Chapter 5: Elemental

Table of Contents

Hey all, welcome to the last full chapter of Dancing in the Rain. Thank you to all the wonderful people that have joined me on this short journey, I am working on a new fic now, and I will include some details at the end! There will be an epilogue after this chapter, but nothing full length, basically just a "happily ever after" type of thing.

Thanks to x102reddragon for the beta work, I couldn't have made it as pretty without them! And one last shill for the Harry/Fleur discord, you can check chapter 2 or 4 for the invite url, they really are a great bunch, especially if you're thinking about joining the community as a writer!

Hogwarts Grounds

If the air inside the Beauxbatons carriage had been suspenseful, then the tense apprehension between the three Veela and the single black-haired wizard could pull a giant to its knees. They stood out in the storm, great gusts of wind whipping their hair to and fro on the whims of the sky. If it had not been for the handy implementation of the waterproof charm, they would have been soaked to the bone in seconds. As it was, great streams of water poured from their bodies, leaving a trail behind them as they muddled through the soggy ground.

A bright flash of lightning followed by a mighty clap of thunder shook the ground, and Harry could feel Hogwarts's wards vibrate as they protected the castle from the forces of nature. He felt alive. His magic rumbled in tandem with the call of thunder, and it danced to the rhythm of the raindrops.

Fey had led them out of the carriage some fifteen minutes prior, explaining little other than the need to find the highest ground where Harry had the greatest chance of success to contact the elements. Despite Harry feeling at home in this environment, he remained nervous. The only other time he had used his new-found powers had been on complete accident and he had been in emotional turmoil at the time. Would he even be able to replicate his prior success?

" Mamie , is zis truly necessary?" Fleur, as the slightest of the four present, struggled the most against the buffeting wind they battled against.

In the distance, barely illuminated by wandlight and brief flashes of lightning, their destination grew nearer. A muddy hillside marked the boundary between the Hogwarts grounds and the Forbidden Forest, and it loomed over the four as a physical obstacle to their journey. One that must be overcome to prove if the young wizard was truly a sky elemental.

Harry, however, had his reservations as well. "Fey, I was able to use my powers on the lakeside just fine, are you sure that I can't just try now?" The group had stopped now, shouting over the cacophony of the storm.

"Young 'Arry, trust me. From what you told us earlier you were very vulnerable ze last time you spoke with ze sky. The elevation will make it easier for you to use your powers safely and give you ze best opportunity to prove yourself."

Harry remembered how his lightning had sizzled and sparked around him, how his magic had yearned to express his frustration and sadness, and how he had felt on the verge of exploding with power. He couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Fleur, noticing Harry's resolve, wove her arm through his and together they continued their trek towards the hill.

Apolline, skeptical and annoyed at their situation, added her two cents. "Ze only zing zat is being proved is 'ow insensé all of you are acting!"

Fey gave her daughter a stern look. " Mon Cherie , we all know 'ow you feel, and if you are so intent to 'rain on zis parade,"' Fey cracked a smile at her own joke, "zen you are invited to wait in ze carriage where it is safe. I, on ze other 'and, would like to see if my people 'ave a chance to truly be free again."

Apolline haughtily scoffed at her mother's dismissal yet noticeably continued trudging along with the group. Fleur and Harry shared a private smile. They walked together side by side, arm and arm, unable to resist the urge to give each other reassuring touches and glances, all of which did not go unnoticed by the two older Veela.

Apolline could not resist the urge to comment. "If you are so sure of yourselves, ma fille, zen why do you shake like children caught eating ze forbidden sweets?"

"'As Gabrielle been letting 'er addiction get 'er into trouble again?"

Despite her anger, Apolline could not help but smile. " Oui , she takes after 'er sister after all. Something I regret more and more by ze minute."

Fleur rolled her eyes, " Maman, I am one of ze most accomplished witches of my age in the world."

"Humble, too." Harry jumped in now.

"'Umility is for zose who have nothing noteworthy to boast about, my uncouth barbarian."

Harry grinned at Fleur knowingly, his eyes sparkling even in the rainy darkness, "Humility is for those who cannot resist a mere tickling charm without surrendering, my flower ." Harry dragged out the nickname with a teasing affection.

Fleur reddened and Apolline herself giggled, her façade of superiority and disdain melting for the merest of moments as she shot Harry an appraising glance.

"I will 'ave to remember zis technique when my daughters are being foolish."

Fey turned back and gave Harry a wink, "I will as well."

" Maman !"

Unperturbed, Fey continued, "'Owever, we will talk later about other techniques you can use to calm a vigorous veela." She gave Fleur a furtive glance, before continuing, "I 'ave ze feeling that you will need zem."

Now both younger Veela cried out in shock and embarrassment, and Harry could not help but blush as Fey's laughter rang out above the pouring rain.

The small group had reached the base of the highest hill on the grounds, and though they were given a brief respite from the wind, they now had a steep elevation to contend with and words became few among them. Fey Celine led the charge, the promise of her life's goal close at hand driving her older frame forward with the vigor of a hippogriff.

