
A Quarter Veela Romantic

A few stolen moments, smiles and reassurances, and she knew she was in love, that stunt by the Lake only confirmed it.

The few dances they had at that otherwise awful Yule Ball just strengthened the notion in her mind and heart.

Fleur DeLacour realized she was in love with Harry Potter, she wasn't aware of when exactly she could name it that, but ever since he smiled at her while giving the Boulabaisse, a real, polite smile, not the dreadful, mindless one most of those boys gave her when she couldn't contain her Allure, she had been attracted.

And it got so much harder to contain her Allure in his presence, and how she despised herself for wishing that it would work on him, just for a once.

But no, Harry was practically immune to it, even when caught by surprise, he quickly recovered, she only recognised it because his eyes sought her with desire for just a moment, before he was back.

It only made him even more enticing, and then there was the rest.

He was brave(to the point of recklessness), gentle and kind and always respectful with her, sometimes it was even irritating it, because for once she wanted someone to place his arms over her shoulders, to hug her, to whisper sweet nothings to her.

But she had an obstacle, one that had Harry's most beautiful smiles, that brightened his eyes, and that Fleur had caught being taken by him to a broom closet.

And obstacle named Cho Chang, tall, with long black hair and pretty features, that called Harry affectionate names in a foreign tongue, and that stole all his kisses.

Damn her.

Normally, that would stop Fleur, she wouldn't want to do that, to actually do what those terrible girls accused her of doing.

But you can't choose who you love, especially those with Veela heritage.

'And Veela are selfish beings' her grandmother would say, both in counsel and admonishment.

Now she knew what she meant, and Fleur would have the man she loved.

She smiled as she accepted her transfer papers to Hogwarts' staff, an Apprenticeship with one the world's foremost Charms Master, and a post as Assistant Teacher, not only would it further her career as an Enchantress, but place her closer to Harry, she knew it wouldn't be easy, some would say it would be a type of war.

But Fleur, despite all believed in Romance, and True Love.

She was, after all, a Quarter-Veela Romantic.