
Drabble: 44

Fleur wakes filled with the grogginess of first light and finds herself cold. Reaching behind her in an attempt to tell Harry to come cuddle her now, she finds nothing to nudge.

Rolling onto her back she speaks out, "Ugh. That man. Always waking at the crack of dawn." Her voice tinged with exasperated affection.

Throwing on her robe she pads out to the kitchen. She stops at the doorway and just watches her love.

Harry awoke abruptly. Looking left and right, he scavenged the room for what could possibly of woken him. When he sees nothing, he relaxes back down in to the warm comfort of the sheets covering him.

"Ow," he whispers. Fleur had just kicked her leg back into his shin!

"I'm awake, luv." But when he looks over, she's fast asleep.

Seeing her hair fanned across their pillow is the best feeling to wake up to. The joy, love, caring, protectiveness he feels is often overwhelming to experience first thing in the morning.

And so, Harry desperately looks for an outlet.

3 pans are strewn about on the counter, teeming with delicious scents and colors. As tempting as the desire is to taste these dishes, the opportunity to just watch Harry is one Fleur rarely receives. Fleur audibly sighs in the way only one in love can do.

Harry looks up surprised. "Fleur! Ah-uhm good morning!"

"Wait a minute. You're not supposed to be up yet." He says disappointedly. And pouts.

He pouts. And Fleur. Can't. Handle. It.

The smile that stretches across her face is radiant. She floats over to Harry as he puts down the knife. She raises her arms around his ahead and kisses him hard.

Harry confused but not at all opposed to this change of events wraps his arms around her hips and kisses her back. It's not a passionate kiss but it conveys a deep appreciation of one another that words sometimes fail to. Fleur's arms relax and she pulls away from Harry's lips only to tuck her head into the comfort of Harry's chest.

He lays his head over hers now a bit worried. "What is it Fleur? Is something wrong?"

"'Arry. I love you so much it hurts."