In truth, Fey had little doubt that the boy was what he claimed. She could feel it already, the stirring of her other half that had lain dormant since she was a child. There had been times in her life and people that she had met that had almost fooled her into believing. But those instances were false and fleeting compared to Harry Potter, for he somehow felt like the home she had been missing since she was a girl when she had been pushed out of the nest with nothing but a bag of precious tomes and diaries.

He felt like her Papa .

Another flash, another booming crash, and Harry could feel his magic spike in response. Unbidden, sparks danced with glee around the wizard, winking in and out of existence like fireflies.

Apolline, who brought up the rear of the group, was the only one of the four to witness the phenomenon and she gasped in surprise. Could the boy really be what he said he was?

Apolline watched with wide eyes, the dawning realization sinking into her heart at war with another bitter part of her. It was the part that had long ago dismissed her mother's stories as mere fairy tales, the part that was angry that her mother had burdened her and her child with such responsibilities in the first place. But one emotion dominated both sides of her psyche.


"Fleur…" She could not keep the shakiness out of her voice.

The youngest blonde witch turned to regard her mother with worry, only to catch the direction of Apolline's gaze and she smiled at what she saw. The electricity surrounding Harry was soothing to her, it felt like him , and he felt like hers. And now her mother was finally beginning to see the light.

She could only smile as the warmth of her partner's energy embraced her, and she continued climbing, perhaps holding Harry a little tighter to her side.

As they climbed, Harry could feel his magic grow slightly but steadily more vibrant, coursing through his veins and strengthening his body and senses. Just over the ridge and into the forest he could feel the wild magic of the centaurs as they cantered in the rain. They felt agitated, perhaps the absence of their beloved stars in the sky had shaken their serene grace? Otherwise, was it possible that they knew that one of the great elementals would soon make his presence known and that man would once more have precedence over a swath of their own domain? In any case, they paced restlessly, and their magic tickled at Harry's senses like the irritating buzz of a swarm of flies.

Still further, the scuddling, crawling tap, tap, tap, of Acromantula energy barely registered as they cowered from the rain in the nooks and crannies of their sprawling den. It was only the vast number of these great spiders that brought them to his attention; their population had skyrocketed in the years following the defeat of their greatest predator, and Aragog's colony was thriving. Harry couldn't help but feel a little concerned at this fact as, in his experience, the beasts had not been the friendliest of creatures. Still, he had more pressing concerns at the moment.

Each step was becoming less of a burden and the ground was beginning to level. They were close to the plateau now and they could see the beginnings of the thick dark shadowy trees of the Forbidden Forest over the black horizon.

Hogwarts was a beacon, providing the only light for miles besides the mercurial lightning, breaking the monotony of the pouring rain, and shattering the night sky with stone lances. It was beautiful but stonily frigid; the twinkling warmth of its many lights could not overcome the grim dourness of its design. Fleur may have had a point about the British castle, Harry thought.

A voice shook Harry from his thoughts, "We are at ze top now. Are you ready 'Arry?" Fey was looking at him expectantly, Apolline hid her uncertainty behind a stiff mask, and Fleur squeezed his hand.

"I'm ready. I… Thank you for showing some faith in me, it means more than you know." Having spent most of his life having his existence ignored by the adults in his life, he spoke the truth.

Fey laughed, "It costs me nothing to give you zis faith, not when you could repay me with ze restoration of my culture. Come now." She motioned Harry to join her by her side.

With a final drink from Fleur's presence, Harry let go of her hand and joined the Veela elder. She spoke quietly, her gentle voice barely audible over the pitter patter of the rain.

"'Arry, relax yourself. Close your eyes. Oui ¸ close your eyes and tell me what you feel."

Harry followed her directions, shutting his eyes and extending his senses outwards. "I feel you, I feel Apolline, and… Fleur." His heart leapt to his throat as he was overcome by warmth.

Though he could not see, he could feel Fey's kind smile in her voice. " Oui , whatever 'appens, it is clear zat you two 'ave a rare connection. Part of your duties as ze patron of ze sky is one of integrity. You 'ave to honor ze will of ze sky and zat takes tremendous self-restraint." She paused, and Harry could feel her magic tensing in a rare show of bitter emotion.

"You will 'ave ze power to wreak 'avoc on ze world. You will be tempted to use zis without restraint against your enemies, to destroy zeir armies and lay waste to zeir cities. But if you do, magic will enact its toll on you. Zis is not a wave of your wand and a feather rises into ze air, 'Arry, zis is ze primal spirit of ze sky. You must respect it as you respect yourself."

Harry breathed in her words and they echoed with familiarity. "Dumbledore. He said something similar. That the Sky must belong to the Sky, and to misuse it would be to taint it beyond comprehension."

"Dumbledore is wise to say so. You 'ave powers zat are bestowed by ze sky to carry out its whims. It is trust, you are its avatar on zis world. But even one such as zis needs support, and zat is where Fleur will be invaluable to you." Fey reached out and lay a gentle finger on his chest.

