
Drabble: 20

"My boy, Harry, sweet kid, loves to use magic for everything." Sirius hefts a sledgehammer onto his shoulders as he looks down at the whimpering form of Dolores Umbridge "but me? I like the old fashioned approach" he then brought the hammer down onto her left knee shattering it. Her screams were muffled by the sock shoved in her mouth as a gag. "You wronged my boy, Dolores, you wronged him and hurt him without so much as even thinking about the consequences...well guess what?" He then brought the hammer down onto her other knee "I am the consequences." Dropping the hammer he took a step back and lit a cigar "alright lads, you can have your fun but remember, I want her alive by the end of this" he then began to walk away, as four werewolves came out of the shadows, they had taken their wolfsbane Potion to retain their sanity but that wouldn't help Dolores here, after all a feral werewolf would just kill her.