
Drabble 69

She'd never considered having someone pose nude for her to paint. The idea of having a male there, groin out and caught in her Allure was a recipe for failure. While she'd done a couple of self-portraits, the female form was not one she felt the need to draw.

But this stranger made her reconsider. There was something lurking between the scraggly hair, shining green eyes, and lanky body. Something Fleur Delacour ached to reach out and touch. Soul to Soul. Brush to canvas.

"Ze painting. I will give it to you for free. On one condition. I would like to paint you." Fleur dropped with aplomb.

"I--Uh. What do you mean? Like nude?" Harry replied, quite hesitant.

"Oui. I am in need of inspiration and you fit ze bill." Fleur starkly replied.

He looked at her with such intensity in that moment Fleur felt her breath catch. Those piercing green eyes which she originally thought masked something beneath, were alive with energy. They seemed to piece her soul questioning the very purpose of her existence.

It was a few moments that felt like eternity but he replied "Ok."

He came out Fleur's bathroom with nothing but the glasses covering his eyes and hands covering his groin. The nervousness and general discomfort was radiating from his figure.

"Bon. Come over here 'Arry." She directed him to sit on a couch.

"I'm not standing and puffing my chest?"

"Non 'Arry. I want to capture you not ze male form." She replied.

"Oh." Harry paused.

"Why am I naked then?"

"You are feeling vulnerable, non?"

Harry nodded.

"I promese I will not betray your trust 'Arry."

Again he looked at her, deeply and intensely. With a nod, Fleur got to work.

Fleur was fascinated. Utterly enraptured. Now more relaxed, she was able to begin to perceive his character. The proud tilt of his head showing his absolute trust in his abilities contrasted by the slouch of his shoulders. Clearly the confidence was new. It was the same with every part of him. She'd spent 15 minutes staring at his nose.

He kept on making her nervous though. Those piercing eyes always stuck on her. It was making her hesitate. Something she'd never felt with a brush in hand.

"Tell me about yourself 'Arry." Fleur decides she needs to know him to capture that fire. (But mostly to get him to stop staring at her. She shouldn't enjoy his undivided attention so much).

They'd just finished up for the day. While Fleur was making a cup of tea for the both of them Harry was getting clothed. When she came back, he was in front of her easel looking at the not yet complete painting.

"You see all this? In me?" Harry asked awe apparent in his tone.

"Oui." Fleur replied almost shyly.

Both moving to sit on the couch, Fleur curled under her is extra long t shirt enjoying the warmth of her mug in her hands was tucked into the corner so she could look at him while he sat.

It was a surreal moment. She'd always wanted, needed to be the painter. But now, here, in this moment just sharing tea with this kind man, she wants more than anything for someone else to capture this moment.

The moment where she first took a breath. Felt the need to live.