"She, as all Veela, is a being infused with the essence of ze sky. She will be your guide for she will be of zose most affected by your decisions. If you honor her, you honor yourself, and you honor ze sky. Are you beginning to understand?"

Harry nodded. Reaching out and grasping the hand on his chest, he answered, "I can't explain it, but I know it. My magic knows how special she is. I have only known her for a week, but I know I want to feel her magic beside me for as long as I live."

"Zat is ze way it should be, you 'ave chosen each other, and ze sky does not make its choices lightly." Fey said this with great gravity yet her magic seemed to celebrate at this statement as well.

Harry opened his eyes, "There's just one thing I don't understand, Fey. If being this person makes me as powerful as you say, then…" He couldn't finish his sentence, but the older Veela understood.

She squeezed his hand. "'Ow was my Papa defeated by ze Dark Lord, oui?"

Harry could only nod, his throat suddenly clenched and dry.

"Ze Dark Lord was knowledgeable and cunning. Moreover 'e was ruthless enough to execute 'is plans. La Danse du Ciel, ze Dance of ze Sky." Fey shuddered at the words but continued, "You will learn of zis when you perform it yourself next summer. Ze elemental must surrender 'is power and share it with all ze beings and creatures in 'is domain to strengthen zeir connection. At zis moment 'e is at 'is most vulnerable, and zis is when ze Dark Lord struck."

Harry could only shudder himself, "Did he really think he could take that power? It's obvious from what you and Fleur have told me, and that you've searched your whole life for someone with this power, that not anybody can just be a sky elemental."

Fey's eyes darkened. "Zat is what he aimed for, oui, but 'e also drew ze same conclusions. When 'e could not wield ze power of ze sky, 'e sought to manipulate it. 'E asked my Papa to join 'is army, to lead 'is men and use ze powers of a god to strike down 'is enemies."

She paused and spat out her next words. "When Papa refused, Grindewald killed 'im. He wished to use us, ze Veela, as 'is servants, to wield us as a weapon and to bear his offspring, but we refused. My Maman, so many of our people, died so zat zose who survived would not be enslaved."

Harry could feel a darkness in Fey's magic that had not been present until this conversation. It took form of an absence in her light pink aura, a loss that had never been filled and likely never would. However, it was soon covered by her usual warm energy and Fey gave him a small, sad smile.

"We 'ave gotten off topic, 'Arry. You are meant to be meditating, non?"

Harry nodded and again closed his eyes, and Fey continued.

"Now I know you can feel us, but you must expand your reach. Beyond ze castle, beyond ze forest, reach out, 'Arry!"

Harry sank into himself, blocking out the physical world as best he could. The driving rain faded into the background until the sounds disappeared entirely, and Harry was alone in a landscape of radiant lights and sensations. He again sensed the centaurs and acromantulas, and even a few pure glittering blips that may have been unicorns frolicking amidst the trees. He felt the human energy that exuded from the castle, and he could even feel the distant whisper of Dumbledore's rainbow in one of the higher towers.

As time passed, he could no longer feel the processes of his body, his perception of the world around him was awash in the magical vigor of the beings in his environment. His sight was gone, yet the light was growing ever brighter as the world twinkled with life and primal enchantments.

He lost track of time as his consciousness expanded ever outward, until finally, he felt it. He was it.

He was finally free! He felt his body spreading across the vast expanse of the heavens, a sheer joy that permeated his very being. His water fell upon the earth and gave it nourishment, his breath flowed across the land, catching tiny seeds and pollen and propagating the birth of new life. It felt like he was exploding with emotion, and his lightning crashed upon the earth in response, shaking the earth with his jubilation.

With a roar of righteous autonomy, he immersed himself in his duties, navigating his body parts with the efficiency of a practiced orchestra conductor. His mighty lightning would wreak havoc on the tall trees if he allowed, so he directed it to the magical beacon that was the castle, as its protections would preserve the integrity of his kingdom while allowing his energy to disperse.

Of his rain, he poured the majority over the forest and the surrounding mountains, instinctively fueling the thriving plant life and rushing rivers.

Below him he could sense his avatar and three of his subjects and he blew his wind through their hair with a playful greeting. For the first time, he felt like he was not only in his element, but he also embodied the force of the elements himself.

He was the sky! He was responsible for holding up one of the magical pillars of the earth, and as more time passed, the more immersed he became in his role. His existence was to soak, blow, explode, nourish, shake, grumble, crackle, and let his presence fill the void between the earth and space. His life as a human being, as Harry Potter, began to withdraw to the depths of his consciousness, until all that was left was the flickering half-memory of a beautiful being with platinum blonde hair.

Top of the Hill

When Harry had first entered his trance, the three Veela could all sense the change in the air, how the wind seemed to rejoice for an instant. The young wizard had opened glowing eyes and had begun waving his arms, and the storm answered his calls instantaneously.

A palm raised in the air, a downpour of rain. An extension of his elbows, a gust of wind. A fist crashing down, a bolt of lightning. He was dazzling, wielding his might with the grace of a ballerina.

