
Excerpt Honks

Tonks yawned as she finally flopped down onto her bed, it had been a busy last few hours.

Not long after Molly had returned from work, news came in from the Ministry that there had been an attack. A dozen Death Eaters had Apparated into the middle of Hogsmeade and begun throwing curses at anyone in sight, before running through the streets and torching any shops that were known to belong to Muggle-Borns or Halfbloods.

Grimmauld Place had become a hive of activity, as members of the Order began arriving and then leaving through the houses’ Floo, one of only a few in the world that had direct access to Hogwarts.

After several long hours of both Order members and allies coming and going, it had finally calmed down around midnight. And then only a couple hours later was Tonks aloud to go home.

Seeing that the young woman was far too tired to Apparate home, Sirius had offered her a room on the second floor between the Weasley boys and Harry’s rooms.

Checking the time with a quick spell, Tonks groaned as the analogue projection showed it to be coming up to four in the morning, meaning she only had a few hours of sleep.

Waving her wand, she magicked all her clothes except her underwear off her body, letting them fall messily onto the dark wood floorboards, before falling backwards into the soft covers, her head sinking into the soft pillows as a soft breath of contentment left her lips.

A faint noise caused her ears to prick up.

A couple seconds later she heard it again, like a distant moan. Her eyebrows scrunching as she tried to ignore it.

The third time she hissed in annoyance and sat up, rubbing her eyes as she tilted her head in an effort to find where it was coming from.

With the fourth she realised that it was coming from the wall opposite her bed. The wall that was connected to Harry’s room.

Sighing to herself, Tonks threw her feet over the side of the bed and stood up on tired legs, stumbling towards her door and out into the corridor.

Walking over to Harry’s door, she stopped for a moment and pressed her ear up against the wood, listening for any sound of disturbance. At the sound of a faint whimper, Tonks reached for the brass doorknob and pushed through, closing the door behind her to not let in any light.

Tiptoeing over to Harry’s bed, she frowned in both frustration and pity as she saw him tossing frightfully back and forth in his sleep, his face scrunched up in what looked to be fear, with moans and whimpers escaping his mouth.

Kneeling onto the bed, she laid herself down beside the young wizard, pressing a hand to his chest and gently rubbing circles in order to wake him.

The boy jerked awake, flinching away from Tonks as he realised someone was beside him in bed.

“Harry, it’s just me” she spoke softly, gently placing her hand back on his chest to show him she meant him no harm.


“Yeah, you were having a nightmare.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, you can go back to bed now” Harry said, guilt lacing his voice. “I know you’ve had a long day.”

“It’s fine” Tonks replied, before scooting closer to him and dropping her head on his shoulder. “I’m not gonna lie, your bed is way more comfy than mine.”

“What? All the beds are the same.”

“Shut up Potter” she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.