
Food Truck and a French Veela

Breakfast Tacos

“Well if it ain’t Luc Bennet. How you been, buddy?” asked Harry, leaning out of the window of the truck to shake the other man’s hand.

“Been good, been good,” said Luc. “How’s the food truck business?” Harry shrugged.

“It keeps me moving, so I’d say alright. Been a while since I’ve been here, so I figured I’d stop by for a bit.” Luc gave him a flat look.

“It’s been years, Harry. You gotta come around more often!” Luc exclaimed with a large amount of mock hurt. “So, what’s on the menu today?” Harry draped the towel he had been wiping his hands on over his shoulder.

“Mostly breakfast. Haven’t had time to get out to the market to buy more stuff. Smoked some brisket overnight though,” said Harry, looking back into the truck. Luc’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, hit me with two brisket and egg tacos,” he said, already grabbing napkins from the small counter below the window. Finally, Harry turned to Fleur, giving her a warm smile.

“Apologies miss, how rude of me. Is this your first time stopping at my humble truck? I don’t remember seeing you the last time I was here. Harry Potter, at your service,” he said with an exaggerated drop of his head.

“Non, you would not ‘ave. It sounds like you ‘ave been away for several years, and I only purchased the land from Mister Dumbledore recently. Fleur Delacour.” Harry raised an eyebrow and rubbed a hand through his stubble.

“So the old man finally sold the farm, huh? About time. Hmmm…” said Harry, squinting his eyes and looking at Fleur as if trying to solve a mystery. She noted the intensity of his gaze, a small amount of heat forming in her cheeks. “You don’t seem like a brisket kind of gal, are you?” Fleur shook her head again.


“If I had to guess, you don’t eat breakfast tacos much,” Harry mused as he began preparing Luc’s tacos. “How about a potato, egg, and sausage taco? The sausage is homemade, by yours truly, and I source the potatoes and eggs locally wherever I go.” Fleur opened her mouth to protest, but Harry cut her off.

“French, right? Worried that the food will be too heavy? Don’t worry, you’re in good hands here. I promise you’ll love it and won’t feel terrible after.” Luc turned to Fleur and nodded.

“C’mon Fleur, time to live a little. We’re lucky it’s early. Harry’s food is so good, I guarantee you in an hour the line’s gonna be as long as a country mile!”

Seeing she wasn’t convinced, Harry went in for the kill. “Trust me, it’s better than British food. What do you say?” He swung his spatula back and forth, a childish smile on his face. Finally, Fleur nodded, her lips turning up into a smirk.

Breakfast Tacos

“Very well. Let’s see what you’ve got, Mr. Potter.” With an excited “YES!” Harry got to work, handing Luc his tacos and starting on Fleur’s. Luc bit into the flour tortilla and a soft moan of delight escaped him.

“Hot damn Harry! Still as good as ever,” he said as he took another bite, causing Harry to chuckle.

“I aim to please, Luc, I aim to please. If you wanna try something really wild, come back later,” Harry said as he leaned out of the truck, holding the fresh taco out for Fleur to grab. “Charlie Weasley is supposed to be bringing me some dragon meat.” Just as she grabbed the taco, Fleur froze at his words, curiosity creeping into her eyes.

“Only a small amount of dragon meat is allowed to be harvested each year, and your food truck gets some?” she asked, raising her eyebrow. Harry shrugged.

“Charlie Weasley works with them and he gets me a small bit every few years. I saw him at the rodeo in Houston a bit ago and he said he’d bring some by. I don’t question it. Now, try the taco, I wanna know what you think!” he said, resting his forearms on the window. Fleur bit into the soft tortilla and her eyes went wide as the flavor hit her mouth instantly. She chewed and a contented look spread across her features.

“Oh. Oh my,” she said, causing Harry to smile wider.

“Another satisfied customer,” he said, giving himself a mock pat on the back. “You want another one?” he offered in a teasing tone. As Fleur finished off the taco and wiped her hands on her faded jeans, a blush spread across her face as she looked away from him. Finally, succumbing to the savory smells emanating from the food truck, she gave a small nod and Harry got to work.

“So, what is it you do on your new land, Ms. Delacour?” asked Harry as he began scrambling another egg. “Old Dumbledore was odd so I can’t imagine you continued his brother's tradition of goat farming.” Fleur shook her head.