Apolline could only gape with complete shock, her haughty demeanor long forgotten. Something inside her was screeching at her to protect this wizard as a sworn knight may protect his liege. She caught her mother's awestruck gaze and her heart nearly burst out of her chest at what she saw.

Fey Celine had fallen to her knees. Her eyes could not decide whether Harry or her family members were more deserving of her attention and though it was impossible to tell in the rain, tears ran down her face in rivers.

She had long overcome the grueling trials of her past, risen above them to raise a beautiful family, and now in the peak of her adulthood she had finally found the piece to rectify the wrongs of her childhood. And now her daughter and granddaughter would finally see with their own eyes just how wonderfully perfect their race could be. She would no longer be ashamed of the harpy within, she would soon embrace the angel that was destined to take its place.

Fleur could not take her eyes off Harry, however not for the reasons of her mother and grandmother. Despite his show of strength, something seemed off. He had been in this state for too long, the vortex of the storm was only growing wilder, and Harry's movements were jerking faster and faster with mechanical efficiency. It seemed as though the very air around them was sparking with power.

Just as she realized this, the world exploded. The three Veela were thrown off their feet, showered with wet mud and hard bits of earth. In a daze, Fleur got to her feet, stumbling a bit as she tried to combat the siren screech in her ear. She could taste the acrid ozone in the air; they had almost been struck by lightning! Through blurry vision she could see her grandmother mouthing something to her but she could not hear for the roar of the storm and the ringing of her head.

Fey was pointing to Harry now desperately, the wizard was hovering in the air now, the wind whipping around him like a personal tornado, his glowing eyes the only thing clearly visible through the tempest.

Fleur understood, her Harry was losing himself in a typhoon of his own making, and there was only one thing she could think of that could bring him back to her. One foot after the other, she braved the wind and the rain and slowly gained ground and made her way to her black-haired partner.

She was driven to a knee, but still she rose. She was blown back, but she made up any ground she lost with clenched teeth and narrowed eyes focused on her goal. She was soon close enough to touch the wall of wind that separated her from Harry, but at last could not advance any further.

Summoning all the strength in her breast she cried out, "ARRY!"

Suddenly, the wind was no longer blowing her back and Harry was unobscured; she was in the eye of the storm with him. He floated in the air, his face a mask of serenity that was a stark contrast to the whirlwind that surrounded the two and the rapid movements of his arms and hands that conducted the hurricane. His eyes glowed a brilliant green so bright they were almost white, and his magic visibly pulsed and shook the earth beneath them.

Fleur had never been more terrified in her life. However, the fact that Harry had let her in meant that there was some subconscious part of him that was aware of her, that he was not lost, she just had to draw it out of him.

She approached him warily, flinching as she was met with a flurry of crackling electricity emanating from his form. His normally soothing magic so much more foreboding due to the sheer force of it, though she could tell that it was not its intent to harm, and it passed through her without incident.

Withstanding this powerful surge gave her courage; she ran to him, just able to reach his hovering feet if she stood on her toes, and she grasped them with all her might. His head whipped to glare at her at an impossible speed, scaring her, but she held fast. He stared at her with glowing eyes, and for the first time there was a hesitation in his movements.

Still, it was not enough. He was still out of his body, still not her Harry. She cried out in frustration, calling Harry's name again and again, but to no avail. She stifled the urge to cry, unwilling to give up; she thought that if she had made it here that it would be easy, but Harry didn't seem to recognize her in this state.

She stilled, an idea hitting her like a freight train. Without another thought, she pushed as much of her allure, more magic she had ever exerted in her life, and directed all of it at Harry. She felt as if she were on fire as feathers sprouted from her arms and back, her face lengthened into a pointed beak, and her eyes grew wild and predatory. But still she unleashed all of herself that she could, and the pinkish red flames of her magic could be seen pulsing around Harry and his own energy.

And it was working. Harry had slowed, and the tornado around them began to dissipate, the fury of the rain slowly calming into a gentle drizzle. Harry steadily lowered into Fleur's waiting arms, his eyes losing their glow and closing in exhaustion. The two sank to the ground, their arms wrapped around each other for both physical and emotional support.

The quiet of the night air was almost jarring after the storm's cacophony. Fleur's avian features bled away to her usual form, and Harry's magic had receded but still sparked occasionally along the points of contact with his blonde partner.

After minutes gazing at each other in silence, communicating without words, Harry spoke.

"You found me, Fleur."

"Of course I did, 'Arry. And I always will."

"I… I'm sorry. I didn't expect that at all. I was separate from my body, I forgot that I was ever a person in the first place. But I remembered you."

Fleur cracked a smile, "But of course. I am unforgettable."

Harry groaned as he stretched his aching limbs, "I don't have it in me to argue with you right now, can you just pretend I said something witty?"

"Not a chance, 'Arry. But don't worry, you will get used to ze taste of defeat. I will be 'ere to win our little battle of wit for a long time." Despite her teasing words, the meaning of her statement rang true for both teens.

