
Dancing Troubles

“I’m in trouble.” Those painful words were uttered by Harry. He couldn’t talk normally, because of everwatching madam Pince, who always kicked students from the library for being noisy. Her “noisy level threshold” was always an undefined number. “Care to elaborate?” That was his best friend, ironically, a Slytherin. Currently writing additional essay on Runes. Be that as it may, Alessandro Renera was a complicated person. But loyal, what’s more fun, being a snake. “The Yule Ball is up. Professor MacGonagall said, that I’ve got to open the dance.” The sound of feather scratching the parchment stopped. “So?” “I can’t dance!” Harry tried to put as much conviction to the heated whisper as he could. Alex finally tore his eyes of the parchment and looked up to his friend. Harry cursed mentally – Alex’s unnatural purple eyes were always cold and calculating, showing the power and menace of the person. A lot of people tried to humiliate Renera for one or other things. They tried to break him, convince, that associating with Harry Potter is the biggest mistake ever. Didn’t work, since most of them were brutally and painfully sent to the Hospital Wing. Mostly intact. But the lesson was learned. “I don’t see a problem. A lot of girls would go with you.” Alex placed the feather into the inkpot. “They’d love to ‘bag The-Boy-Who-Lived’”. “That’s the thing. I don’t want to go with those people.” Heavy sigh escaped from Harry’s mouth. “I want to go with someone who sees me as me, Harry James Potter…” “A Gryffindor Fourth Year student, amazing seeker et cetera.” Alex waved his hand dismissively. “I get it.” “Be quiet, please.” Said the third occupant of their table. “I’m almost done.” “Yes, Daphne.” Boys said in unison, causing Daphne Greengrass to groan and look piercingly on them. They decided to talk even quieter.

“Who you’re taking to the ball, Mr. Girl Specialist?” Harry wasn’t new to sarcasm, being around Renera for long. The answer was quick. “Daphne. Right, honey?” Alex smiled to the girl, who didn’t catch their conversation and mouthed ‘What?’. Harry laughed a little. Daphne didn’t care about any of Renera’s menacing features, whether his eyes or the bionic arm, which replaced his left arm completely down from elbow. Traffic accident in the childhood, as Alex said dismissively, and the best Soviet technology money could buy. Daphne simply saw Alex as normal person. Even sometimes beating him into the submission. But Harry was sure, that if they were enemies, the fight between Alex and Daphne would be brutal and long. “What if I point you to the dancing teacher and you’ll take it from there?” Alex’s eyes were showing his mirth. And some craziness, that only Black blood could show. Harry tensed, but braced himself. ‘Gryffindors charge forward’. “Alright. Who?” “See for yourself.” Alex nodded in the direction of the library’s entrance. Harry followed his gaze, and his heart skipped a beat. A vision of pure beauty and perfection was walking towards them. “Bonjour, Sandro, Daphne, ‘Arry.” She said with a pleasant purr. Daphne finally tore her gaze out of her essay and smiled. “Hello, Fleur.” “How ya doin’?” Alex nearly missed Daphne’s pointed elbow to his ribs for being himself. Daphne silently threatened to castrate him for umpteenth time in this year. “Sorry. May I inquire the state and condition of this fine lady?” Fleur laughed a little. “I’m fine, thank you. But I feel an uneasiness. Something’s wrong?” Alex wanted to open his mouth to answer, but Daphne’s tactically placed elbow to his ribs destroyed his plans. “Morgana’s fucking balls, that hurts, Daph!” That, of course, managed to point madam Pince to their direction and silently promise their brutal demise if they won’t be quiet.