“Non, I have not, though there are still places on the property that smell of goats,” she said, a grimace on her face. “We’ve turned it into a unicorn sanctuary…”


“They are amazing, non?” asked Fleur as they came to the next unicorn stall. Harry had, at Luc’s insistence, taken Fleur up on her offer to show him around the sanctuary, to get an inside look at her small slice of paradise in the state. Even as the summer heat beat down on them like a raging inferno, Harry had to admit that he was amazed. He’d seen magic before, of all kinds, but there was something special about this place.

“Amazing isn’t strong enough of a word,” he said as they entered the stall. “They’re breathtaking animals, even if they’re a bit different than most.” Fleur laughed, a sound that caused Harry to smile.

“Unicorns are very misunderstood creatures, that’s for sure,” she said, a brief flash of something passed across her features before she wiped it away, “Most think all unicorns are the same, but they’re not. They come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and temperaments. This one ‘ere is Calli,” she said, gesturing to the large, dark colored unicorn before them. Harry’s mouth dropped at it’s beauty, the patterns running across it like a calico cat.

“She’s beautiful.” Fleur huffed.

“Only Luc deals with her,” she said, a look of indignation in her eyes.

“Why’s that?” asked Harry.

“Ol’ Calli here is particular,” said Luc as he rounded the corner and entered the stall, picking up a brush and approaching the beast. Running the brush across it’s fur, the unicorn made a noise that Harry thought sounded suspiciously like a purr. “Her and I took a likin’ to each other and she ain’t warmed up much to anyone else.”

“Just like the rest of the ‘erd,” muttered Fleur. Luc shook his head.

“Don’t be like that Fleur. You know how they can be. Unicorn’s take time to warm up to people, that’s all. You’ll see, give it a bit and all of em will forget about nasty ol’ Luc and be head over heels for Ms. Fleur,” the ranch hand said, patting Calli on the head as he continued to brush her.

“This one,” said Fleur, leading Harry to the other end of the stall, “Is the oldest and largest of our unicorns. ‘er name is Bonnie, and she doesn’t like people, so you might want to stand back a bit.” Harry stopped several feet from the massive creature, awed by it’s large stature and pure white fur. He saw the faint line of a large scar running down it’s entire left side and frowned. Who would do such a thing to such a beautiful creature?

Bonnie looked at Harry and gave a snort before taking several steps towards him.

“Remain still, Mr. Potter,” instructed Fleur. “She’s just testing you to ensure you’re not a threat.”

Bonnie lowered her head and began sniffing Harry’s face as if searching for something. Deceit? Ill intent? He didn’t know, but he knew he was uncomfortable.

“Give ‘er a moment and she’ll go ba…” started Fleur before trailing off as Bonnie began rubbing her face against Harry’s cheek. Slowly, Harry raised his hand and began stroking the unicorn's long face, eliciting an approving noise from the animal. On the other side of the stall, Luc whistled impressively.

“Looks like Harry’s fixin’ to take my job. He’s a natural!”

Harry looked over at Fleur and saw that she was uncomfortable, her eyes filled with irritation and…jealousy? Patting Bonnie one last time, he took a couple steps back. These animals were wonderful, and over the last few hours he’d gotten to see how much both Fleur and Luc cared for each and every one of them. Whether they were scarred like Bonnie or saved from hunters like Clyde, these animals had needed safety, and this little piece of land probably felt bigger than Dallas to all of them.

“This is a sanctuary, not a farm, right?” he asked, getting a nod from Fleur as they made their way out of the stall. “If you don’t mind me asking, how do you keep the place open?” Fleur tugged at her braided silver blonde hair as she wiped her free hand on her jeans.

“Tours and donations, mostly. Luc and I are the only ones who care for the animals full time, but we do ‘ave volunteers from the community who ‘elp out.”

“Got a group of kids that come round on the weekend to help clean the place up,” said Luc. “I give 'em rides on the ‘corns as payment.”

“Some of the locals make donations, and we’ve got a MACUSA grant that gives us a monthly stipend for what we do,” explained Fleur. “My sister visits as well, and she’s done some work to ‘elp us automate a lot of things.” Luc, Harry noticed, blushed furiously at the mention of Fleur’s sister. Must be a story there.

Looking out over the open fields, Betsy, the smallest and youngest unicorn trotting around in the distance, Harry felt something he hadn’t felt in, well, perhaps ever. He felt content. This place, with its wide, open fields and tranquil atmosphere, felt welcoming and refreshing. Like a cool drink of sweet tea on a summer day in Houston. He had been content to wander most of his life, never truly feeling fit to remain stationary, but perhaps he should try sticking in one place for a while?