"Are you sure, Fleur? This kind of stuff happens to me all the time. A year and a half ago I killed a basilisk, last Spring I warded off dozens of dementors, today I became a sky elemental. The way things are going I think I'm due to mud wrestle with Zeus himself next summer."

Fleur sniffed haughtily, "And you will win, and you will clean yourself off before you come back to me. I will not be kissing a dirty British barbarian."

"Oh shut up, Fleur and be serious. You know what I'm talking about, I'm a magnet for danger."

With narrowed eyes Fleur poked him in the ribs. "'Arry, it is rude to tell me to shut up, you are lucky I put up with zis foolish talk in ze first place, I will not 'ear any more of zis. You need me to put you in your place sometimes, non? So I will do zis duty to my people to keep us safe."

Harry smiled, "So that's all I am, huh? Just a responsibility? And where exactly is my place?"

In response, Fleur grabbed a wet handful of his hair, "Oui, a responsibility who 'appens to be a good kisser. And your place is by my side, of course." With that she kissed him, and it was just as explosive as the first time; they were safe and sound and everything would be well.

They could both feel Apolline and Fleur approaching, but they ignored the two older veela for now, wishing to prolong their moment together to make sure they were both okay. Of course, all good things come to an end eventually.

A torrent of angry French interrupted their antics. "Fleur Delacour! Will you stop kissing that boy and explain why you were so foolish as to run headlong into a god-forsaken tornado? I swear that if you ever do something so ridiculous -"

"'Arry needed me, Maman. And I would do it again in a 'eartbeat."

Apolline stared at the two in impotent fury for a few moments, before the anger bled from her expression until what was left was a surprisingly understanding softness. "Of course you would, you are in love." She looked away for a moment, "I cannot believe ma fille is old enough to be in love."

After a moment of contemplation her fury reignited and she turned to Harry with renewed vigor, "You may be zis sky elemental, I can see zis. But my daughters are ze most important zing to me, and if you do anything to betray my Fleur I will personally see fit zat my Maman will spend another 'alf century looking for another. Understood?"

Harry met her severe expression with an admirable resilience, "You don't have anything to worry about Mrs. Delacour. Though if I ever did, I think Fleur would beat you to the punch."

Fleur gave him a condescending smile, "Oh my 'Arry, I knew you 'ad a spark of brilliance in zat crude 'ead of yours."

Harry raised an eyebrow and with considerably more effort than he let on, he shot a burst of magic to tickle his partner's ribs. "What was that, Fleur?"

Between giggles, an embarrassed Fleur replied, "Zis is not fair! You willingly give my secret weakness to my family, and now you give zem ze demonstration? Shame on you!"

Apolline shook her head in disbelief. The intensity of the last few hours was finally abating and the surrealness of the scene in front of her was almost too much to bear.

Harry, holding up a certain Fleur Delacour who was crying with laughter, met Apolline's eyes with a chuckle, "This is my personal brand of magic, so unfortunately you won't get the same results," he winked, "But I'd wager a tickling charm would do wonders."

Apolline stared at him blankly and for a moment Harry worried he had crossed the line. But eventually Fleur's mother gave him a small smile in reply. "In ze event zat zis is not all an incroyable dream, I will remember zis, Harry Potter. 'Owever, you will forgive me if I retire back to my 'ome for now. If you are not just a figment of my imagination when I wake in ze morning, we will go from zhere, non?"

Harry smiled in return, and with that, Apolline Delacour began making her way down the hill, where the distant lights of the Beauxbatons carriage beckoned. The raging tempest that had besot them for the last couple hours had faded entirely now, leaving only the soaked earth and the imagined echoes of thunder in its wake.

Now it was Fey Celine who approached the two exhausted teens, a childlike glee apparent on her face. "Young 'Arry, zat was spectacular. We of course will 'ave to work on your control, but I believe my father's books will 'elp in zat regard."

Harry's eyes widened, "Are you sure, Fey? I know they must mean a lot to you?"

"Don't be silly boy, zis is exactly ze situation my Papa was 'oping for when 'e gave zem to me. Your 'umility is endearing but you do 'ave to use your 'ead sometimes; zis is why I am glad zat my Flower is 'ere to guide you."

Harry blushed, but responded to the older Veela, "If that's the case then you could have shown me those books beforehand! It would have been great to know what I was getting into!" It was a fair point. He could have done some serious harm, and it would have been too easy to lose himself entirely without Fleur.

Fey laughed, "Oh don't worry, 'Arry, I trusted you ze 'ole time. Like I said, you 'ave ze sky's magic, and ze sky 'as yours, and neither of you would let any serious 'arm come to us. It was important zat you make zis connection yourself through instinct rather zan learn from a book, you develop much more naturally zis way."

Fleur was unimpressed, " Mamie, I zink zat you just like to live in ze chaos."

Fey gave her granddaughter a wink, " Mon Cherie, life is a little more fun with a bit of chaos, non?"

