
Drabble: 22

"Harry lad, pass me that wrench will you"? Mr. Weasley's muffled voice came out from underneath the car, which was currently levitating a few inches off the ground.

Harry dutifully passed the wrench to his adoptive father before sitting down to continue watching him work. He twiddled his thumbs a little unsure of what to do before Mr. Weasly slid from underneath the car and looked up at him.

"Would you like to come take a look?" he smiled his eyes twinkling, Non of his other sons liked tinkering with muggle contraptions and toys and the fact that Harry was interested tickled Arthur's heart.

"But won't Mrs. Weasley get upset that I'm even in here?" Harry whispered looking over his shoulder afraid that the very act of speaking her name within such close proximity of Arthur's car would summon her.

Arthur chuckled "Let me worry about your mum lad," he said before using his wand to levitate another roller next to him. He put his wand back in his pocket before patting the roller inviting Harry to join him.

With one more nervous look back at the house Harry shuffled next to his father and rolled under the car wit him.

"Now this is the fuel line..." Arthur began, talking animatedly about his prized possession with his only black haired child, they were both so engrossed in what they were doing they didn't notice Molly place a plate of corned beef sandwiches and two glasses of pumpkin juice on a small transfigured table next to the tool box.

Nodding, her job done and two of her boys fed, she walked back towards her home to check on the rest of her children, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.