Turning to Fleur, Harry smirked.

“Ms. Delacour, I’ve got a business proposition for you. It all starts with a food truck…”

Health Inspector

Luc dropped two slices of bacon onto each plate and divided half the eggs onto each just as two slices of wheat bread popped out of the toaster. Grabbing them, he took both plates to the table, placing one in front of Fleur, before sitting down opposite her. Flicking his wand, a jar of strawberry jam floated from within the kitchen and settled onto the table.

“Bone apple tea, Ms. Fleur,” he said with a cocky grin, spreading some jam onto his slice of toast.

“Honestly Luc, you don’t have to cook. I could have taken care of breakfast,” she said, though he waved his hand dismissively.

“Nah, it’s fine. Figured I could do with a bit more helpin’ you out, seeing as how you’re always the one gettin’ up whenever one of the ‘corns has a problem,” he said as he took a bite of his eggs. They sat in companionable silence, each eating their breakfast before Fleur spoke.

“So, how are things with Gabby?” she asked, causing Luc to choke on his bacon, his hand slapping his chest a few times as he reached for his glass of orange juice. Fleur laughed. “I’m going to take that as they’re going well.” Swallowing with great difficulty, Luc shot her a dirty look.

“So, how are things going with Harry?” he teased just as she bit into her eggs, though he was rewarded with a simple raised eyebrow. As she finished chewing, a slight frown formed on her face.

“It’s been a few months since I agreed to let him park his truck out front, and we’ve spent a lot of time together, but I’m not sure if he’s interested in me or…” before she could finish speaking the front door burst open and Harry came running into the kitchen, skidding to a stop, what appeared to be high-quality meat wrapped in his hands. Eyes wide, Harry looked directly at Luc.

“Luc, you gotta help me,” he said, striding quickly to the table, a look of panic in his eyes.

“What’s going on man? You lookin’ like you’ve seen the devil,” said Luc, wiping his mouth.

“Worse,” said Harry, craning his neck to look back out the front door. His truck, Fleur noticed, was closer to the house than normal. Luc raised an eyebrow.

“What’s worse than the devil?” Harry looked back.

“The health inspector,” he said, with such conviction that Luc and Fleur realized he was quite worried. Luc looked confused.

“What’s the big deal? You keep the truck spotless.” Harry shook his head and began pacing.

“That’s not the problem,” he started, tossing the meat between his hands as he paced. “You remember that dragon meat I got from Charlie Weasley?” Luc nodded and smiled.

“Yeah, I remember. That stuff was finger lickin’ good. And that sauce. Oh boy. I damn near died and went to heaven. Too bad you ran out.” Harry moved towards them and dropped the meat onto the table.

“I need to hide the rest of it, but he’s gonna be here any minute.” Luc frowned.

“Now hol’ on there. You said you ran out,” he said. “Where’d you get more?”

“I didn’t get more. I just…had leftovers,” Harry said.

“Then why’d you say you ran out?” asked Luc.

“I was saving it.” Luc raised his eyebrow again.

“Saving it? For what? You told your buddy Luc you ran out.” Harry paced again, shaking his head in frustration before abruptly stopping.


Luc and Fleur shared a confused glance before Luc looked back up at Harry.


Harry sighed and looked up at the ceiling before nodding to himself and looking back at Luc. Determination in his eyes.

“I was gonna ask Fleur if she would let me cook dinner for her and was gonna use the rest of it, alright?” he said, blushing furiously. Luc nodded, his demeanor instantly changing to one of understanding.

“What do you need?” Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

“Stall him. Charlie says he’ll be here any minute. I need to find a place to stash this.” Luc nodded again.

“I know this fella?” he asked. Harry shrugged.

“Don’t know. His name’s Bill Weasley.” Luc narrowed his eyes.

“That son of a bitch? Don’t you worry Harry, imma take care of this,” he said, standing up and heading out the front door determined to hold the line. When the screen door slammed shut, Harry finally looked at Fleur, his blush deepening.

“Good morning Fleur,” he said, “Can I hide some dragon meat in your house and then maybe cook some dinner for you next week?” Fleur gave a small, lighthearted laugh and nodded her head before standing up and giving him a pat on the shoulder.

