Chapter 47: Epilogue

Table of Contents

Harry couldn't help the smile that so often graced his face as he walked through the main room of their little cottage; with its light wooden walls and hardwood floors, large couch, and larger rectangular rug in front of a soon-to-be roaring fire.

A massive bookshelf sat, as it always did, filled to bursting with books, the lower shelves reserved for the thinner, more colorful ones. The window next to it faced the setting sun, its golden light spreading across the newly budded trees that encircled their home.

The heavy, oaken front door opened out onto the porch; a sprawling, non-negotiable addition to their original plans that covered half the modest home. Made of wood a few shades lighter than the rest of the cottage, the spindles and railing were thick and supported his weight without complaint as he stared out into the trees.

The last of the snow had finally melted, exposing what remained of the fallen leaves from the autumn before. Small piles littered the wide grassy clearing, tamped down by fun long before the heavy, deep winter snows.

A shrieking laugh wound its way out of the forest and set alight a grin on his face that he wasn't sure had entirely faded for the last four years.

Flashes of silver darted through the trees, as speedy and agile as any of the forest's resident critters. Her little feet were blurs as she leaped over roots and ducked through tangles of thickets; pure boundless energy let loose after a season of inactivity.

A wind warmed by the setting sun blew across him, mussing his hair and carrying with it the scents of wet earth and returning life.

A tiny crack beside him announced her arrival a moment before her arms around his shoulders did the same. She pressed against him and her contented sigh tickled his cheek as she nuzzled her chin against his neck. Stray wisps of his wife's silvery hair touched at the corner of his vision when he let his head fall against hers.

As often happened, they said nothing for a while. Content to watch the flashes of their daughter and grin at her delight while she chased sunlight that danced through the fledgling leaves.

Fleur pressed against his back, the warmth of her body a balm to the daily loneliness he'd tried not to grow accustomed to.

Her breath was warm against his skin as she began to hum, then began to sing words that even now ran pleasant chills across his body and into his heart. Words so full of meaning and understanding that they'd drawn him home before he'd known them.

A collection of words passed along through experience, unshakable faith, and insurmountable love to carry those who heard them safely through whatever came next.

The forest's heart is below the ground

The force of life enthroned

The trees grow freely all around

And come into their own

Though the wind may parch

And the winters freeze

And sometimes a fire must burn

The forest's heart is below the ground

So the forest will return


I will keep you close to me

As the heat of my wings

As the flame in my heart

As my truest of names

So when you come home to me to rest

At the end of each day

Like the forest's heart

My love will always remain

***Little Elena on piano, Fleur on vocals

***Orchestrated version


I know I said you would not see another author's note from me, but I cannot leave without saying a thank you to my wonderful wife, who composed and performed this song based on the vaguest of prompts. It is more than I ever would have imagined for the special song I dreamt up for the rewrite.

So thank you, to the one who is both my heart and my home, and to whom I can finally come to rest.