
Drabble 68

Fleur Delacour was self conscious. Not of her looks. Not of one of the fourteen freckles she's found on her skin. Not of her sometimes arrogant personality. Definitely not of her country (France is superior to all others). She'll throw a fireball at you if you even consider her being self conscious of being a Veela.

No. Fleur is self conscious of her love of sweets. She believes no self respecting 20 year old woman should squee at the thought of a chocolate croissant. And yet, the third thing she did when moving to another country was look for the bakery. The one she would need to frequent.

It had to be away from magical society but not so far that it would be difficult to go to unannounced. It, of course, needed to have chocolate croissants in addition to many, many baked goods for her to munch on.

Fleur had finally found it! Font Verte Patisserie was a 15 minute walk once leaving Diagon Alley and at the very least had chocolate croissants on the menu.

When she was nearing the door, Fleur could barely contain her excitement. She pulled it open and was immediately hit with the sweet, sweet smell of fresh bread, chocolate, dried fruits, and toffee; her shoulders relaxed but the rest of her was on fire. Heels bouncing, smile as wide as ever, Fleur knew this was the right place.

She'd ordered one of everything. Or at least as much as she thought she could consume in her lunch break. A chocolate croissant, of course, chocolate mousse, a slice of tiramisu, 3 macarons, and a jelly doughnut. Fleur struggled to be quiet. It was so good! She could feel the moans of delight begging to come out. There were too many people in the shop for her to feel comfortable however.

"I hope your enjoying the tiramisu. I just made it" A voice shook her out of her sweet induced revelry.

"Oui. Some of ze best I 'ave ever 'ad." Fleur replied earnestly looking upon whomever spoke.

It wasn't just anybody. It was Harry Potter. The boy who saved her sister from the lake. Did he always have such piercing eyes?

"Fleur?" The now recognized Harry responded with surprise.

"'Arry! Non! Non! Non! Zis cannot be 'appening." Fleur, now agitated covered her face with her hands.

"What's wrong? I thought you were enjoying my tiramisu?" Harry hesitantly moving closer as if to grab her shoulder in comfort.

"No one was supposed to know!"

"About the tiramisu?" Harry now thoroughly confused replied.

"Oui. Non. About all of eet. Ze sweets. Je les aime."

Harry laughed. He laughed so hard the quick tilt of his head backwards knocked his glasses off his face.

Fleur moved her hands away from her face.

"Eet is not funny!"

Harry catching his breath, replied.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. It's just--nevermind. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Anozzer chocolate croissant."

And Harry laughed.