
A Mother Knows

Harry had never seen Dumbledore look so distraught, so worried, and so concerned at the same time.

McGonnagal’s look of worry and disappointment was almost as bad.

Madam Pomfrey looked professional, and Harry wondered that this probably wasn’t the first time this had happened in the school.

Harry was glad Snape wasn’t here. He was already under too much stress at it is.

Fleur’s face was stony, but her hand held his in a vice grip and he returned in kind.

After a few moments of silence, Dumbledore sighed.

“Harry, Miss Delacour, I…well, there’s not much I can do, or say, but…I must express my disappointment in your…carelessness, especially given the current situation.”

Fleur scoffed.

“I must also do the same, Mr. Potter, Miss Delacour, in all my years I never expected this from you Mr. Potter. And you Miss Delacour, as a member of the faculty of this school, why, I don’t have words-”

“Oh please, Minerva, this isn’t the first time and won’t be the last.” Madam Pomfrey interjected, scoffing, “Even during the first war, young people are still young people, even in war, and no matter their posts.”

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, and seemed to be about to retort, but Fleur interrupted her.

“If you want to blame someone, Professors, blame me,” She silenced Harry with a look, “I was the one who…started this, and Harry,” she blushed, “offered to use protection, and I refused, thinking the potion would be enough.”

Madam Pomfrey sighed and Professor McGonagall just looked at Dumbledore who was looking at the couple with an unreadable look.

“Sadly a common mistake in this school, Miss Delacour, and given your and Mr. Potter’s magical capabilities, I am not surprised, however, what happened…happened, and now we need to…deal with this situation in the best way possible.”

Fleur’s other hand immediately went to cover her belly, while Harry glared at Dumbledore, he could already see her features start to sharpen.

“I refuse to harm my child, Headmaster!”

Harry looked murderous.

Dumbledore looked taken aback, his hands raised, and even McGonagall took a step to stand between Fleur and the Headmaster, facing him, earning a look of gratitude from Harry.

“I would never ask you to…do this against your will, Miss Delacour, I am aware of your people’s difficulty with conceiving, and even then…however, there are forces in this country, who would like nothing more to hurt you and your child to get back at Mr. Potter, there are also, other…considerations.” He gave Harry a significant look.

Harry had an idea of what he meant, but he still wanted to hear it.

“When a Wizard or Witch over 15 conceives a child, they are considered an adult, by laws older than the Ministry itself. And as so, the protections over Privet Drive have begun to disperse, it’s no longer safe for you there, Harry”

Harry nodded.

“It’s simple, then, ‘Arry shall live with me in France, my family’s state is very secure and Voldemort hasn’t moved to the Continent yet.”

“He will come after me, Fleur, and I can’t…can’t risk you, both of you.” He squeezed her hand.

“Non, I will not leave you! I promised I would fight by your side!” [9:44 PM] “Love, I can’t risk you and…the baby, please.”

Harry rarely called her love, more out of embarrassment than any lack of will, and Fleur valued each and every one of those times he did it.

She also found it hard to resist when he asked for something using it.

But she knew Harry couldn’t resist her tears, as seen his when his determination started to soften when tears rolled off her cheeks.

“If I may, I think I can offer a solution.”

The couple looked at the Headmaster, who smiled softly, “When I realized what had happened, I took the liberty of going to Privet Drive, and applying certain spells that would fool someone into thinking that the protections are still in place, they may not be able to stand to a closer inspection, but they should be more than enough for misdirection.”

Fleur nodded thoughtfully, while Harry looked at the Headmaster in surprise.

“You want Voldemort to think I am still in Britain? While I go to France?”

“Yes, and I believe your father, Miss Delacour, can apply a Fidelius Charm on your state.”

Fleur smiled that secret, smug smile that made Harry blush, “Something to that effect, Headmaster.”

“But I still need to fight.” Harry ignored Fleur’s glare, and looked at Dumbledore.

“You told me, sir, only I can do it, I want…I want to make the world safe for my family, I want my child to have a future.”

McGonagall covered her mouth, and Dumbledore looked at Harry as if he was seeing another person for a moment, before he smiled, he looked almost proud.

“Your mother once said the same thing to me, Harry, many, years ago, when she joined the Order along with your father.”

Harry nodded, “Then you know I am serious, sir.”

Fleur held his hand with both of hers, she looked between proud and resigned.

“I never doubted it Harry, very well, given the current circumstances, the Order will set up a ruse, to make Voldemort think Harry is still at Privet’s Drive, while, after the end of the school year, Harry and Miss Delacour will relocate to the Delacour State in France, there are several things we must discuss before then, but for now, I think that’s enough.”

“Snape can’t know, Professor, or he will…”

“Professor Snape will never inform Voldemort of this development, and neither must you or Miss Delacour let this become common knowledge.”

“Well, their relationship is already an open secret in the school” McGonagall murmured.

At this, both blushed.

“Something that Tom won’t care that much about, not until he decides to move against Harry, and by then, Miss Delacour will be safe.”

Fleur looked like she wanted to protest, but a look from Harry stopped her.

“Well, it is late, and I believe we all could use a rest, we shall talk again later this week.” The young couple rose and left the office, quickly reaching Fleur’s(though it could be called theirs) quarters, where she rounded on Harry.

“‘Arry, I…can’t stay cooped up in a mansion while you fight a war.”

“But you have to, Fleur.” He framed her face with his hands while he looked into her bright blue eyes, and Fleur was surprised by how mature he looked then, “I won’t be able to focus unless I know you are safe, that you’re both safe.” He placed one of his hands on her belly and she hugged him, sighing in the crook of his neck.

“I can’t lose you, ‘Arry, I can’t raise our child alone.” Harry hugged her back, squeezing and kissing the crown of her head.

“You won’t Fleur, I promise you…after all someone has to teach her how to fly a broom and play Quidditch, ‘cause you certainly can’t.”

Fleur chuckled weakly at that, “Well, then someone needs to teach him how to sing, because you, mon coeur, certainly can’t.”


Fleur stood back, and smiled at him, far more composed, “A mother knows.”

Harry smiled back, as if a weight lifted from his shoulders, he knew it wouldn’t be easy, he still had a war to fight, and friends to confront, and then…he had a family to take care of, his own family, with the woman he loved, and their child, and he had to organize a wedding, even if it was to be a private one.

A sense of determination filled Harry, one stronger than he ever had, he would improve himself, he would do his best. And he knew he would win, and also that he would come back because he had more people to protect now, and not only that.

He had people to live for.

“Oh, and ‘Arry, you will come with me to France to tell Maman and Papa, I am sure Gabby will also be thrilled to be an aunt.”

Harry paled, and fighting a war didn’t look that scary right now.