
Duelling Lessons

Harry's breath caught as his instructor corrected his stance, the smell of summer flowers overwhelmed him again as a delicate but firm hand raised his arm a little while the other grabbed his waist from behind to pulled them closer, he could feel her pressing against him, her hot breath on the back of his neck giving him oh so wonderful sensations.

This must be intentional, she was very distant when she began teaching him, and she normally only taught young women, only teaching him because his mother asked hers and vouched for him. He knew she was hesitant when they met, and only after a few classes began opening up to him, not being so distant, so wary.

He had resisted whatever passive pull her allure had, but this, even his will had limits, and they were close.

"Provide a smaller target, 'Arry" Okay, something was up, he was a tad dense, he knew, but this accent, the way she said his name did all kinds of innapropriate things to him, his face was flushed, and he gulped, how could someone simply saying your name make these things to you?

Well, Harry wasn't sorted into Gryffindor for nothing.

He looked back at her, his eyes widening at her also flushed face, and the absolutely torrid look in her eyes, his mouth opened and he licked his lips, the temperature rose, his mind focused.

He had half a mind to kiss her, but he was raised a gentleman.

He would ask first.

"Fleur,"the way she lightly bit her lip encouraged him, "would you be terribly offended if I kiss-"

Her lips crashed to his and his mind went blank for a moment, when he came to, she was pushing him to the wall, he had the presence of mind to stow his wand and hold her tight, the kiss getting deeper, as she held his hair to pull him further.

Before they reached the wall he turned them over and inverted their positions, the pleased sound she made as her back hit the wall proving his hunch was right. [4:25 AM] As they separated for air, she spoke while catching her breath, her face flushed and disheveled silver hair were giving him inappropriate thoughts, "You stupid man, I thought I would have to come to teach you naked."

Harry smiled the lopsided grin his line was known for, his green eyes glinted, "Well, I certainly wouldn't be opposed, Mademoiselle."

She scoffed, with a small smile on her face that pleased him immensely, "Less bad french and more kissing, Monsieur"

Best Duelling Lessons ever.

Neither noticed the door to the Dueling Hall was open a little, nor how it closed quietly while a large black dog walked away, his tail wagging.

"Sirius, what's that smile? Is Harry still having the duelling lesson?"

"Oh, they are doing some duelling alright, Lils, best to let them be."