

Fleur walked at a sedate pace, enjoying the crisp air of the morning and glancing subtly at the young man walking in front of her.

Her dashing protector, as she often teased him, truly looked the part in his color-changing cloak, an heirloom from a bygone age, passed from father to son, some theorized it was that cloak that inspired the others, and Fleur could see why, it was a work of art, and woven in a way lost to time.

She wished it didn't cover so much, though.

As if reading her thoughts, Harry glanced back at her, with that smile, and that look in his eyes that made her heart flutter.

The bastard, she was reminded of last night's activities, and she blushed, but well, two can play at that game.

"Harry?" She straightened her back as she said it, assuming a commanding posture she avoided when alone with him.

He raised an eyebrow, and the sun made his eyes glint just right...no, bad Fleur, she would not be the one getting distracted.

"I will take point, you...guard the rear." He nodded, used to her whims, but his eyes widened when she removed her cloak, placing it over his shoulder as she passed him by with a smirk that made him falter, her blue dress was very well fitted.

"We shall be reaching Ebou Dar in a few hours, we will buy horses there, I grow tired of walking." She couldn't stop the twitch in her lips as she heard him gulp.

She could feel his eyes on her as she swayed her hips, just a little more than necessary, she could feel the desire through their bond, and smiled.

"Watch the road, Harry, we never know when Shadowspawn may be nearby." She regretted the jest as soon as she said it, feeling his attention, which had been divided, snap towards their surroundings, his hand going to his sword's hilt.

Stupid, she forgot he was still sore about them being ambushed on the road to Lugard, stupid man, always so hard on himself, he cut them down easily enough, his skill and ferocity always impressing her and even exciting her, and yet he beat himself over it for days.

She slowed down until they were side by side and raised a hand to caress his cheek, they almost stopped walking, and Fleur smiled when he relaxed and leaned into her touch.

"I am joking, Harry, I trust you with my life, and I know you will protect me, always, " an impish smile came to her face, "After all, you wield Dawnbringer, The Sword that Cuts the Darkness, " she smiled when he groaned in embarrassment, "how did it go? Ah, forged by weaving sunlight into unbreakable steel, carrying the pure Light of Dawn, and-"

"Fleur..." he pleaded, and she laughed, freely and openly, pleased at his small smile, "You always brings this up, I was thirteen, can't you let it go?"

"But it was so cute, the young warrior, trying to impress the girl with his great magical sword." She laughed as he rolled his eyes and decided to press further, "Though I do prefer your...other sword, now." she laughed again as he blushed and looked away, she really liked being with him, she could be freer than anywhere, than with anyone else.

It was ironic, how the roles were reversed, with him being the stoic, disciplined one, and she who brought upon herself to get him out of that shell, though there were consequences.

And Fleur was reminded of them as Harry grabbed a lock of her hair, bringing it behind her ear, green eyes boring into her blue ones, they had stopped by now, and Fleur felt her breath catch as Harry came close, she could feel his breath in her ear as he whispered, voice low.

"But my Lady, I much prefer it's sheath" he pulled away before she could do more than splutter, face burning red.

He jogged to the front, "And I must insist I take point, the view is inferior, yes, but not as distracting."

Fleur regained her senses, glaring at his smug back, blush still in full force, the nerve, oh, she was certainly throwing some cold, no, freezing water in his bath tonight.

Stupid sexy Warders with stupid sexy smiles.

She reconsidered her plan though, he needed to be in a good mood to agree with her plan to stay in Ebou Dar for a few days after their official business was done there, she wanted to explore the city, and the beaches, especially with present company.

Harry looked back at her, a smug smile still on his face.

Okay, so cold water was back, but maybe after they could have some fun.

She was a powerful Aes Sedai, with probably the most skilled Warder in the White Tower at her side, there wasn’t much that could threaten them.