Harry was the first to laugh, and soon all three were filling the night air with the sounds of their joy. As their laughter subsided, Fey fixed Harry with a kind, meaningful gaze. "'Arry Potter, I am grateful to you. I would 'ave never zought zat my Flower would find my Papa 's legacy when she told us she would be competing in zis Triwizard Tournament. But you are 'ere!"

"I never would have known either if it hadn't been for Fleur, she's the one who saw me for who I am, in more ways than one."

Fleur blushed uncharacteristically, "'Arry, you are lucky zat you 'ave such leverage over me, otherwise I would leave you for saying such gooey sweet zings."

Harry grinned, "That's an empty threat and we both know it. Besides, if Gabrielle is any indication, you happen to love sweets. Isn't that right?"

"Soon all of my weaknesses will be exposed, I never should 'ave brought you to my room to talk."

Fey watched the two banter back and forth with a warm heart and soon joined in, and the three settled into an easy rhythm. Harry realized that talking to Fey was like talking to an older version of Fleur, and it was clear where the younger veela had inherited her sense of humor.

However, conversation soon lulled, and a few peaceful moments went by, the only sound being the chorus of insects and nocturnal animals that called the Forbidden Forest their home. The clouds had all but disappeared leaving thousands of twinkling stars and a perfect crescent moon in their wake.

A sudden flash of fire startled the three and Harry gasped as a familiar surge of rainbow magic appeared. Albus Dumbledore stepped into the night with Fawkes in tow, his silver robes glittering in the moonlight.

He first glanced around at the unmistakable charred ground that Harry's lightning left behind, "Aha!"

He then made eye contact with Fey, and his eyes widened nearly imperceptibly, but he recovered quickly and greeted her warmly. "Ms. Celine, I do hope that you are finding Hogwarts to your liking?"

Fey lifted her hand and allowed the esteemed headmaster to lay a polite kiss upon it. "It 'as been interesting to say ze least, Monsieur Dumbledore."

It was then that Dumbledore turned to Harry and Fleur on the ground, still too tired to try to stand. "Ah, now the last few pieces of the puzzle come together. How are you, Harry, my boy?" He made conversation as if this were a completely normal meeting in the Great Hall or his office. Meanwhile, Fawkes trilled in greeting and flew to Harry's side, twittering and jumping to and fro excitedly.

"Well, Professor, I've been better," he then turned to the beautiful veela in his arms, "But then again I've been a whole lot worse."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, "Indeed. Good evening Ms. Delacour. I hope that our resident champion has been behaving with the nobility and civility that our institution's reputation demands."

"'Ello Professor, 'Arry 'as been a perfect gentleman."

Dumbledore offered an exaggerated bow as a response and Harry groaned. His quasi-mentor had built a reputation based on his eccentric behavior, but the young wizard had the feeling that it was a technique to stall for time as his prodigious mind worked to draw the most likely conclusions. That, and Dumbledore had a strange sense of humor.

"Harry, my boy, I suppose you are wondering why I have joined you and your enchanting company in your late-night soiree?"

"I don't suppose it is because the stargazing on this hill is particularly pleasant, sir?" Fawkes crooned amusedly and Fleur hid her smile behind her hand.

"That is a clever deduction, and not altogether untrue, but I do believe that this hilltop has witnessed an event even more spectacular this evening. I wonder if you or your lovely companions noticed anything peculiar?"

Dumbledore had an almost giddy, childlike expression on his wrinkled face; though it was clear that he had already deduced much of the situation at hand, he enjoyed nothing more than clever wordplay and puzzles.

Harry knew that he could not disclose the full truth to Dumbledore, not yet at least. But he could not avoid Dumbledore's strange, albeit necessary interrogation. Harry was not yet a master at these games, but he knew enough to recognize that he should play along.

"Nothing as you have described, Professor. You see, Professor, Fleur and her grandmother here requested a tour of the grounds."

Fey chose this moment to interject, "Monsieur Potter 'as been so kind to us, we simply 'ad to leave zat stuffy carriage!" She batted her eyes at the older man as a teenage girl would to her father to get out of trouble.

Glancing pointedly at the literal craters in the ground that had been left by the lightning, Dumbledore deadpanned, "Indeed, you chose a remarkably pleasant evening to enjoy all that nature had to offer."

"Oui, 'Arry led us on quite ze adventure! After our 'ike I simply 'ad to sit down and catch my breath, and 'Arry, ze respectable gentleman zat he is, sat down with me to keep me company." Fleur made a point to lean into Harry's touch.

Harry nodded sagely, "It would be a tragedy if the Beauxbatons champion and her grandmother were to be stranded out here alone, I hope you understand, Headmaster."

"Oui, you 'ave done such a good job with zis young champion, Monsieur Dumbledore. It 'as been such an enlightening evening."

"Ms. Celine, I do appreciate flattery as much as the next man, but Mr. Potter's positive qualities are solely his own, and in fact I daresay they surpass my own." Dumbledore regarded Harry with a proud look in his bright blue eyes.

Harry could not help but feel his body warm at the high praise, and Fawkes sang a melody that sounded of springtime as he rubbed affectionately against the young elemental. Fleur reached out to scratch under the phoenix's chin, and he leaned into the touch with closed eyes.

