

Harry sighed, stepping out of the shower, the dirt and grime of the day washed away, yet the weariness remained. It always remained, day in and day out, never relenting.

He thought that after they had captured the remaining Death Eaters that things would quiet down, that they would get easier, yet the opposite had happened. Sure, he was no longer in mortal danger, a fact that Fleur was eternally thankful for, but the Ministry pressure was relentless.

Pressure from Kingsley to take a new position as the spokesperson for the department. Pressure from Robards to ignore the Minister and take up the position of Head Auror. Pressure from the politicians vying for his attention in the hopes that it would sway things in their direction.

He was tired.

No, he was exhausted.

He wanted only one thing, the only thing that could make it better, really. Nothing else would help. Fleur was already in bed and when she looked up, her smile turned to a concerned frown and a small nod. She closed her book, placing it on the nightstand and laid on her side.

Quickly, without hesitation, he climbed into his side of the bed, slipping one arm around her stomach, pressing her back into his front. He sighed and inhaled, the scent of cinnamon filling his nostrils.

"Another long day?" she asked as their fingers intertwined.

"Mhm," he mumbled, pressing his face into the nape of her neck.

"Is there anything I can do?" He shook his head.

"Less talk, more cuddles," he mumbled, tickling the hairs on her neck. She giggled, pressing herself further against him, a soft sigh escaping her own lips.

Only one thing could make the stress of Harry's day evaporate, as if water on a hot day, and only one person could give it to him.

Harry Potter needed his cuddle buddy, and Fleur Delacour was the only one up for the challenge. . . (Random silly extra scene)

"Harry, oh bloody hell mate, tell me you're alright? What can I do? The healers are on the way," said Ron, concerned for his friend. They’d been ambushed. Harry looked up, a dazed look in his eyes.

"Fleur..." Ron nodded.

"Yeah, we'll tell Fleur, just as soon as the healers patch you up." Harry shook his head.

"Need Fleur. Need...cuddles..."