original work, an audiobook chapter and my first Q&A.

Anyway, follow, favourite and review.


This chapter is dedicated to Ben Swaim, one of my top tier patrons and a supporter of my work for merlin knows how long x

His nose wrinkled as he entered the shop, the unwelcome smell of drying skin and chemicals assaulting his senses. Today was the day he would see the work completed with the basilisk skin he had provided to the man in Knockturn Alley with just over a week left until the first task. He didn't expect that it would protect him from dragon fire, but it wouldn't hurt having such protection for when he needed it, which had proven to be much more often than he would like.

"Ah, I was wondering when you would arrive," the man greeted him, wiping his hands on a rag as he emerged from the back room. "The past two weeks have been very challenging, but equally rewarding. I'm certain you will be pleased with the work I have done."

He locked the door to the shop and beckoned Harry to follow him. He did so, and found himself in a workroom of sorts, the walls adorned with various types of tools and different machines the man used to complete his craft.

"The skin proved to be very difficult to cut and shape, even with the needed tools," he explained as he retrieved a trunk from under a bench. "It will be resistant to many spells and will also stretch to fit as you grow, unless you are merely a man of smaller stature," he added with a frown.

He opened the trunk to reveal the dark green garments complete with a pair of boots and gloves.

"They're light," Harry commented as he picked up the trousers.

"I managed to incorporate a few useful enchantments," the man revealed proudly. "Had I not, it would have been quite cumbersome. I managed to lighten it by half and reduce the thickness without losing any protective qualities. I have also made it so that it is flexible. Your movement should not be hindered when it is worn."

Harry nodded appreciatively. Not only had he crafted the armour, he had also retained the beauty of the basilisk scales.

"It is fine work," he praised. "Was there much left over?"

"Enough to fetch me quite the sum," the man confirmed. "I may very well retire early with how much gold it will bring."

"You've earned it," Harry replied sincerely. The man may very well have already saved his life with what he had created.

"Well, I am certainly grateful and not a word will be spoken of this to any," he assured the teen as he closed the trunk, sealed it and handed it over. "Thank you, young man," he finished, offering his hand.

Harry shook and gave him a nod before taking his leave, their business concluded satisfactorily.

" You should check on Borgin whilst we are here," Tom urged.

Harry nodded and entered the shop only a short distance away. Borgin was seemingly taking stock of what he currently held and almost dropped a pile of books when he took note of who had arrived.

"How goes your search for a buyer?" Harry questioned.

"I-I'm meeting an interested party within the week. He has the funds available, you can be assured of that," the man answered.

"Very good. I shall return at the end of the month, Mr Borgin."

With his parting promise, he left the shop and headed towards the apparation point. There was no other business to attend to and he was very keen to experiment with his new armour and see just how well it could serve him.


For the first time since the night of the champion's selection, the conversation at breakfast was not focused on that of the tournament but a different subject entirely. Fleur listened in to the conversations around her, hoping to learn more about why the exoneration of a prisoner was such a topic of interest to the students of Hogwarts.

"Innocent? He broke in here last year and attacked the Fat Lady," one boy nearby muttered disbelievingly.

"Well, he's been proven not guilty of murdering those muggles," another pointed out.

"I don't know," the first sighed. "Is there a way that veritaserum can be tricked?"

Fleur frowned as she read the article, as difficult as it was. She could speak English well but reading it was more of a challenge.

Sirius Black – Not Guilty

By Rita Skeeter

That's right readers! According to a reliable source, Sirius Black, once thought to be the murderer of a dozen muggles and a fellow wizard has been proven to be innocent of all charges.

Black, as you well know, gained notoriety just last year when he successfully escaped from Azkaban, the first to do so in history, and spent more than a year on the run from Ministry officials. Little was heard of him during the following months until he wrote to this very paper protesting his innocence. In a shocking twist, it was none other than Harry Potter who publicly demanded the man submit himself for questioning to prove his claims. For those of you that don't know, it was rumoured that Black was complicit in the murder of Potter's parents, James and Lily in 1981, an accusation the man strongly denies.

It has been revealed to me that Black submitted himself to the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones just a few days ago and was questioned by her, Albus Dumbledore as Chief Warlock, Cornelius Fudge and two senior aurors under Veritaserum.

Having learned this, I spoke to the woman herself who had this to say:

" Sirius Black has been questioned and released without charge. The majority and I who were present are satisfied that he was wrongfully imprisoned, without trial, for crimes he did not commit. Our investigation into these crimes are now once more, ongoing."

Now that Black has been proven innocent, I for one am interested in what Potter has to say on the matter. I will look to gain his thoughts on this as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the question begs, just who was responsible for the murder of these muggles and what happened to Peter Pettigrew?

Watch this space for further updates as this story develops.

Fleur placed the paper back on the table and shook her head. Harry had likely spent years believing Black was somewhat responsible for the murder of his parents, only now to face the reality that he was innocent. Was nothing ever straight forward for the boy?

" At least he shut up," Fae muttered, nodding towards Roger Davies.

Fleur smirked. Since Harry had accosted him, Davies had been very quiet, though he continued to stare at her lecherously. She had been tempted to hex him several times already and it had only been just over two weeks since they had arrived.

" Fleur," Marie interrupted her thoughts by shaking her on the shoulder.

The girl said nothing but pointed towards the door.

Fleur's eyes widened as she spotted Madame Maxime walking in with her mother and sister. Without thinking about it, she cleared the length of the room in a matter of seconds and threw her arms around the older of the two.

" Maman, what are you doing here? The task isn't for another two days."

" I know but I wanted to come early. Madame Maxime said that it would be okay. She spoke to Dumbledore. Besides, this little one was getting very tetchy with waiting. I thought it would be nice for us to spend a little more time together."

Fleur smiled as she turned her attention to her sister who looked back at her with wide, innocent eyes, very similar to her own.

