

"So, how is this going to work?"

"It's simple James, I am going to possess your body, empower your seed, and then after the deed is done, you both will certainly have a son."

Amused purplish-red eyes watched as green and hazel ones traded meaningful glances, saw the couple squeeze their hands in reassurance, and smiled to himself, he knew their answer the moment they had allowed him to enter into their home.

Lily looked at the "man" in front of them, swallowing, "About our son, how will your...nature, affect him?"

The "man" smiled good-naturedly, as if pleased by the question, "Not as much, as you seem to think, though it varies, he may have some of mine own coloring, combined with the both of you, but rest assured, he will very much be the son of the both you, just with...something more."

"What about..urges?"

The being in front of her chuckled, "Not any different from any healthy male when he reaches the right age, though, I would guess he will have far more talent than average, and mayhaps a greater perception."

"His magic?" James asked.

The man smiled, but it had a predatory undertone to it, as if he had been waiting for the question, "My magical children have always had more power than most Wizards or Witches, some were even renowned for it, rest assured, he will be more than capable of self -defense and even making a name for himself, and don't worry about my nature, as you put it, affecting his morals," he said, guessing the question on Lily's lips.

"My kind deals with passion, lust, and even love, not hate or anger as some...others do."

When Harry was born, Lily found a necklace on his crib, a thin silver disk with runes in a language she wasn't familiar with, in the center, a purple amethyst, in the form of a prism.

The protection magic was quite clear in it.

"No! This...boy isn't natural, worse than even others of his kind, you tell them to come pick him up within the week, or I send him to the orphanage!"

Petunia glanced down at the baby in front of her, she secretly felt for her sister, but what had she done? What kind of baby had gray hair? And she swore his green eyes, the eyes of their mother, sometimes changed color.

The blonde woman shook the hand of the Matron, who seemed quite relieved to be giving young Harry to her, ignorant muggle, had no idea who or even what the boy was.

Narcissa had read enough of her family's journals to know what his hair color meant, she had thought it was one thing, but upon looking at him, especially the necklace that only she seemed to notice, she knew then it was one entirely different and surprising situation. She was sure she had seen the purplish tone his eyes took sometimes in some of the old family portraits.

It certainly explained a lot.

Lucius looked at the boy in his wife's arms, the scar was there, and he could feel the boy was different, perhaps...

Lucius Malfoy smirked, it seemed the Potters weren't so into the Light after all.

Draco Malfoy liked his brother, Harry Potter, he knew some other boys didn't, either because Harry looked different, or because Harry sometimes was "too honest" as Mother put it. Girls seemed to like him, but girls were weird and mysterious.

But Harry always had Draco's back, and wasn't afraid to say what he thought in Draco's face, something he had in common with Mother.

Harry was also very good at magic, it would be two years before Hogwarts, but Harry could make fire, manipulate water and he was pretty sure control animals too. Draco was initially jealous, but Mother and Father explained to him it was just Harry's nature to be able to do those things, that his blood had different magic, that Harry was different.

As he looked at his brother, with his black with traces silver-grey hair, with his eyes that sometimes changed to purple, he didn't really care though.

Harry had to admit he was a tad anxious when his family took him to King's Cross, he knew he was different, he looked different and he felt different, his Mother Narcissa and Lucius always said he should be proud of it, that he was above most Wizards, they told him tales of Merlin(giving more than a bit focus on his Hogwarts House) and of how Harry could do incredible things for his age, and Harry was happy with that, he liked to be special by something other than what happened on that Halloween night.

He could do without the looks though, some boys and even some men seemed to loathe him but girls always acted nice to him and Mother always said girls were smarter than boys, so he took it as a good sign.

Harry didn’t like crowds, he thought as he rubbed his necklace for comfort, they always pointed and whispered, even if some did it more subtly, Harry could tell, he could always tell when someone was looking at him, sometimes, when he was close enough, he could even take a good guess of what they were feeling.

He had a hard time understanding it though.

As Mother Narcissa hugged him, and Lucius ruffled his hair, no one noticed the nondescript man in the middle of the crowd, wearing a hat and smiling fondly at Harry, purplish-red eyes glinting.

He met some of his friends on that train, Blaise, who acted overly polite to Harry as if afraid to offend him, Daphne, who was also polite, and pretty, but sometimes looked at him like Mother looked at a rune research paper, he also met Tracy, who looked confused with how they were treating him, and was so bubbly and happy, Harry liked her.

Crabbe and Goyle were there too, but they were always quiet around Harry, sometimes when he showed his special magic, like making a small ball of fire in his hand or making a purple lily blossom(something that the girls liked) in it, they would have spikes of fear.


He hoped other kids wouldn’t be so problematic.

Under a lot of whispers and murmurs, Harry was sorted in Slytherin, the Hat saying the next few years were going to be fun with Harry around, Harry liked that, he always liked having fun.