“Sure ‘Arry, that sounds lovely,” she said fondly. “I know just the place to hide this.”

Having sufficiently hidden the “contraband,” as Harry had called it, they made their way around the side of the house just in time to hear Luc loudly exclaim, “Ya done yet? Ms. Fleur done told ya no five times now, and now you down here pickin’ on regular workin’ folk like Mr. Harry.”

Rounding the corner, they saw Bill Weasley in his slim fit muggle suit and long red hair standing in front of Luc, writing on a form attached to a clipboard, an annoyed scowl on his face.

“Everything in order, Mr. Inspector?” asked Harry, a smile forming on his lips as they reached the truck. “Apologizes for being late, one of the unicorns got loose and Fleur asked me for some assistance.” Bill passed him the clipboard, an unamused expression on his face.

“It’s fine, Mr. Potter. I assume you’ve got all the correct paperwork to operate this dining establishment on these premises?” Harry nodded, signing his name at the bottom of the page and passing the clipboard back.

“Sure do. Signed and filed with MACUSA.” Bill nodded.

“Very well. Your…truck passed inspection, though I vaguely detected something that smelled like dragon meat. Anything to add?” Bill asked. Harry looked confused.

“I don’t think I’d even know what dragon meat looks like, sir.”

“I’m sure. Here’s a list of approved meat products. Be sure you follow it,” Bill said, handing Harry a form. Looking over at Fleur, Bill gave a wide smile.

“Ms. Delacour. Always lovely to see you. Would you care to join me for lunch?” he asked. Fleur gave an apologetic look.

“Sorry, Mr. Weasley, but I’m going to be incredibly busy today. We’ve got to give the unicorns…”

“Enemas,” finished Luc with a serious nod of his head. “They got into some bad hay and they’re all stopped up. Nasty business. Gonna take all day.” Bill visibly bristled, but smiled and nodded his head.

“Very well. If you ever change your mind, just let me know,” he said, and with that he popped away. For a moment, nobody moved or spoke, until finally Luc broke the silence.

“I hate that guy.” Harry nodded, and clapped his friend on the shoulder.

“Me too, buddy, me too,” he said. “Now, you’ve earned unlimited breakfast for a month. Tell me what I can make for you.”


Fleur heard the dull knock at the door and quickly made her way to the front of the house, opening it to see Harry holding what seemed to be an entire kitchen’s worth of cooking things.

“Evening, Fleur. May I come in?”

Smiling, she stepped aside, letting him in as he made his way to the kitchen. He had cleaned up, she noticed, having ditched the faded jeans and t-shirt for a pair of nice, dark jeans and a collared shirt. She looked over the spread that was now taking over her counter.

“So, what’s on the menu?” she asked. He smiled, as he tossed the small towel over his shoulder, a practiced motion she was sure he no longer even noticed.

“A family recipe. My momma used to make it when I was a kid. You’re about to experience rice pot jambalaya,” he said as he began cutting up the chicken. “With a bit of a magical twist, of course.”

“Naturally,” she said. “So, what’s the story here?”

“When I was a kid, I was real picky,” Harry said as he began placing the diced chicken into the pan. Washing his hands and wiping them on the towel, he poured two cups of rice into a bowl and began to wash it before draining and dumping the clean rice into the cooker. “She had to come up with all sorts of dishes I would eat. This is her version of a jambalaya that even I would eat as a kid.”

Looking up, he smiled.

“Though, she didn’t have dragon meat,” he added with a wink.

Unwrapping the dragon meat he began to form it into sausage shape. Satisfied, he began slicing it into thin pieces, mixing them with the chicken.

“I like to cook without much magic, especially things she taught me. There’s something about a meal made with your own hands that you just can’t beat.”

“You’ve never talk much about your family,” Fleur said as she hopped up onto the counter gracefully, settling into a seated position next to him. Harry shrugged.

“Not much to tell, really. Mom was from south Lou'sians. Dad was from some no name town here in Texas. Not even sure how they met, honestly. They died when I was young, and I got shipped off to jolly ol’ London to live with my aunt,” he said, the terrible British accent causing Fleur to laugh. He cut the heat on the stove to low and stirred the chicken and sausage a bit.

“The day I came of age I took everything I owned, bought an international portkey, and popped back over here.”

Harry looked out of the window above the counter as he briefly got lost in the memories.