" That look does not work with me, Gabrielle," she chuckled. "You may have maman and papa fooled, but I know exactly what you are like."

The girl pouted as she was swept into her older sister's arms for an embrace.

" It's good to see you."

" I think we should maybe go for a walk," her mother interrupted. "It seems we are causing quite a scene."

Fleur turned to find most of the students in the vicinity staring at them, the males with glazed over eyes and gaping. With a sigh, she nodded and led them out of the castle whilst her mother laughed.

" Idiots," she grumbled.

" Oh, Fleur, all teenage boys are idiots. I thought you would have learned that by now."

"' Arry Potter isn't an idiot," Gabrielle butt in.

Apolline shook her head.

" She has not shut up about him," she sighed. "You used his owl to send your letter, right? What is he like?"

Fleur shrugged uncertainly.

" He is not what you would expect. He is lonely, maman. He lives alone and doesn't have any friends."

The woman frowned deeply.

" He lives alone?"

Fleur nodded.

" He said he lived with his muggle relatives but left two years ago. He doesn't spend time with other people. It is sad, but he seems nice."

" Being famous for what he is cannot be easy," Apolline offered sympathetically.

" No," Fleur agreed, "and now he is forced to compete in the tournament."

" I'm sure Dumbledore won't let anything happen to him."

" Maybe," Fleur replied, not convinced by the statement. "Oh, there he is now."

Entering the front gate only a short distance away was the boy of their discussion, his hands in his pockets as he walked towards the castle.

" Is that really him?" Gabrielle asked excitedly.

Fleur nodded and the girl took off running towards the unsuspecting boy.

" Gabby, no!" Fleur chastised as she chased the girl, her mother laughing as she followed at a more sedate pace.

She came upon a very bemused Harry and her sister rambling at him in a string of French he clearly didn't understand.

"I'm sorry, 'Arry, I tried to stop her."

Harry looked to be overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught from the younger girl, his surprise turning into a grimace as her mother arrived. He appeared to struggle for a moment before shaking his head and releasing a deep breath.

"It's really hard to push away when there's three of you," he grunted.

Apolline nodded approvingly at the amount of control he was showing. Even fully-grown men struggled with one let alone three Veela so close to them.

"Should I assume that this is your sister and mother?" Harry questioned.

Fleur nodded happily, a smile he had yet to see forming.

"This is my mother, Apolline and my sister, Gabrielle," she introduced the two.

"You're 'Arry Potter," Gabby said in very broken English.

"I am," Harry clarified uneasily, "It is nice to meet you and you Mrs Delacour," he offered politely.

"I am sorry, 'Arry, Gabby should know better than to approach people like that. It is rude," she added to her sister with a glare.

"It's alright," Harry dismissed, smirking as the younger girl stuck her tongue out petulantly, "I could always give her the same tour I gave you lot," he offered. "The second-floor bathroom is very nice."

Fleur snorted and shook her head.

"Non, I do not think she would like that very much, and you don't want to be on her bad side."

"I'm sure she wouldn't threaten to burn me alive," Harry returned pointedly.

"Fleur! I do 'ope you have not," Apolline interjected.

"No!" Fleur denied heatedly, "It was you that said I was an angry bird that could throw fire," she accused.

Apolline giggled as she shook her head.

"I think my 'usband would like you, 'Arry. 'E 'as spent many years trying to 'andle us on 'is own, but I do resent the angry bird remark. We do not want my little flower going through a change 'ere."

Harry shrugged.

"We could always put her in the owlery," he suggested, "Hedwig could use a friend."

Fleur growled as her mother laughed once more.

"I'm joking," he consoled, "I have no intention of being burned, well, not until the dragon tries at least."


"Ah, she hasn't told you. Well, I suppose I should leave you to that. It was nice meeting you, Mrs Delacour, and you Gabrielle," he added.

"Bye, 'Arry," Gabrielle replied, throwing her arms around the boy.

Harry stiffened at the contact, a reaction that did not go unnoticed by her mother or sister.

" Gabby! Let him go," Apolline instructed firmly, offering an apologetic smile as he walked away quickly.

" But he is nice, maman," Gabrielle groaned.

" Gabby, I do not think he is used to being touched. You must respect his boundaries."

The girl nodded sullenly.

" Oh, my little flower. I think you are quite right about him. He is lonely, but not sad. For some reason, I think he likes it."

" It's not right," Fleur sighed. "I know what it is like to be lonely, maman. I have you and papa, but he has no one."

" If he has had a poor life, then it is all he knows. Do not worry, Fleur. Maybe one day he will meet someone that will make it less so."

Fleur could only nod as she watched him enter the castle.

" Now, tell me what he meant by dragons," Apolline demanded.


" How does it feel?" Tom asked.

Harry did a few stretches, testing the elasticity of the armour before completing a few movements one might make in a duel, nodding in satisfaction when he was done.

"It feels good," he responded happily. "I suppose there's only one way to find out how well it will do."

With a flick of his wand, one of the training dummies sprung into action and fired a Bone breaker at him, hitting him in the shoulder. The bone didn't break as intended, but it was not a pleasant experience by any means.

"Bloody hell," he cursed as he rubbed the area.

" Perhaps that was not the best move, Harry," Tom said sagely.

"No," the teen agreed, "at least we know now it will lessen the effects of spells. Still hurts though."

" Maybe you should wait until after you face the dragon before testing it further," Tom suggested. "You don't want to be injured going into the task."

"You might be right," Harry sighed, "not looking forward to his time with the enormous beast that was fast approaching.

" You will be fine. You know what you are doing."

"Doesn't mean I can't be scared."

" Only a fool wouldn't be."

Harry shook his head. With only a couple of days left before the task, he felt as ready as he could be in the short amount of time he had to prepare. He'd been practicing tirelessly under the tutelage of Tom who was certain he would be able to pull it off, though he was not so. The branch of magic was not one he was most confident in, even if he had practiced certain parts of it beyond his years. He had no doubt that if it wasn't for his mentor, he would never have reached the level needed to be successful in this endeavour.

