
A Servant’s Loyalty Can Transcend Time

Fleur Delacour remembers her past life, a time when she knelt before a king; sword in her grip. A beautiful set of armor protecting her, “Your Majesty, I have arrived as requested.”

The king chuckles softly in response, “I’m glad you could make it, Fleur. I apologize for taking you so far away from your post, but I am in need of your assistance.”

“How may I be of service, King Henry?” The knight looked up at her king, determined to to do whatever it was that needed to be done.

“I’m dying, my old friend, this frail body wasn’t meant to last five winters, but God was kind enough to give me twenty! Hehe… it hurts me to tell you that this might be my last sunrise on this earth, as my oldest friend and my most faithful servant, I have one request, would you please do the honor of standing guard over my tomb?”

“How could you ask this of me?” Fleur’s voice was soft; her eyes as piercing as her ever-faithful broadsword.

“I trust no one else, especially not those in this court of mine, I am begging you, not just as your king, but as your friend, please safeguard me for as long as you wish. Be it one Winter or 200, I just want you by my side for a little while longer.“

“Be careful, my liege, you speak, almost as if you loved me; I am your sword, I am your shield, I am your weapon, until the end of Time itself. If that is your request, then I shall grant it.” Fleur whispered begrudgingly. Then; the king coughed harshly, slightly startling his personal guard, when the king put down his hand, she saw blood.

“Your majesty!” She gasped, “How long have you been coughing up blood?”

“Since last evening, I am even surprised I was able to make it to the throne room this morning, having my meetings and servants in waiting help me, was it slightly humiliating but I made it. I know, you’re probably going to scold me, but-”

“Your Highness!” A man called out. It was Johan, the royal messenger.

“What is the matter Johan?” The King coughed.

“The Boot Clan head, David, has come to the castle with a large number of ruffians, Your Majesty,”

“Did they make any demands?” Fleur interjected, now facing Johan with an angry expression.

“Yes Lady Fleur, you.” He whispered as the King continued coughing.

“Elaborate. Now!” Fleur growled as she sheathed her sword in order to not frighten the poor man too much.

“He said he wouldn’t go through with his plan of killing the King and taking the throne for himself if you accept his proposal!” The normally reserved man nearly shrieked.

“No.” Fleur stated as she grabbed her faithful sword’s handle, and stood at attention facing against her King.

“M-my Lady, please reconsider, the King cannot handle the stress of this decision, I implore you.”

“I will not leave King Henry’s side because of a foolish little boy’s lustful desire. Now go and notify the guard to get here yesterday!” Fleur shouted, leaving Johan to scamper out to fulfill his duty.

“Fleur,” Henry coughed, “you could have been nicer to Johan, he is a great friend.”

“You are correct, your Grace,” she sighed in agreement, “I will make sure to apologize to him personally as soon as Boot and his dogs are dealt with.” She bit as she focused on the throne room doors.

“I’m glad.” Henry smiled softly.

An awkward silence permeated in the throne room as the king and knight waited for the royal guard.

Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait too long as Fleur’s second in command, Uriah and forty of his men entered the throne room.

“Where are the rest of the men, Uriah?!” Fleur hissed.

“They wanted to take down as many of Boot’s mercenaries as they could and sent us to evacuate the King, the civilians have been safely evacuated.”

Henry coughed harshly once more, causing attention to be turned to him. Blood falling onto his favorite garments.

“Look, Fleur, you can be as angry with me as you want after we get the king out of here! Come on! Let’s go!”

“Fleur, everything hurts. Make it stop.” Henry whimpered as a glob of blood left his lips.

Fleur immediately rushed to his side and embraced him, for the first time in her life, breaking protocol.

“I’m sorry,” he gasped, causing Fleur confusion.

“What are you sorry for, Your Highness? You’ve never slighted me in the past.”

“I’m sorry I never got to to tell you how much you mean to me-” Henry coughed once more, accidentally getting blood on Fleur’s armor. When he went to wipe it off, she stopped him.

“Save whatever energy you have left Your Highness, I beg of you.” She whispered, shocking the guard, never was the King’s Knight so gentle.

“I wanted to tell you how much I- I-” Henry tried to continue but his voice wouldn’t come out, but he felt an armored hand touch his face.

“I know, and that is why I will protect you until you have no need of me. Rest, My King. I’m sure King James and Queen Lilian are waiting for you to tell them of your many adventures.” Fleur’s voice broke, tears rolling down her cheeks. She turned to her head to see her fellow soldiers in tears as she gently placed the on the ground and closing his eyes.

“The King is Dead!” She declared, her eyes red with pain, “Join your brothers and kill Boot’s men, I’ll handle Boot and any usurpers he decides to bring along, Now, GO!”

The sun was setting when Lord Boot and his “friends” actually made it to the throne room, only the former King and knight standing guard. Boot sneered as he lay eyes upon the King, “What? Dead already Henry? How disappointing. I was hoping you would live long enough to see me consummate my union with your ever loyal knight. No matter, come Fleur, our wedding can be done as soon as you discard that horrible armor, it is unbecoming of a lady of house Boot to wear armor.”

“I don’t think you know who I am, Lord Boot.” Fleur sneered in response, “I am Fleur, Blade of Henry, and I have never known defeat. Make peace with whatever deity you have, for I shall not allow you to leave this place alive.”


That is always how the dream ended, and every time she woke up, she couldn’t help but whisper, “I must find King Henry.”