

The dirt and stone exploded around Harry as he ran into the grass, among the old tombstones and mausoleums, followed by the mocks and jeers of the Death Eaters.

And the laughter of Voldemort.

He threw back one or two stunners when he could, half-measures really, he didn’t need to look to know they either impacted shields or just went wide of their targets.

But Harry refused to give up, he would never give up.

Harry hid behind a large statue, launching stunners, blasting and cutting hexes with such ferocity it actually gave pause to his pursuers.

Hard to find a beast more dangerous than a cornered one.

Their spells stopped for a moment, a tense silence taking place in Little Hangleton, the dilapidated mansion looming over those present.

“Would look a that,” came Voldemort’s sibilant voice, “little Harry here actually has some bravery in him…how very, Gryffindorish.”

Laughs and jeers followed after it, and Harry grit his teeth.

“Tsk, Tsk, Harry.” The Dark Lord mocked, “That same bravery got your parents to where they are now…don’t you know you can’t escape me? Why not surrender? You must be scared, afraid even…”

And Harry was, scared for everyone, himself, his friends, old and new, Hogwarts…with Voldemort back, there was no telling what would happen.

But being afraid didn’t mean he couldn’t be brave, in fact, Ser Cardogan had once told him, that it was when they were afraid that men could show true bravery…courage, valor.

And thus, Harry decided to be courageous, so much so his bravery was felt far away.

He rose, ready to face Voldemort, he had a plan, a powerful fire spell he had learned for the Third Task, and then get the Cup and get out of there.

He rose to see the Dark Lord’s followers had begun to flank him, but he knew Voldemort would want to a duel.

“I am not scared, not of you, Tom.”

A dark yellow spell vaporized the top of the statue, and Harry retaliated with the strongest blasting curse he could, so strong was it, that he could hear a gong-like sound as it hit Voldemort’s shield.

And then there was fire around him, magic fire, he could feel, for it remained in a circle around him, not burning even the grass nearest to it.

There was that terrible laugh again.

“Let’s see you escape that, Potter.”

“Aguamenti!” his jet of water evaporated before reaching the flames.

“Finite!” No effect, not that he expected it.

Harry was trying to remain brave, but it was getting harder, the flames began getting closer.

And suddenly, a mote of green light fell from the sky, towards him.

Harry was just about to try to dodge, when it stopped, just in front of his nose.

And then, it spoke. A message Harry would never forget.

“Harry Potter, you’ve shown the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.”

And thus Harry Potter began associating the green color with something other than his mother’s eyes and that terrible night.