"There was a magical disturbance that had caught my attention, and the particulars reminded me of something that I had experienced many, many years ago," Dumbledore's eyes never left Harry's own as he spoke. "I had been worried that someone had been tampering with magics better left forgotten."

Harry felt like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but Fey rose to his defense. "I assure you, Monsieur Dumbledore, zat if any such magic were practiced, zen I would do everything in my power as veela," she emphasized her heritage meaningfully, "To make sure zat ze person using it would be responsible."

Dumbledore pondered his response for a moment, his magic pulsing a curious light green as he surveyed his surroundings once more. After a moment he spoke, "So it would seem. I trust that you will see to it that such practices would be supervised to the best of your ability?" His gaze flickered between the elder veela and the black-haired wizard on the ground.

" Oui, Monsieur . It would be an honor to facilitate ze growth of zis… 'Ypothetical mage." Her twinkling blue eyes came the closest to matching the headmaster's own that Harry had yet seen.

Dumbledore clapped his hands together, his jovial expression returning, "Excellent. I see that my presence is not required here, and perhaps I may have overreacted to a particularly intense rainstorm." He turned back to Harry, "Thank you, my boy, for escorting our visitors this evening. I see now that I should have trusted that you would treat this situation with the respect it deserved."

Harry did not miss out on Dumbledore's double meaning and met his eyes with a smile. "Of course, Headmaster."

Dumbledore called Fawkes to his side and the phoenix reluctantly left Harry and Fleur's company and perched himself on Dumbledore's shoulder. Before the old wizard turned to depart, however, he gave Fleur one last look.

"Ms. Delacour, a word of advice if you are willing?"

Fleur, still leaning on Harry in their position on the wet grass responded, " Oui, Professor Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore's deadpan expression was betrayed by the mischievous gleam in his eyes, "It seems that you have grown rather fond of young Harry here, and I promise you that you have excellent taste. However," his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper, "If you find that he is in need of correction, he has a particular sensitivity to bulldogs. Use this information as you will."

Harry winced, it seemed that the playing field had been leveled and he could not rely on his tickling antics any longer.

Fleur turned to him with a victorious smirk, " Merci , 'Eadmaster. I will take your advice to heart."

Dumbledore winked and disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared; a flash of flame bright enough to illuminate the night and Harry and the two veela were alone once more.

Fleur could not help but press her advantage. "Bulldogs, 'Arry?"

"Hey, if your aunt had used you as a chew toy for her mutts then you would have issues with them too."

"And if my Papa 'ad not tickled me until I wet myself when I was three then you would understand my sensitivity as well!"

The two glared at each other in mock anger before Harry squeezed her hand. "Truce?"

Fleur smiled and agreed. "Truce."

"You two are très adorable , but we are needing to return to ze carriage soon." Fey spoke with a smile as she appraised the two teens.

Harry agreed and made a move to stand but was unable to rise past his knee. "On second thought, I may need a moment. Or a week."

Fleur rubbed his shoulder with concern, "Are you alright, 'Arry?"

"I'm fine, just very tired. I may have to spend the night here."

Fey scrunched her nose, "Camping is a fine pursuit for ze young. I, on ze other hand, need to return to bed. Zeese old bones 'ave received enough punishment for one day."

Harry scratched his head sheepishly, "Yeah, err, I'm sorry about that, Fey."

"Don't be silly, 'Arry, you will learn quickly, I know zis. 'Owever, I must take my leave." She turned to Fleur, "You are staying with 'im, non?"

Fleur nodded her head, "A three kilometer 'ike sounds like ze last zing I would like at ze moment, anyway."

"I trust zat you two will be safe," she wagged her eyebrows suggestively, "All alone in zis beautiful night under ze stars, when ze moon is so romantic-"

" Mamie!" Harry and Fleur had turned matching hues of tomato red.

"I am only joking, of course! If a man could zink romantically after all of zis drama I would be impressed enough to steal 'im for myself!"

Though still bright red, Harry retorted, "You already tried, Fey, remember?"

Fey's ringing laughter chimed like a bell in the night, "Zat, I did young 'Arry. We will be in touch, you must perform La Danse du Ciel on ze next Summer solstice, and zhere is much to prepare for. In ze meantime, I bid you adieu. " Fey turned, and suddenly her arms had been replaced by great feathery wings and she took off, soon just a great shadow in the night sky.

Top of the Hill

Fleur and Harry awoke in each other's arms as the dawn graced the landscape with a rosy pink and gold hue. They had fallen asleep rather quickly and neither had enough energy to cast the necessary charms to make the ground more comfortable. However, since Fleur had the benefit of a warm, squishy, comfy pillow to sleep on, she was faring much better than her black-haired partner.

Harry was not complaining though. Even if strands of blonde hair tickled his nose and his leg was trapped by Fleur's own, he could not remember a time where he felt more at peace. The steady rise and fall of Fleur's chest was remarkably soothing and the feeling of her head tucked into his shoulder filled his heart with warmth.

