
Bruises Upon Bruises

Bruises upon bruises He left me black and blue A single mistake shattered my dream The sound of steel still echoes through the darkenss Empty eyes staring up at the sky, the smoking car, and the stench of wine. My childhood stolen, slipping away from my fingers like loose sand A deal made A bride sold A man has his rights And so begin the solemn hours A decade passed, smiles turning false and brittle Society moved faster, knowledge behind their eyes None dared rise against the demon They trembled under his gaze As I tremble under his touch Then you came in like a blazing ball igniting a spark I long thought extinguished Hope flickering in the darkness Your gentle touch a sharp contrast against the harshness You noticed that everyone had But you did not turn away as others had You stood against the demon like a knight But I am no damsel in distress From porcelain to ivory to steel With your silent courage Your presence in the shadows I took the knife Flesh parting as butter His skin had never felt so sweet With Gasping breaths, and disbelief the demon turned to boy A broken shell, he was no real man For men don't take they earn And those who take they fall You looked at my blood-soaked gown At the madness dancing in my eye, At the body still warm And you smiled