10. Epilogue

Table of Contents

"Come in, Cornelius, I've been waiting for you," Dumbledore invited the still current Minister for Magic into his office. They had an appointment after all.

"Are you busy, Dumbledore?" The Minister wondered, noticing that three chairs were occupied, but he didn't know who was actually sitting there from where he stood.

"Busy?" Albus said in mild surprise, looking around at the three people sitting with him, "they're here for the same thing, Cornelius, so that's why I invited you all."

"Now you've lost me, Dumbledore."

"I take it you've come to suggest who I should choose as my Defence Against the Dark Arts professor," Dumbledore said.

"Of course, Madam Umbridge has held the position of Senior Undersecretary for quite some time and has my utmost trust. Her diligence, which I'm sure needs no introduction, says much about her qualities. She passed all necessary exams and has experience in education. If I was to suggest anyone, she would be at the top of my list," Cornelius did not beat around the bush.

"I understand, Cornelius, but as you can see, you're not the only one," Albus said apologetically, "the position is booked for at least two years, more like three if my plans go as they should."

"Are you sure, Dumbledore? You must know that not everyone is suited for this position."

"Of course," Dumbledore smoothed his beard, then pointed to the first chair. "Alastor Moody claimed this spot immediately, which would have rightfully been his had he not been ambushed and imprisoned. He informed me himself that he wouldn't have the energy to teach all fourteen classes, though, so he came up with an original idea. Do you know what the idea was, Cornelius?"

"I don't."

"Assistant professor. Alastor Moody, as the most experienced Auror, will guide our students from the fifth year upwards. Students there can absorb and understand his teaching, and for the younger years we have chosen together someone experienced and closer to their age."

"And who would it be?"

At that moment, Fleur Delacour stood and bowed to the Minister for Magic. "It's good to see you again, sir."

"Isn't that a great idea? Miss Delacour has passed all the necessary exams and completed the necessary education this month and, if that wasn't enough, her experience speaks volumes. After all, teaching one fourteen year old student to win a tournament designed by our Ministry to test seventeen year old adepts is something excellent. Moreover, it is just what the Ministry wants, for there are also grants available for the employment of young people fresh out of school. We will use one such grant, so that the employment of another professor will have no effect on our reserves. Either way, though, Alastor has agreed to a pay cut."

Cornelius knew he had lost this year, he could disagree with the young girl all he wanted and would probably succeed if he went to Lucius, but even he couldn't discredit Alastor Moody. "I'll try again next year then, Dumbledore."

"You don't even have to try, Minister," came a third voice, and Sirius Black stood up from his comfortable chair, wearing a very expensive robe that only showed off the Black family fortune. "Next year will be mine, and believe me, I plan to break that stupid curse so I can enjoy teaching until I retire. Of course, I didn't sign up for this year because thirteen years in Azkaban will do things to an INNOCENT person, but I have a year to recover, get my affairs in order, and finish up some courses and exams."

"Of course," Cornelius made a sour face. "In that case, don't let me interrupt you anymore. I'll see myself out," and with those words, only four people remained in the headmaster's office, all with smiles on their faces.


Albus Dumbledore had a tough decision to make and the man in front of him, of course, was not making it any easier.

"You know I speak the truth, Dumbledore," Bartemius Crouch Senior said.

"I know you think you're telling the truth, Bartemius," Albus replied.

"The Ministry needs me now, if someone capable doesn't take Amelia's place, all her efforts against Voldemort will die with that office."

"And that someone capable is, of course, you."

"Don't insult me, during my tenure I have reduced the number of Death Eaters to the minimum possible."

"And you sent an innocent man to Azkaban in the form of Sirius Black. Tell me, Bartemius, how many more of them do you believe you have on your hands?""

"Don't act like you don't have your little Death Eater, Snape, at your school."

"Severus Snape is a hero."

"Spare me this one," Bartemius Crouch snorted. "We want the same thing, to lock up all the Death Eaters and not allow Voldemort to return."