Only time would truly tell if it was indeed sufficient enough to keep him alive.


Fleur paced around the Champion's tent nervously, the reality of facing a dragon only truly having sunk in when she had entered. What were the judges thinking? It was madness to go up against such a thing.

She shook her head as she took in the three others, each preparing for the task their own way.

Krum was in a similar state to herself, though he was muttering under is breath and practicing wand movements with an empty hand as he walked back and forth.

Diggory appeared to be the worst of the three. He stared at one of the walls of the tent, his skin pale as he shook. Fleur could not even be certain he knew what awaited them in the upcoming test of their abilities.

She frowned at the youngest of the four. Harry was seated with his eyes closed and legs crossed, his visage almost one of bliss as he seemingly meditated, his lips moving soundlessly. She couldn't understand how he could appear to be so calm, but if any of the rumour's Madame Maxime had revealed to her were true, this wasn't his first time confronting a situation like this. What did puzzle her more, however, was his attire. It was made of a green skin of sorts, not a material she had ever come across.

"What is that made out of, 'Arry?" she asked curiously.

The boy opened his eyes slowly, the green of them brighter than his ensemble.

"Basilisk skin," he answered with a shrug.

Both Krum and Diggory turned sharply towards him as her own mouth fell agape before she composed herself with a laugh.

"Very funny, 'Arry."

He grinned in response.

"Ver did you get the skin?" Krum asked curiously in a rare moment that he wasn't scowling.

"From a basilisk, of course, Mr Krum. Being a parselmouth has its' uses."

"Where d-did you come across a basilisk?" Diggory asked almost angrily.

"They're around if you know where to look," Harry answered, undeterred by his demeanour. "I certainly wouldn't risk going out there in just a pair of robes, and although your plan to use a Conjunctivitis Curse is admirable, Krum, I would advise caution. It will only serve to send the dragon into a rage."

Krum's scowl returned as Diggory began sputtering incoherently.

"D-dragon?" he managed articulate. "How did you find out? You all bloody know, don't you?" he demanded, seeing the lack of surprise from both Fleur and the Bulgarian.

"Cheating is a part of the tradition of the tournament, Diggory," Harry pointed out. "If you weren't smart enough to realise that, you entered the wrong competition."

Cedric slumped into a nearby seat as he shook his head in dismay.

"How the hell do you take down a dragon?" he moaned.

"Well, I wouldn't personally," Harry replied as the tent flap opened, admitting the five judges.

Dumbledore immediately took in Harry's appearance and acknowledged the suitability of his attire with a respectful nod.

"Alright, gather round," Bagman instructed giddily.

Fleur joined the other three, her mind distracted by Harry's explanation of his wear until a small velvet bag was waved under her nose.

"Ladies first," Bagman offered.

Fleur put her hand in and retrieved a miniature model of a green, moving dragon with the number 2 on it.

"The Common Welsh Green," Crouch announced as Bagman handed the bag to Cedric. "The Swedish Short Snout."

"Mr. Krum," Bagman prompted.

"The Chinese fireball," Crouch confirmed as Krum frowned at the replica he held.

"And finally, Mr. Potter."

Harry retrieved the final dragon, his looking much more dangerous than the other three that had been drawn. It had fiery amber eyes and its' body was riddled with vicious spikes. He certainly didn't want to be on the receiving end of those.

"The Hungarian Horntail, Excellent," Bagman declared cheerily. "Your task is to retrieve the golden egg hidden amongst the dragon's own in her nest. You will go in the order depicted on the dragons you hold. So, Mr Diggory will be first, followed by Miss Delacour, then Mr Krum, and Mr Potter last."

" I was right," Tom gloated.

Him being right did not make the task any less daunting for Harry. Dragons were unfriendly enough, but a mother protecting her eggs could only prove to be considerably more so.

"Mr Diggory? Your task will begin when you hear the claxon," Crouch informed him as the judges left.

"It could be worse," Harry chuckled.

"How could this be worse?" Diggory huffed.

"They could always throw some dementors in for good measure."

Cedric's eyes widened as the claxon sounded and he exited the tent on shaky legs.

"How are you so calm about this?" Fleur questioned the still-grinning boy.

Harry snorted.

"Believe me, I'm not. I can think of a million other things I would rather do than go out there. You signed up for this, remember? I bloody well didn't."

Krum nodded his agreement as the trio that remained fell silent, listening to the sounds of the crowd in the distance. It took around twenty-five minutes for Diggory to complete the task and the spectators erupted in applause, indicating his eventual success.

Fleur positioned herself close to the door as she began to shake uncontrollably, waiting to be called forward for her own turn. After what seemed to be an eternity, the claxon sounded once more.

"Good luck, Miss Delacour," Harry offered.

Fleur managed a tight smile before exiting the tent and making her way through tunnel situated just outside. The noise of the crowd grew louder the closer she got, and she had to steady herself from falling when she laid eyes on the dragon waiting for her in the arena.

" Here goes nothing," she muttered as she drew her wand and took a deep breath.


"You are not like the rest of us. You do not enjoy the fame," Krum mumbled when it was just Harry and himself in the room.

"No, I don't. If I could, I would live alone in the woods and never see another person again," Harry replied honestly.

Surprisingly, Krum laughed, an alien gesture coming courtesy of surly Bulgarian.

"It is different for me, I enjoy it. I grew up in a city ver ve are poor. Having money vas my dream, then ven I had it, I vanted fame also. I enjoy the love of the people, and that is vhy I vill vin."

Harry raised an eyebrow at him.

"To be honest, Krum, I couldn't care less. I'd never even heard of you until you arrived here, and people queued up to kiss your arse. You won't get that from me."

Krum laughed heartily.

"I like you, Potter. You've got guts and I respect that. You did not even back down from Karkaroff, and he is a dangerous man."

