
Drabble: 5

His breath hitched in his throat, green eyes widening near comically as his head jerked backwards.

Just in time to avoid the wicked, shimmering metallic claws that whistled through the air bare millimeters in front of them.

In the moments between breaths, he caught a glimpse of a cybernetic eye, a brilliant blue, clicking and whirring as it locked onto him.

He threw himself backward as a robotic arm, a shimmering silver construct, blue lines running across its surface, clawed fingers outstretched, grasping, swiped through where his head had been a mere moment before. As he rolled to a crouch, he finally got a good look at the figure that had leapt from the rooftops at him. The rain lashed down, soaking his hair, pooling in the hood of his synthweave jacket as he stared at the angel of death in front of him.

Water flowed off the silvery blonde hair of the unmistakably female figure, the cybernetic eye glowing an ominous blue in the neon lit gloom, matched by a cerulean blue eye, both focused solely on him. A dark bodysuit hugged her svelte, shapely form, silvery cybernetic arms, topped with wicked claws melding from the suit from elbow down. A neck unit curved over her shoulder blades onto some form of back unit, connected seamlessly to a utility belt that lay low on her hips. A breath. Two. And the angel exploded into motion. Harry threw himself to the side as she screeched by him, hand reaching into his jacket to draw his pistol. He leveled it, aiming at her exposed back -

And watched in shock as a two mechanical wings burst from her back unit, slicing the pistol in half. Cursing, he backpedalled as she turned to face him. A face mask had formed from the throat unit, covering the lower half of her face in a wicked, skeletal beak. She lowered herself, crouching onto her back foot as her left arm came up.

And split, revealing the glowing barrel of a laser blaster, pointing right at him.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”