
A More Fantastical and Magical Hogwarts - Red Scales and Green Eyes - Choice

The Chamber was damp and dark, but Harry could clearly see a few meters ahead of him while also feel the monster there, the Basilisk, as it exited the statue’s mouth, much to Tom Riddle’s glee.

Harry didn’t know what made him do it, probably that part of him he feared and loved, that prideful, fiery part of him that made him do things that often surprised him.

And now it made him look the Basilisk in the eyes, much to the surprise of all there. Slit pupils met slit pupils and Harry felt the red scales on his face tingle.

The beast’s eyes widened for a moment, and Harry felt its power.

Nothing happened.

Harry looked at the shocked shade of Tom Riddle, and then back to the Basilisk, who he somehow knew was just as surprised as them both.

But then its eyes narrowed, and its large tongue tasted the air, its eyes widening momentarily again.

“H-How…how are you not…” The Shade of Tom Riddle was interrupted by the beast it had summoned as it looked at him, a clear membrane now covering its eyes.

$Liar$ it hissed, deeply and powerfully, displeasure and even some hesitation clear in its voice.

$What!?$ Riddle’s shade returned, still looking utterly confused.

$You said the child was a human with Dragon blood, not that he was a Dragon wearing a human’s face, even as a young one, my Gaze is useless against one such as him.$ It hissed loudly in displeasure then, no word,s just a sound showing how agitated it was.

But Harry wasn’t paying attention, the shock was too great.

He was not human…he wasn’t like the Weasleys, or even Draco, no, he was more like Cho, a magical being who could take human form, but…how, how had no one ever told him, did Dumbledore know?

$What does it matter? He is not in his true form, end him another way!$

Harry was a Dragon, not just someone with their blood, but a real Dragon, and a Red one at that.

It was true, then, the whispers about him, he was a monster, a Red Dragon.

The evilest, most cruel-

‘Remember Harry, the color of your scales does not dictate who you are, your choices do. No matter what others say about your nature, or your ancestors’, you are capable of making your own decisions’ Dumbledore’s calm but firm voice came to the forefront of his mind, followed by others.

‘Don’t listen to that git Malfoy, Harry! You’re a good person, I know it! Fred and George know it! And even Percy does! Because you want to be!’

Ron and his siblings were always there for him, with their easy smiles and copper scales in place of freckles.

‘You are who you choose to be, Harry!’ Hermione’s stubborn voice told him, after he had read a particularly nasty chapter in a book about Dragons.

But who did he want to be?

He remembered the stories, of the heroic Metallic dragons and the evil Chromatic ones, and yet, as he accepted what he was, he knew he had a choice it wouldn’t be easy, he knew, as he grew up, the temptations would increase with his power, and yet…

He was willing to do it, because people believed in him, trusted him, and besides, he was Harry Potter, a Dragon, and no one told him what to do, not even his own nature!

Harry breathed out, and the torches flickered, even the water pools on the sides of the chamber had a small wave centered on him disturb them.

$What are you waiting for?$

Harry looked up at the Basilisk again, ignoring Riddle as he shouted at it.

The giant serpent was looking at him oddly, if he didn’t know any better, it seemed even, pleased.

$You have accepted your true nature, young one. Good. We shall have a proper fight then…$

It reared back, opening its massive jaws.

Harry had no wand, he had no idea how to assume his ‘true form’, his fire breath, as it was now, would maybe tickle it and he was pretty sure he couldn’t defeat the Basilisk with his bare hands, no matter how much stronger he was compared to a-a human his own size.

He remembered Luna’s airy words and soft smile ‘Sometimes wit is greater than fire, Harry’

$Why?$ His parseltongue sounded different now, more like the Basilisk’s than like Riddle’s, and even then, it had more of a growling quality than a sibilant one.

The Basilisk stopped in its movement, mouth closing and tongue tasting the air, it was as if it was realizing something.

Riddle was shocked into silence again, so Harry continued.

$Why do you obey this…human? You are larger than him, more powerful, far older and I would say smarter. Why follow his orders?$

If there was one thing he could count on for those similar to him was that flattery got you everywhere.

The serpent scoffed, $Would you rather I follow yours, little dragon?$


Harry shook his head, but didn’t avert his gaze,$Follow your own orders, be your own…serpent, you have no need of him.$

Before Riddle could protest, the Basilisk did, its large head getting closer to Harry, who stood his ground.

$I am bound to obey Salazar’s blood, and this human is of a purer line than yours.$

Harry would keep that information for later, as for the rest…well, you didn’t stay around the Wesleys for long without learning how to play with words.

$But he doesn’t have any blood. He’s not even here, I would say. A mere shade, a memory of the human you once knew, bound by magic to an old diary.$

The Basilisk’s eyes narrowed, before it turned to look at Riddle’s shade, who seemed torn between pointing Harry’s wand either at him or at the giant serpent scrutinizing him.

$Salazar despised such sorcery, found it unrefined and unworthy of his line, you dishonor him, boy!$

Harry wished he could take a picture of Riddle’s face as he heard that.