Before Harry could respond, the claxon sounded once more, and Krum headed towards the door.

"I vish you luck," he said as he left.

Harry watched him leave, unsure of what to make of him.

"What a strange guy."

" Fame affects people differently, Harry. You are merely on opposite ends of the spectrum. Now, forget about him, you must be focused on what is to come."

Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his thoughts broken an inordinate amount of time later when he heard the claxon indicating that he was up.

With a final breath, he left the tent, the last to do so and to face his challenge.

He entered the stadium via the tunnel to an almost silent crowd. Ignoring them, he took in the sight of the dragon and felt his stomach sink. He was in no way relishing the monumental expectation to relieve it of anything.

The amber eyes burned into him challengingly, daring him to step closer so that its' wrath could be exercised upon him. For good measure, the beast roared, making the ground beneath his feet tremble.

" Calmly," Tom soothed. "You know what it is you must do. Forget about her."

Harry took a steadying breath as he turned his attention to the job at hand and held his wand aloft. Focusing, he felt for the wards he and the dragon were confined in and carefully began casting. One wrong move could prove to be fatal if he were to make even the slightest of error. When he has happy he had control, he cast his first spell, making them visible.

A dome of brilliant, purple light appeared around the area the task was to be completed in, various colours streaking across the translucent surface indicating each protective measure that had been put in place.

" That is quite the ward scheme," Tom offered thoughtfully.

Harry nodded as he took aim to cast his second spell, another roar of the dragon sounding as a barrier appeared around her eggs. She threw her head from side to side irritably before pawing at it, trying to remove it from her developing young.

" Good, Harry. Now the hard work begins."

With the eggs protected and the wards ready, he began looping his wand in large circles over his head in a similar fashion to a cowboy readying a lasso and began muttering under his breath.

The spell was one he had practiced in the room, was one that was visually impressive but not one that was too taxing. It was not one he would use often in any circumstance, but here, it would make his task that little easier and would take the dragon's mind off him.

After a moment of chanting, the effects began to show as the first pieces of hail started to fall, quickly followed by a powerful wind that began buffeting against himself and the dragon who was doing all she could to resist the sudden chill.

Harry redoubled his efforts, the pieces of ice now falling the size of a fist and the wind roaring so loudly that the dragon's reply was lost to it.

" Now!" Tom instructed.

Content that his blizzard was raging and keeping his foe occupied, he turned his attention to the wards once more.


Fleur left the medical tent, aghast that her dress had been burned by her slumbering dragon. Other than that minor flaw, she felt that she had completed her task to a very high standard. There were very few that would be capable of the level of charms work she had demonstrated. Ultimately, the mishap at the very end had cost her a point deduction of eleven, though Karkaroff had been very harsh in his scoring.

Ignoring the irritation she felt towards the man, she located her parents and sister who were sat amongst the Beauxbatons delegation.

" I'm so very proud of you my little flower," her father declared, pulling her into his arms.

She smiled against his chest, enjoying the warmth the man provided.

" Thank you, papa," she returned happily.

" You did very well, Fleur," her mother added. "You were magnificent."

She blushed under the praise of her parents as she turned towards the arena to see a red dragon being coerced from the arena.

" How did Krum do?" she asked.

Her mother tutted disapprovingly.

" The idiot used a Conjunctivitis Curse. His dragon crushed half of her eggs."

Fleur laughed and shook her head.

"' Arry told him not to do it," she explained her mirth.

"' Arry?" her mother pressed.

" He said that it would make it angry and that it was a stupid idea. He was right."

Apolline nodded as her husband frowned at his daughter slightly.

" Well, we will see how he does next," he said with a nod towards the arena.

Fleur watched as the final dragon was led into the arena and gasped.

" He got the worst of the bunch," her father sighed.

Fleur nodded her agreement.

The dragon that Harry would face was much bigger than her own and more intimidating to boot. Hers had been quite frightening but the sheer size and spikes that adorned the length of the back and tail made for a terrifying sight.

" Oh, papa, he will be killed," Gabrielle cried.

" I'm sure he will be fine," the man replied uncertainly as the teen entered the stadium. "What? His schoolmates do not cheer for him. You would not get such a thing in France," he declared disapprovingly.

" Calm down, Sebastien," her mother chuckled.

Her husband was a righteous man and held loyalty close to his heart. Seeing the students of Hogwarts offering no support to one of their own was something that would certainly irk him.

" What is he doing?" Fleur questioned, noticing that Harry was standing still with his eyes closed.

" It looks as though he is going to manipulate the wards," her father answered, a frown marring his features as the purple dome shimmered into view.

" Is that not dangerous?" Apolline asked.

" Very," Sebastien returned interestedly.

The man watched curiously as the fourteen-year-old cast his own protective ward over the eggs, earning a nod of approval from the man. His eyes, however, bulged when the storm within wards started. To say he was surprised would be an understatement.

" Merde," he breathed as he leaned closer, "that is elemental magic."

" Elemental magic?" Fleur whispered, in awe at what she was seeing.

It was something that she had been warned off from her charms mistress. Many people had died attempting to manipulate them and the practice had been banned from her school for centuries due to the danger they possessed to the user and those around them.

" How would a boy so young know of this, let alone how to use it? The control it takes, is incredible. Where would he learn it?" her father continued questioning.

Fleur could only shake her head in disbelief. She knew Harry had at least a reasonable control of his magic, but she had not expected this. It would be a sight to behold from any witch or wizard, and the fact he was only fourteen made it that much more impressive. For the first time in her life, she felt out of her depth. If he was capable of this, what else could he do.

" What is he doing now?" her mother enquired as a loud groan could be heard from within the stadium.

Sebastien could only shake his head as the wards began to shrink, slowly closing in on the dragon and trapping it within amongst the still raging storm that was confined inside the protections.