“Traveled all over the country for several years, mostly working in muggle kitchens. My mom, she…she used to love cooking. Tried to get me to help out whenever she could. “Cooking is the best way to express ourselves, to show those we care about how much they mean to us,” she used to say. I guess I kinda took that to heart, ya know?”

“And then you bought a food truck and became a Texas sensation, non?” she teased.

Harry laughed, shaking his head.

“Not at first. Had to get some forms done through MACUSA, and that was hell. They didn’t understand the concept of a magical food truck. A place in the magical world that served food and moved? Unheard of to them, ya see. Once it was done though? Man, it was freedom, like coming up for air after being underwater for a long time. Traveled all around Texas, popping into random towns for a day or two, sometimes three or four if I wanted to learn something from the locals.”

He took the chicken and sausage off the heat and added it to the rice.

He added tomato paste, beef broth, melted butter, and water, stirring up the mixture. With a small nod of satisfaction he placed the lid back on the cooker and turned it on.

“‘Tea Time and a Taco Truck’ became what I was known for after a while, though I kept changing the name all the time. People just kind of stuck with that one,” he explained as he began washing his hands.

“Sounds like you enjoy the open roads, but you’ve stayed here for several months now. Why?” she asked, her heartbeat speeding up as her breath hitched in her throat awaiting the answer. Harry looked out the window, and from his profile she could see his eyes soften at whatever he was thinking about.

“I found that maybe I didn’t need to keep moving to find my slice of normal. Maybe staying in one place for a while was what I needed,” he said without looking at her.

As he finished wiping his hands, he turned to her, a smile on his face.

“Now, I believe you said you would take care of the dessert. Care to share the surprise?” he asked, and the smallest hint of a blush formed on her cheeks, matching the pale red sundress she wore.

Quickly, she reached for the front of his shirt and pulled him closer, her lips meeting his, momentarily stunning him before he kissed her back. As they broke away, a smile tugged at her lips.

“How was that for sweet?”

Ice Queen

The brutal Texas sun beat down on Fleur as she ran water on Callie to cool off the mare. It had gotten unbearably hot in the last week, even for the summer in Texas, with record highs being hit every day. Harry had helped her do some charms work around the house to keep things cooler, a fact both her and her visiting sister were eternally grateful for. Though Fleur was now regretting giving Luc the day off to spend with Gabby. She could really use a hand.

Finally finished cooling off the last of the unicorns, Fleur picked up all of her equipment and stored it back in the barn, making her way around towards the front of the property. They’d closed the sanctuary for tours today, but Harry was still open, so she figured she might as well spend some time with him and get some lunch.

As she rounded the corner, she halted immediately. There, sitting in front of his truck under a large umbrella, was Harry, lounging in a foldable chair. The truck was completely closed, with a large “Closed for Lunch Today - Sorry, come back tomorrow” hanging on it. She walked towards him and stopped as she reached the umbrella. Looking up, Harry smiled and reached behind him, producing another chair. With a swift motion he unfolded it and plopped it down next to him.

“Take a seat. I made some sweet tea,” he said. “Though I’ve been told I make a mean Arnold Palmer, if you’d like something different.”

Sitting down, she took the offered glass and sipped it. As the cool drink hit her lips she sighed with content. That was refreshing.

“Why’s the truck closed?” she asked.

“Ran out of ice,” Harry said, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes, fingers interlocked behind his head. Fleur frowned.


Harry opened one eye.

“I ran out of ice so I had to close the truck. Used the last of it to make this tea.”

“‘Arry, you are a wizard. Why don’t you just make more?” Harry sat up, a serious look on his face.

“I am offended.”

Fleur rolled her eyes.

“What’s the big deal? Just make more ice?”

"Anyone who knows anything about running a good establishment knows muggle ice is better." Fleur laughed at the absurdity of his statement, but stopped when she saw he wasn't smiling.

"You're serious, aren't you?"

Harry nodded. "As a heart attack."

She took another sip of her tea before placing it in the cup holder.


Harry shrugged.

"It's just something about magic that makes the ice…different. It’s hard to explain. Making ice the muggle way is just better. When I get more ice I'll demonstrate,” Harry said, leaning back in his seat once more.

"So, when will you get more?"

"When it arrives."

Fleur raised an eyebrow. "You purchased ice and are having it delivered?"

He nodded. “Yep," he said, popping the "p" at the end.

