
Confessions of a Veela Bonded Saviour

(Dedicated to @Foreal, Keeper of the Flowerpot and @Proctorb_32 for the opening lines and title)

My wife is a Veela. People have many misconceptions about what that means. They think I walk around in a sex filled haze, allure capturing my every thought with the aim of fulfilling her fantasies. It’s not.

The truth is, my wife has perfect control of her allure, at least now. As a Veela gains more understanding of their magic, deeping their insight into the part of their heritage that eludes many, they find their own techniques for mastering their allure.

For some, like my mother-in-law, it is simply a matter of control. Pure, simple mastery of their magic at a level that not many achieve. An understanding of every unique twist and curve in what makes their magic unique to them. I sit here today and say that Apolline Delacour’s knowledge of magic may very well put her in the realm of Albus Dumbledore when it comes to theoretical understanding.

For others, like my sister-in-law, it is an almost paradoxical mixture of desire and attention that controls her allure. Her outgoing personality and firm belief that she belongs in the spotlight brings her a sort of stillness that, I must confess, confuses me to this day. Yet, it works. This is where the paradoxical nature of her control comes in, however. She desires the spotlight, but not the affection of many. Gabrielle Delacour loves to be the center of attention, but her love for a single individual, one of my best friends, in fact, is what ties it all together.

My wife, however, has neither mastery of her magic or some contrasting mixture of desire and attention to control her allure. No, my wife’s control comes from one singular act.

Driving me absolutely mad.

I was actually the one who discovered this, dear reader, and let me tell you, it was quite the shock.

We had been dating for a while when we first made the discovery. She had been having trouble with her allure, as Veela do during what I have dubbed the “Discovery Phase.” A less formal name for this phase is the “Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks” phase.

Work was stressing her out, which was causing her best efforts at control to slip, meaning her coworkers were distracted. We tried everything to help, but nothing seemed to work. Then it happened.

I was late for a Ministry event, a fact that annoyed her to no end, and as I stepped into the grand ballroom I saw her. The deep blue dress that draped low in the back, it made my heart skip and stomach flutter. She had taken my breath away before, but to do so after we were dating had some new, profound impact. When she saw how flustered I was, like a muggleborn stepping foot into Diagon Alley for the first time, her face twisted into a triumphant grin.

And along with it, her allure evaporated instantly, all traces of it being sucked out of the room.

From then on, she knew what she needed to do to maintain control.

A whisper in my ear.

A softly spoken innuendo in public.

Bending over in a low cut dress to give me a peak.

Each small instance provided weeks of control over her allure.

Each one drove me absolutely mad.

And now you may be thinking, "Well hold on there Professor Potter, that sounds like the sex is amazing and around the clock."

That is a natural assumption, dear reader. Sadly, it is incorrect, as I can attest to as I write this from the comfort of my own couch, having been banished from the bedroom for the night.

Because you see, dear reader, I'm going to let you in on a little secret that hasn't been published in any book or taught in any classroom.

Love with a Veela is the same as love with anyone else. It's special and unique to you and your partner. There's no additional ingredient that a Veela brings, because at the end of the day, love is love.

That means being there when things are good and when they're tough. It means forgiving the person when they piss you off and letting the worst arguments fall away when necessary.

It also means sleeping on the couch when you promise, multiple times, not to miss dinner with her parents because you've cleared it with your boss but then you lose track of time so you show up incredibly late, smelling like a full day of work.

You know, normal things.

My wife is a Veela. People have many misconceptions about what that means. They think I walk around in a sex filled haze, allure capturing my every thought with the aim of fulfilling her fantasies. It’s not.

It's normal, everyday love, that burns like a fire in your chest, pure and simple.

With just a bit more actual fire.