He laughed as the sodden boy approached the eggs and cleared his own ward with a wave of his wand. Giving the dragon a final look, he picked up the golden egg he had been tasked to retrieve and made his way to the exit, undoing the impressive spell work as he went.

With the storm gone and the wards returned, the dragon roared and checked on her clutch, laying over them protectively.

Silence reigned for a few seconds before the crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheering and clapping, he too adding a polite round of applause of respect for a job well done.

" That was spectacular. I'm sorry my little flower, but I think he may have got you this time," Sebastien sighed.

Fleur nodded, dumbstruck by what she had witnessed.

" There is no shame in losing to that, but I will get him next time," she replied determinedly.

Sebastien nodded his approval. His daughter was annoyed, that he could tell, but she was humble in defeat.


" Well, that was quite the show," Apolline declared.

" It was," Sebastien agreed.

" I'm going to speak to him. I want to know how he learned that," Fleur declared.

" We will join you. I am rather intrigued to meet him myself," Sebastien mused aloud as he led his family towards the medical tent, though he doubted Potter had any need for it after his exemplary performance.


Albus Dumbledore cast a Silencing Charm around the judges table, astounded by what he had seen by the youngest champion. He was aware that Harry was far beyond his age in magical skill and ability, but he hadn't realised the extent until now. In the few moments he had been in the arena completing the task, the man had quite the epiphany about the boy and how his approach to dealing with Voldemort would have to change. He wasn't there yet, far from it still, but there was the potential within Harry to defeat the Dark Lord.

"That was impressive," Bagman stated dumbly, opening the proceedings.

"It is hard to disagree," Crouch added, "what Potter did was exceptionally more advanced and effective than the others.

Karkaroff shot the man a filthy look as Madame Maxime nodded reluctantly.

"What was it 'e did exactly?" she asked.

"I believe that question would be better posed to Professor Babbling. She did create the ward scheme," Dumbledore pointed out.

"Then send for her," Crouch snapped irritably.

With a flick of his wand, the woman was sent for.

"Was that true elemental magic?" Maxime probed.

"Indeed," Dumbledore confirmed with a nod. "A very impressive display of it."

"No," Karkaroff denied vehemently. "It must haff been something else."

"Igor, the boy did it in front of everyone. If not that, then what?" Maxime questioned.

Karkaroff clenched his teeth but said nothing.

"Albus, you are quite versed in archaic magic. Could you explain what it was Mr Potter did?" Bagman interjected.

"Well, the spell itself requires little power to cast correctly, but an exceptional level beyond the norm of control is. For one of his age, it is quite the feat," the headmaster chuckled. "It is, as you've guessed, very old magic. It gathers ambient energy from the surroundings and forms, as you saw, a rather strong blizzard. I can only assume that he used the magic of the wards and from the dragon itself to fuel it to such a degree, but perhaps you can tell us more, Professor Babbling?"

The woman released a deep breath as she shook her head.

"His work with the wards was exceptional and certainly not something I would expect him, let alone any student to be capable of. He wrestled control of them from me and manipulated them to his advantage. The protective ward he placed over the eggs would get him an outstanding in his OWLS alone. The work with the wards is beyond what he will learn here."

"How would he know how to shrink them safely?" Maxime pressed.

Babbling shrugged.

"It is not something I have covered in my lessons with him, but the information is not difficult to come by. To do it, however, is something else entirely. It takes a skilled and confident practitioner of runes to concentrate them like that. It is very risky and potentially fatal if mistakes are made."

"So, he would have had to be aware of the risks before trying?"

The professor nodded.

"He would. He is very much aware of the danger that wards can present. It is the very first thing they learn when we study them. Potter has proven to be adept in the subject and not foolish. He would not take risks he didn't know the possible consequences of."

"Thank you, Bathsheda, that will be all," Dumbledore said, dismissing the woman with a smile.

She exited the silenced area, leaving the judges to their discussion.

"He must have cheated," Karkaroff snarled. "There is no conceivable way the boy could have done that without help."

Dumbledore sighed.

"Igor, Harry has already proven to be an exceptional young man throughout his years here. He already has Outstanding OWL achievements in Charms and Transfiguration and will now likely have NEWTS at the end of this year in at least three subjects. It is to my detriment that I didn't realise how far he had come. You may not like him personally, but he is not a cheater. I would put my reputation on the line to vouch for him."

Karkaroff spat on the ground and leered at Dumbledore.

"I would remind you, that you are here at my invitation. If you give me cause to have you removed from this school, rest assured that it will be done and Mr Krum will face the rest of the tournament alone," Dumbledore warned, his usually calm demeanour becoming difficult to hold on to.

Karkaroff heeded the warning and took his seat.

"Let us give our scores then," he said, his brown teeth showing through curved lips.

"Does anybody have anything to add?" Crouch demanded.

When none did, Dumbledore removed the silencing charm and waited for Ludo to address the crowd.


Harry exited the stadium with his newly acquired golden egg under his arm and cast a warming charm on himself. November in Scotland was cold already, but willingly creating an additional blizzard on top was not something he planned to do again. He sighed as he headed towards the medical tent. Physically, he felt tired, so a pepper up potion was likely to see him through the remainder of the day.

"That was amazing," a voice pulled him from his thoughts.

Harry turned to find Remus Lupin and a large black dog seemingly waiting for him, the dog wagging its' tail excitedly.

"Thanks," Harry replied. "Do you think it is wise both of you being here? Known werewolf and only recently exonerated murderer?"

"That is why we are here," Lupin responded. "We snuck in to watch you and now we are leaving. I just wanted to say well done. Your parents would be incredibly proud of you Harry."

The dog barked in agreement before it jumped up and licked Lupin's face.

The words of the man warmed him more than any charm could, and he nodded appreciatively.

"I'll come and see you both soon," Harry promised. "Keep your mother away. Next time, I will remove her by any means necessary."

Sirius barked supportively.