"But we have different methods," was all Dumbledore said in response, but then he sighed slightly. "You erased Bertha's memory, which eventually led to her death. You tricked the Ministry by kidnapping your son from Azkaban and then controlled him with the Imperius Curse. Any one of these crimes would've guaranteed you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. All your crimes together? They're unbearable"

"You can arrange my stay in Azkaban too when this war is over."

"You know very well I can't even try to charge you when this trench warfare is over, no one would take imprisonment seriously from someone who belongs behind bars too."

"In that case I will resign my position when Voldemort is finished, I can take the Unbreakable Vow as well. We'll get rid of the Death Eaters and then I'll move to my country house and hang up the politics. You know very well, Dumbledore, that this war will last much longer without me. Only with me will Amelia have free rein."

"Go to your chamber, I must think this over."

Bartemius only snorted but obeyed and headed for the hidden chambers where he resided for the time being. Albus tiredly removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

He was too old for this.


When the doorbell rang, Harry had just been reading a book in Privet Drive, which he had taken from the pile of never-touched books Dudley had for himself.

"Boy! Get the door," came a loud voice.

Harry just wearily closed the book and made his way downstairs to open the door at the request of his dear relatives. But there at the door was someone he really wasn't expecting.

"Hello, I was in the neighborhood and I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk." Fleur smiled at him, wearing a beautiful dress that blended perfectly into the non-magical world. She looked really amazing, but what Harry also knew was that behind the beauty was something far more important.

"Nothing in the world would make me happier," Harry smiled at Fleur, knowing that he couldn't get any better birthday present.


Sirius Black sat in the quiet of his home and read the many articles that featured Harry, his picture, or something about him. He wanted to cut it all out and immortalize it for posterity, but one article was so absolutely perfect that he had to reread it.

Harry Potter has done it. The Boy-Who-Lived had once again shown his ability to survive and defeat the impossible, becoming the youngest champion in the history of the Triwizard Tournament, leaving far behind names like Viktor Krum and Sebastian Bonaccord, older students who are known either as excellent Seeker or for their ancestor becoming the first Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. Harry Potter also beat out his school rival, Cedric Diggory, who finished second in points.

I even managed to get a few words from Mr Potter. What did he have to say about his achievement?

"It was very difficult, the competition was fierce and I had to fight the fact that no one believed in me at first."

Yes, that's important to mention, dear readers; Harry Potter had to endure lies and rumours since the selection. Rumours that he had thrown his name into the Goblet of Fire himself, but it has since been revealed that it was done by Bartemius Crouch Junior, the accused Death Eater. Crouch's Reason? Nothing less horrid than killing Harry. Harry Potter, however, had more on his mind.

"But I wasn't going to give up, you know? I knew I was innocent in this and that if I don't get stronger something might happen to me, and of course I didn't know about You-Know-Who then. But how is someone like me supposed to get stronger in such a short time? The library was open to me, of course, but one needs more than theory, and especially when one has to come face to face with more than just dangerous animals. But history already knows what helped me the most. Fleur Delacour showed up at the right moment because she trusted me and didn't want to see the injustice that had happened. She offered me training, her knowledge and her advice. In this one year, together with my dear friend Hermione Granger, she made me much stronger and far more experienced as a person, one who was able to win this prestigious trophy and survive the whole thing even after the attempt on my life by Baremius Crouch Jr."

Unfortunately, Harry Potter couldn't answer more questions. Still, I think everyone will understand, even from this piece, what kind of heroes Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour are and that the whole world can be glad that they and Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore were in the right place, at the right time. Because without their intervention, You-Know-Who could have risen again and ignited another age of terror for our entire nation.

For The Daily Prophet, Andy Smudgley.


This is it, ladies and gentlemen. Epilogue for a book one of my story. Does this mean there will be a sequel for this? I can't say for sure right now. I wrote this with intentions that it could be made into two book series, but it will still be fulfilling journey, if there will not be a book two. So, I will not promise anything, because I don't want any promises to be broken.

Nonetheless thanks for all people who reviewed. I tried to answer to all of you. If I forget someone, send me message, or find me on Flowerpot discord. I will try to answer any question there. My thanks also for all people who read and like it and especially for all beta-readers who helped me to bring you this story in better quality.

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