Harry decided to press his advantage, $He also dishonors Salazar’s memory in other ways, I doubt Salazar wanted you to go around and murder students,$

That seemed to agitate the serpent, $I am to be a guardian, to protect the school from the mundane’s armies, and safeguard it from traitors who would betray it to them$

Riddle went to speak, but Harry’s voice was louder $The only traitor here is him! Those students had no design to betray the castle, they were innocent children, learning magic!”$

The Basilisk considered him and Riddle and then hissed, and when it spoke, it was with a cadence that seemed to belong to someone else $No innocent child of magical blood shall be harmed, their protection is our priority, they are the future of our kind.$

Riddle had had enough it seemed, $Stupid beast! You obey me! Not him! You can’t question me!$

Now he had done it, even Harry bristled at that.

The Basilisk roared $I am no slave!$

Riddle then did something Harry thought him too smart to do, he played his hand, and underestimated his opponent at that.

A familiar green spell left the wand he held, but the Basilisk dodged to the side with such speed its head blurred, the spell hitting the ceiling instead. The great serpent's cunning was shown as it hit Riddle from the back with the tip of its tail, and Harry now realized it had been slowly positioning it as it berated Riddle.

Riddle, however, was still incorporeal, but Harry’s wand wasn’t. The tail blurred past him but it slapped Harry’s wand away, and Harry dived after it, grasping it just in time to hear the Basilisk’s hiss of frustration, and Riddle’s shout of anger.

$You will pay for that!$

Harry flicked his wand, magic coming at him much easier than before, though with far less control, instead of coming to him, the diary was launched upwards.

$He is in the diary!$

The Basilisk lunged, as quick as its much smaller ‘cousins’ were said to be, and bit the diary, for Riddle screamed and began glowing, his form melting as if hit by the Twin’s breath.

It soon vanished in a cloud of sparks, and the Basilisk spit the now almost ripped in half diary.

The Basilisk huffed $So much for another who declared himself the heir of my friend’s house.$

Harry ran to Ginny, immediately feeling relieved as color returned to her, the scales on her cheeks regaining their shine.

He almost cried in relief.

$It is done, little dragon, now no one can challenge your claim. A clever ploy to avoid fighting me. Without your true form, I would have won.$

Harry turned to the serpent, who was gazing at him intently, it was harder than he imagined but he bowed his head minutely $That’s true, and thank you, great serpent, for your help.$

Another snort, $A Red Dragon thanking me, in a thousand years I never thought to see it.$ Harry chuckled, before looking at the magical being towering over him, $What will you do now, er…?$

$Sela, was the name I used with Salazar, you may use it also, little dragon.$ the serpent looked at the side, it seemed pleased, and Harry wondered if Tom Riddle ever asked it’s name, $As for what I will do…, you are the last one to carry Salazar’s blood that I know of, and a Dragon on top of that, my oath to him, binds me to you.$

Harry shook his head, thinking carefully about what he would say, he knew well that even unintentionally those similar to his kind could take offense.

$You honor me, Sela, but I have no desire for that, I wish for you to be free, to make your own choices.$ Sela seemed to consider him for a moment.

$And if I desire to remain here, in my lair? Won’t your current Headmaster take issue? Their authority doesn’t reach here, but you seem to value his opinion, surely you will bring him and others here, I have no wish to fight Hogwart’s staff, but I will defend myself.$

Harry smiled, $They have no reason to come here, I have…defeated you, and sealed the Chamber, there is no more threat.$

Harry thought it was his Dragon nature that allowed him to perceive that Sela was smirking, $I see your kind remains cunning, so be it, there will be no more attacks, though…I wouldn’t be opposed to your company, ‘cousin.$

Harry nodded, wondering what would people think of his new friend, or maybe, his ‘cousin’?

Just as he turned back to Ginny looking at the small copper scales on her cheeks, a question came to him.

$Sela, you have known those of my kind, in the past.$

$Yes, though most were far more aggressive, especially the ones that share the color of your scales, Salazar asked me to avoid them.$

Harry sighed, but he had to try, $Do you think that, I could escape my nature? It’s said that Red Dragons, are evil, cruel, greedy, and selfish, but…I do not want to be that way.$

It was weird, he admitted, asking such a thing to a Basilisk, but it was the closest he could find to another Dragon right now.

The Basilisk released a series of short hisses and noises, and Harry took some time to realize she was laughing.

$Such a human thing, to teach me a lesson you haven’t learned yourself.$

Harry looked back at Sela in confusion, belatedly noticing Ginny was back to full health, and was just sleeping now.

The Basilisk snorted as she looked at his face, $Good or Evil. To Protect or Destroy. Dragons do what they want, such is their true nature. Yes, the color of their scales may give them urges and desires, but to follow them or not is their choice alone. Do not be like some of your kind and blame their actions on nature, young one, though, do try and have some fun, the only Gold Dragon I met was so dreadfully boring and a prude on top of that.$

At that, the serpent turned and entered back into Salazar’s statue, a soft command made it’s mouth close.

Fawkes arrived shortly after in a ball of fire, carrying the Sorting Hat of all things, he looked around, and Harry would swear he seemed disappointed the fight was already over.

Thankfully he just shrugged as Harry asked him to carry them out of the Chamber, Harry had a feeling Fawkes trusted him to have solved things.

Phoenixes were awesome, but he hoped to one day be able to fly on his own wings.