Only once had Harry encountered the portrait of Walburga Black and it had almost ended in disaster for her. She had called his mother a filthy mudblood and it had taken both Remus and Sirius to stop him ripping her painting down with his bare hands, the latter of the two only half-heartedly.

"Be sure that you do," Remus said before he led the dog away, chastising it for licking him.

"Who was that?" another familiar voice broke in.

"His name is Remus Lupin, he was our Defence professor last year," Harry answered, his eyes shifting to the French girl, her sister and parents.

"Why isn't he anymore?"

"People don't want their kids being taught by werewolves," Harry explained.

"Is that the one that attacked you?"

Harry frowned at the older girl.

"Who told you that?"

"Madame Maxime," Fleur replied honestly. "She asked around about you, Krum and Diggory."

"Makes sense," Harry conceded. "Yeah, that was him. It wasn't his fault though. People here are prejudice against anything considered dark. Even me because I'm a parselmouth. They made a hell of a racket about it when I was in second year."

"We know all about prejudice, Mr Potter," Apolline broke in gently.

Harry nodded.

"I suppose you would. Is it worse in France than here?"

"For Veela, it is bad everywhere," the woman said candidly. "It is 'ard for us to make friends or even find a 'usband either because people think we are using our magic on them or they are jealous."

"People are idiots," Harry returned, eliciting a smile from the woman and elder daughter.

"That is very true," the man agreed. "Hello, 'Arry, I am Sebastien Delacour, Fleur and Gabrielle's father," he introduced himself, offering his hand.

"It is nice to meet you," Harry replied as he shook the proffered limb.

"I must say, I am very impressed with what I saw. You are quite a wizard. If you ever get tired of England, France will gladly take someone with your skill."

"I will bear that in mind," Harry chuckled.

"'Ow is it you become so skilled so young?"

Harry shrugged.

"I just want to be the best that I can. When I finish here, I want to have as many options open to me as possible."

"You will certainly 'ave them," Sebastien assured him.

"That is if I survive long enough. Fleur looks like she wants to do what the dragon failed to and leave me with a few burns."

Sebastien chuckled as Fleur raised an eyebrow at him.

"Not this time," she denied, "but I will win. You did very well, 'Arry, better than the rest of us."

"I did tell you I would. It's your own fault really for not believing me. How did you get past yours anyway? I didn't see."

"I put the dragon to sleep," she answered simply.

Harry frowned as he pondered her approach.

"Well, I don't know any charm that would do that, so I can only assume you enchanted it," he deduced. "The Hypnosis charm wouldn't be powerful enough, but if you did enchant it, that is brilliant."

" Oui," Fleur confirmed, flicking her dramatically over her shoulder.

"You both did very well," Sebastien praised. "Come, I believe the judges will be giving your score soon."

Harry followed the group, bemoaning the fact that he didn't get his pepper-up potion. The fatigue was starting to set in, and he vowed to get one as soon as possible.

They entered the stadium via the crowd entrance and Sebastien led them to where the French students were seated, their arrival causing a large amount of pointing and whispering that made him feel rather uncomfortable.


Harry looked on as Dumbledore began by scoring him a ten, followed by Bagman who followed suit. Madame Maxime gave him full marks along with Barty Crouch, and Karkaroff gave him a six, much to the disgust of most who had witnessed his trial, including the judges.

"He is a pig," Fleur declared amongst the jeering aimed towards the man. "There was nothing he could take points from you for."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from him," Harry sighed. "I don't suppose I helped myself the night my name came out of the goblet."

"'E should be impartial. 'is personal feelings should not come into it," Sebastien growled.


"Come, 'Arry, we should go."

Harry nodded and followed her back to the tent where the day had begun. Krum and Diggory were already within, the Hogwarts champion no longer as pale and grinning although he had suffered what seemed to be quite significant burns to his face. Krum remained scowling, showing no sign that he was either happy or disappointed with his own performance.

Before the judges arrived, Madame Pomfrey entered the tent and stalked towards Harry, giving him a chiding glare.

"You should have come to me immediately after your task was complete. I do not expect to have to come looking for you, Potter," she huffed. "Now, are you injured?"

Harry shook his head.

"No, but a pepper-up would help."

"I do not see why I should, but I will take pity on you this once. See that it does not happen again," she finished, pressing a vial into his hand.

Harry uncorked the little bottle and downed the contents, sighing at the influx of energy he received, no matter how temporary it would be.

It wasn't long before the judges entered, and Harry had to fight the urge to curse the smug Durmstrang High Master for the smug grin he wore as though he'd achieved a victory over him.

"Very well done to you all," Bagman addressed them. "Now, your next clue is the very egg you retrieved. You will find it within, ah, not here, Mr Krum. The second task will take place on February 24th. You have until then to solve your clue. Again, congratulations to you all."

The judges took their leave and Harry followed soon after with Fleur trailing behind him. Evidently, her parents were waiting for her outside the tent and Harry turned to head back towards the castle.

"'Arry?" he was called by the man.

Sighing internally, he approached the Delacour's once more.

"I was perhaps wondering if you would like to join us for dinner this evening. As a congratulations for a job well done," he added.

Harry tried to find an excuse not to go when his thoughts were interrupted.

" Having contacts like the Delacour's could prove to be beneficial to yourself one day, Harry."

"I would like that," he accepted reticently.

The man offered him a warm smile.

"Say seven? You can meet us at the carriage. I know a very nice place in Diagon Alley, very quiet," he assured him.

"I will see you then," Harry confirmed before bidding farewell to the others.

It was an odd experience to receive and invitation to dinner from anyone let alone a man he had just met only an hour or so before. He couldn't help but think there was a hidden agenda.

" I believe the man is intrigued by you, Harry, and likely grateful. His eldest daughter is here alone, and you have made quite the impression on her and her family by extension. You heard them, they too experience prejudice for what they are. I don't suppose it is often they meet someone like you who hold no such thoughts about them."

Harry nodded at the logic.

