
Drabble 58

Fleur Delacour walked amongst the crosses, stars, and other graves cloaked in twilight. Her mind was elsewhere, amongst the great halls of memory, focused solely around one person, gone these many years. Sometimes, when she concentrated hard enough, she could still hear his voice or feel his touch against her skin. In those rare times, it felt like he was still with her, almost alive again.


The first years after his passing were the hardest, watching the world turn him into a martyr and a shining pillar of goodness against evil. They treated him more like an object than a human being, only concerning themselves with what he did, and not who he was. Even those closest to him seemed to forget his humanity, and she hated them for it. They should have died not him, but of course he had to sacrifice himself. Give away instead of receive.

However, over time, she came to terms with it, albeit begrudgingly, and in rare cases, she began to smile again--the beautiful smile he had claimed to fallen in love with. It was around then that her first trip back to England took place, and subsequently, her first time visiting his final resting place, just as she was now.

It was a yearly event, placing a single silver flower at his lone star amongst the crosses. Sometimes she would talk to him, other times, she would just sit quietly.

This year was different, though. After much paper work and wading through countless levels of politicians, she had secured the rights to bring him home. His real home, the home amongst the willow tree where they shared their first kiss. In her mind, he would finally find true peace.

The grave was of simple white marble, fashioned like those of soldiers in the Muggle military. It was nothing special, but all the flowers and other objects left by those who visited it made it different from the rest.

Tonight, there were no decorations on the grave.

""ello 'Arry," she spoke quietly looking down at the plot of her deceased lover.

"Eet is time to come 'ome." [5:08 PM] The end. I feel depressed rereading it, but as I said, I like it