"Fleur, are you awake?"

She closed her eyes tighter and burrowed further into his shoulder. "Non."

"That's funny, I could have sworn that you were rubbing my chest earlier."

"Oui. I am a sleep-rubber. And a sleep-talker."

"Oh, that explains it then." Harry craned his neck as much as he could to get a glimpse of their surroundings and winced with the accompanying crack. On one side, the Forbidden Forest swayed in the gentle breeze, clouds of yellow, brown, and red drifting off of the branches with the wind. On the other, the Great Lake gleamed in the early-morning sun, beautiful as ever. Luckily for the two teens there was no snow this morning, but Harry's back was soaked and it was still not particularly warm.


"Quiet. I am dreaming of ze best pastry shop in Paris, I can almost taste ze pain au chocolate. "

Harry snorted, "Noted. You've given me some excellent bribing material, I hope you know that."

"If it is a buttery, flakey croissant filled wiz delectable chocolate, zhen I do not care 'ow I acquire it. I simply must 'ave it." She opened a single captivating cerulean eye that gleamed predatorily, "'Arry. I want breakfast."

Harry laughed, his shaking chest disturbing Fleur's slumber even further until she finally rose with a groan, brushing back her tangled platinum tresses with her fingers.


She gazed down at him with a yawn, " Oui, 'Arry?"

"Could you get off my leg? It's been asleep for over an hour."

Fleur rolled her eyes and then rolled herself to the side, wincing as she touched the wet cold ground. "Ugh, did you sleep like zis ze 'ole night?"

"Yes. Are you surprised that the barbaric Englishman sacrificed his body to protect you from the harsh wilderness?"

Fleur snorted, "It was merely a ploy to gain ze trust of zis impressionable veela, so it was actually quite selfish of you." Despite her words, she pulled out her wand and waved it over Harry with a smile, and he could feel warmth infuse his being and his damp clothes felt freshly dried.

Feeling much more comfortable, Harry closed his eyes and stretched like a cat in a patch of sun. When he opened them, he saw Fleur watching him. With the way the sunlight reflected off her amused bright blue eyes, how her tangled nest of blonde hair poofed out in the back, and how her lips curled up in a half smile, he was quite sure he had never seen anything quite so beautiful.

So he kissed her, and she melted into his embrace just as the two were engulfed by the light of the rising sun. Harry held her in his arms, and when their lips finally separated, he still could not look away from her, not quite believing how he had gotten so lucky.

Somehow, he found his voice, even if he did not know quite what to say. "Fleur?"

She gave him an exasperated smile. "What is it now, 'Arry?"

Try as he might, he could not find the words to convey exactly how he felt in this moment. His mouth opened and closed like a gasping fish, and Fleur's smile grew even bigger.

However, he was finally struck with an idea. Letting go of her for a moment, he pulled out his own wand, and aimed it at the lake, quirking a single questioning eyebrow in Fleur's direction.

She understood immediately, and with a grin that shined from the depths of her soul, she joined him. Together they shouted with one voice, one heart.

" Expecto Patronum!"

Prongs and Fleur's eagle shot out of their wands and soared towards the heavens, twirling and dancing with each other once more as they embodied pure jubilation. Their combined brilliance competed with and overwhelmed the morning sun and they flew as if propelled by rockets over the tranquil surface of the lake.

Harry could feel contentment along his bond with Prongs, and he was torn between watching the magical spectacle before them and basking in the presence of one Fleur Delacour. She seemed to be in the same boat, as she turned away from the two glimmering animals and met his eyes once more, her face radiating happiness and affection.

They kissed once more as eagle and stag danced, their magic embracing each other fully as it had before they had even met. Whatever challenges coming their way would be overcome together, as none could stand against the grace and might of a sky elemental and his chosen partner.

Alright folks, that's all she wrote! Like I said, the epilogue will be posted sometime this week, it won't be too long and it won't be anything crazy, just a little more fluff and a little explanation about what happens in the happy couple's future.

Now on to the good stuff!

I'm working on a full-length story with some assistance from Forreal26 who is an awesome person who helps take care of the Harry/Discord server. It's gonna be a long one, I've got it all outlined (part of the reason this chapter took so long to publish) and will be 40 chapters of similar length to these if all goes according to plan. Here's a little taste. A wee sip, really.

A Cure for Apathy

Sensing something amiss when he has Harry trapped during his resurrection, Voldemort puts the pieces together and figures out Harry carries a piece of his soul. In the summer before fifth year, he contacts the Boy-Who-Lived to gloat. How far will a distraught hero go to rid himself of this curse, and how much will he lose in the process? More importantly, who will help him find his way back?

This fic will be much, much, darker in tone, rated M this time too. If you don't know me by now, I'll just say it. Harry/Fleur. Flowerpot 4 life. I'm going to try to get a head start on some of the writing, so expect the first chapter to pop up in mid-May, and I'll see you then!

One last time, thank you all for following, favoriting, and reviewing, it really makes my day every time I get one!