"I suppose it could be that," he muttered.


" Would you care to explain to me just why you invited 'Arry this evening?" Apolline questioned her husband as she took in her reflection in the mirror.

Sebastien released a deep sigh having expected the question.

" For two reasons. Firstly, I am intrigued by him. He is a very interesting young man and one not without talent."

" And the other?"

" Because he did something extraordinary today and not one person came to congratulate him. He should be able celebrate his achievement."

Apolline gave her husband a loving smile as she wrapped her arms around him.

" You are a very sweet man, Sebastien Delacour."

" I do not like seeing people treated poorly. I would think he has had enough of that."

" What makes you say that?"

" He avoids eye contact. You said how he reacted when Gabrielle cuddled him. It smells of abuse to me, neglect at the very least. Whatever it is he has endured has left its mark. No child should be the way he his."

Apolline shook her head.

" He is very closed off. Fleur says he has no friends and doesn't spend time with anyone, but he has been nice to her. Did she tell you what he did to his housemates the first night she arrived?"

" No, she did not."

" You can imagine the reaction of the boys who had never been around a Veela. Well, 'Arry took exception to that and poured juice in their laps to cool them down."

Sebastien chuckled before he frowned lightly.

" He does seem to have remarkable tolerance to the allure. I only noticed him having to resist it when the three of you were there."

Apolline nodded.

" I do not understand it. Any other boy of his age would go to pieces. Do you think he is not interested in girls?"

Sebastien shrugged.

" I do not think it is that. It would not even register with him if that were true. It could be a natural resistance, or he may practice the mind arts, though that would not explain his level of tolerance. It is one of those mysteries I suppose."

" One that has been positive for Fleur. Having someone else to speak to has been good. Even for me, it is nice to have a conversation with a young man without the drooling."

" That has nothing to do with being a veela. It is your beauty that makes us mere mortals drool," Sebastien quipped.

Apolline swatted his shoulder as she blushed.

" You stop that, you silly man. We must leave soon."

Sebastien pouted as he fetched his jacket.

He had a feeling that tonight would prove to be quite interesting.


Having showered and dressed in something he deemed appropriate for an event he had never attended, Harry arrived at the carriage at the appointed time, the door opening before he got the chance to knock and the Delacour's exited.

"Ah, 'Arry, you are right on time," Sebastien greeted him cheerily. "'Ow are you feeling after today? Tired, no?"

"I'm okay now," Harry replied honestly.

A thirty-minute nap and the benefits of one of his rituals saw to that.

"I am pleased," Sebastien returned, "and again, you did a very good job."

"Thank you."

"'Ello, 'Arry," Gabrielle said shyly, blushing slightly.

"Gabby, the little innocent act will not work on 'im now," Apolline sighed. "'E 'as already seen your rambunctious nature."

"'E as seen nothing yet," Fleur snorted as the younger girl frowned at her mother.

Harry failed to hide his grin. The little veela had caught him off guard when they had first met. The allure of the three of them had been difficult enough to handle, let alone when she had thrown her arms around him. He had vowed to keep a close eye on her.

"I know trouble when I see it," he commented, looking pointedly at the girl who offered him a sweet smile.

"You need to be aware of it around them, 'Arry. They will claim to be innocent and charming and then you get a fireball thrown at you."

Fleur narrowed her eyes at her father whilst Gabrielle giggled.

"That 'appened only once, Sebastien," Apolline huffed. "You missed our anniversary and I was very 'Ormonal. I was pregnant with tis one. You cannot hold it against me forever."

"Ah, my beautiful wife, it is the only thing I 'ave on you. After twenty years of marriage you have been perfect other than that one feathery incident. I forgave you for it immediately."

Apolline raised a brow at the man as he grinned.

"Shut up, Sebastien," she mumbled, her cheeks flushing.

"I will pay for that later, 'Arry. My wife is very much like my daughters. You will never get the last word," he whispered.

Apolline glared at her husband as they exited the gates.

"Where is it we are going?" Harry asked.

"It is a little place called, Ernesto's. They do fantastic Italian food," Sebastien answered.

"The one by Florean's?"

Sebastien nodded and then shook his head as the boy vanished with a gentle pop.

"Did 'e just apparate?" Fleur questioned.

"I believe so," her father sighed as he took hold of his younger daughter and vanished, followed by Fleur and his wife shortly after.

They arrived a short distance away from Harry who, from what he could see, was intact.

"I should not be surprised that you can do that already. Are you not worried you will get a fine?"

"They can't really track it, or they don't bother trying," Harry replied with a shrug.

"No, from what I 'ave seen so far, there seems to be a lot of laxity 'ere."

Without commenting on it further, he led them into the restaurant where they were greeted by a host wearing a muggle suit. The effect of the three Veela on him was immediate as he gaped dumbly causing Sebastien to click his fingers in front of his eyes to snap him out of his stupor.

"Could you fetch Ernesto, please?" he requested politely.

The man nodded as he walked away, bumping into several guests as he did so.

"That must get really annoying," Harry broke in.

"Strangely, you get used to it," Sebastien replied. "Being married to a veela is a wonderful thing, 'Arry, but you do 'ave to make exceptions and adjustments. Each one of them worth it," he added to his wife who gave him an appreciative smile.

"Ah, Sebastien, it is good to see you, my friend," an older gentleman greeted him flamboyantly, before kissing both his cheeks. "Your room is ready, I will take you now."

"Thank you, Ernesto. How is your wife?"

"Very fat and a pain in my side, Sebastien. I should never have married her after I met her mother. She was fat too and also a pain in my side. We cannot all be as lucky as you."

Sebastien laughed as he took an offered chair in the private room they had been allocated.

"I apologise for the more intimate setting, 'Arry. The three of them in there would cause quite the stir."

Apolline almost seemed embarrassed, but Harry waved it off easily.

"It's not a problem. I prefer the quiet and if people can't control themselves, it's their problem."

"I agree," Sebastien declared as he opened his menu with one hand and squeezed his wife's hand with the other. "'Ow is it that you are not so affected by them, 'Arry?" he questioned curiously.

"I didn't know what it was at first when I was first around Fleur. I just pushed it away. It's harder to do it with all three, but I manage."

"That is quite exceptional," Sebastien praised. "Have you never encountered a Veela before?"

Harry shook his head.

"I didn't know I was a wizard until I was seven and lived in the muggle world until I went to Hogwarts for my first year. I don't even know if we have any here."

Sebastien was surprised by the answer.

"So, you did not know you are a wizard. 'Ow did you find out? Did your family tell you?"

Harry's expression darkened briefly before changing back, something that did not go unnoticed by the man.

"I found out I was a wizard when I apparated out of trouble," he answered cryptically.

As much as he wanted to, Sebastien did not press the matter. It was clearly not a happy memory for the boy.

"And then you come to 'Ogwarts and work hard?"

Harry nodded.

"As boring as it is, that's pretty much it," he answered as he perused his own menu.

Sebastien nodded, though he was not entirely convinced. Not that he shouldn't be, but Harry was cautious and protective whatever secrets he held.

"Ernesto, I will take the ravioli," he announced.

"For me too," Fleur added.

"I will take a risotto," Apolline requested. "Gabrielle?"

"I want pizza!"

"And for you, young man?" Ernesto asked Harry.

A Lasagne, please," Harry confirmed after a brief pause.

"Excellent, it will be with you all shortly," he informed them before taking his leave.

"So, 'Arry, what do you plan on doing after you finish at 'Ogwarts?" Sebastien asked.

"I'm thinking about maybe duelling for a while, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe some work as a hit-wizard."

"Respectable professions," Sebastien mused aloud.

"What about you, Fleur?" Harry questioned.

"I would like to maybe be a curse breaker or an enchantress," she answered.

Harry nodded. Both were difficult positions to attain, but she had already proven her ability in enchanting.

"You shouldn't have any problems doing either."

"Thank you, 'Arry," the girl responded with a smile.

"Are you planning on going into politics?" Sebastien continued questioning. "The Potter family is quite influential, no?"

"I don't know," Harry answered honestly. "I don't know anything about my family history. I'm the last of us and my parents were gone before I could learn anything."

"Forgive me, I thought your other relatives would 'ave told you, or someone close to your family at least."

"The only person who might know is Sirius, I suppose. I'll have to ask him."

"Sirius Black?" Fleur broke in. "The man who…"

"He's my godfather, apparently," Harry interrupted.

"So, it was not 'im?"

Harry shook his head.

"No, but I know who it was. I'll catch up to him one of these days."

Fortunately, before the subject could be discussed any further, Ernesto arrived with their meals and a jug of water. The group ate silently for a few moments before Gabrielle piped up.

"Do you not live in a castle then, 'Arry?"

Harry laughed as he shook his head.

"No, I don't even have my own house at the moment."

"'E lives in 'otels when 'e is not at school," Fleur added disapprovingly.

"Not for much longer. I'm going to be looking for one over Christmas," Harry returned. "Hopefully, I can find one and have it ready for the summer."

"Good. It is not safe living like that."

Sebastien hid a smirk as he watched his daughter. It was nice to see her conversing with someone close to her own age, something that seldom happened for the girl. Being a veela truly was difficult during the formative years. He hadn't understood it until Fleur had returned for Christmas during her third year. Seeing his daughter so distraught had made him feel helpless.

"So, you did not 'unt vampires?" Gabrielle asked sadly.

Harry took pity on her and gave her a smile.

"Not vampires, but werewolves, dragons and dementors do not stand a chance."


"Very horrible creatures that guard Azkaban," Harry explained. "They can suck your soul out."

Gabrielle's eyes widened fearfully.

"Can you cast a patronus?" Fleur butted in excitedly, "can you show me?"

"Almost," Harry answered as he flicked his wand into his hands. "Expecto Patronum," he whispered.

A blinding light erupted from his wand, causing those within the room to shield their eyes. He ended the spell after a moment and gave a shrug.

"Even a shield like that is excellent," Fleur praised. "I 'ave not started practicing yet, but I will after the tournament. But if you can't cast one properly, 'ow do you fight Dementors?"

"I have a different spell. I won't cast it here because it is not very nice. It replicates the feeling a dementor can give you and work as a blocker of sorts."

Fleur frowned as Sebastien shook his head. A patronus takes utter joy and happiness to create, something Harry clearly lacked. What he described would need to be fuelled by anguish and misery, both in abundance.

"I would like to thank you for joining us, 'Arry, and again, congratulations for today. You both were excellent."


" What is bothering you, Sebastien? You have been tossing and turning for hours."

" I'll give you one guess," the man grumbled.

Apolline sighed.

" I do not think he wants to be helped. In his own way, he is happy, or he at least thinks he is."

" I can't let it go. That spell he described…"

" I know," Apolline comforted. "To cast such a thing would need so much negativity."

" How on earth did the boy end up like that? Surely with Black in prison there could have been someone else to take him in."

" Well, he was placed with his relatives. What else could be done."

" He should have been checked on. Any idiot can see that he has not had a happy life."

" He is not you, Sebastien. You went through what you did, but it is different with him. He managed to save himself, somehow."

" I know, but I still don't like it. What the hell did they do to him?"

Apolline huffed.

" He will not thank you for interfering."

" No, he won't," Sebastien sighed. "I will respect his privacy."

" Good. Despite all of it, he is a nice boy. I am grateful Fleur has someone to talk to whilst she is here. She has already told him she will write to him when this is all over."

" I'm pleased for her. It's been too long that she hasn't had anyone her own age not in the family to talk to."

" No, but that is the curse of being one of us. Harry and Fleur are as lonely as each other."

Sebastien could only nod, ignoring the urge to investigate the circumstances of the boy further.