"From who?" Fleur said, a mixture of amusement and wonder at the whole thing.

"The Ice Queen."

"And who is th…" Fleur started when a large refrigerated truck turned onto the path leading towards them. As it got closer, she could see, in big red letters on the side "THE ICE QUEEN" with a rather detailed drawing of a woman holding a bag of ice over her shoulder next to it. Reaching them, the truck turned around so it was facing the road before its engine died. A blonde haired woman hopped out of the driver's seat and came up to them.

"Ran out again, huh?" she asked, looking at Harry. He nodded before standing up.

"Fleur Delacour, I introduce to you Daphne Greengrass, aka The Ice Queen. Daphne here makes the best ice in Texas." Daphne rolled her eyes before shaking Fleur's hand, a smile on her face.

"What this idiot means is that I'm the only person who can get him ice no matter where he is. And I'm the only witch he knows in the ice business." Fleur laughed, amused at the mock hurt on Harry's face.

"Bags are in the back, Harry."

Giving a salute, Harry turned and opened the back of the truck to retrieve his ice.

"Would you like some tea?" Fleur asked, gesturing to the pitcher next to Harry's chair.

"Sure, I'll take a glass," said Daphne, giving Fleur an appraising look. "So, you’re the one Harry’s taken roots for, huh?"

Harry's head shot up. "Daphne, be nice."

She waved him off.

"Oh calm down. I’m just making sure my little brother’s taste in women has improved with time."

"You're barely older than me and we're not siblings. I would rather sit in Houston traffic all day than be related to you."

Giggling, Daphne took a drink of her tea and turned back towards Fleur.

"Harry doesn’t always make the best decisions," she explained, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Has he told you about the time he lost his truck in Brownsville?”

Fleur shook her head, a smile forming on her face as she leaned in closer. She decided that she liked this Ice Queen that Harry seemed so fond of, and embarrassing stories were always fun. Especially when they involved Harry.

“No, he hasn’t.”

Harry shot Daphne a pitiful look, to which she simply stuck her tongue out.

“I would like to point out that I didn’t lose the truck,” he corrected, “It was stolen. By a minor. Who couldn’t see over the steering wheel, but I did not, in fact, lose it.”

Daphne ignored him. “So, there he was, down in Brownsville in the middle of summer…”


"Alright, I'm ready for the lunch rush," Harry said to himself as he looked around the truck. Everything was where it needed to be and he had all the ingredients for the day's menu. After much asking, and an unfair amount of adorable pouting, Fleur had convinced him to try a more French lunch as a test.

He didn't see the point, there was nothing better than a 48 hour cooked brisket, but she quickly exploited his weakness to her doe eyes.

He heard a noise behind him and turned, intent on telling the person he wasn't quite open for lunch yet, but froze.

Sitting on the counter, head cocked to the side, was a small black kitten.

He studied the small thing, clearly the runt of its litter, its shaggy fur an indication that the poor animal had been living outside. Its green eyes studied him, no fear in the wide orbs, clearly having been around people before.

He frowned. Seemed it had been dumped in the wild. Deciding to check its bravery, he grabbed his plate, still egg yoke on it, and placed it in front of the cat.

With just two brief sniffs it started lapping up the yoke, no care to its surroundings, making Harry wonder when it had last eaten. Finishing, the cat looked up, licking its chops as he extended a hand to let the cat smell him.

He was rewarded with a furious round of headbutts to his hand. Smiling, he scratched the cat under the chin and immediately its soft motor started.

Cats loved scritches.

They stayed that way for several moments before the cat looked up at him, pupils going wider.


Harry laughed and nodded. "Fine, you can stay."

The small kitten seemed to give him a nod before making a tight circle and settling in for a nap on the counter.

As the lunch rush started the cat got plenty of head scritches and snoot boops, but it continued its nap, content with its place on Harry's counter. As the crowd died down, Luc approached and looked at the menu.

"What in the world is this travesty?" he asked, never taking his eyes off the menu.

Harry shrugged. "Fleur wanted me to try my hand at something French. It's temporary."

Luc raised an eyebrow.

"Temporary as in gone tomorrow? Or temporary as in you're gonna start saying 'we we' and 'that's not a real bag-ett' like the Frenchies do?"

Finally Luc looked up and his eyes fell to the cat, a small smile playing at his lips.

"New friend?"

Harry nodded.

"New friend. He hasn't left since before lunch. Got no tag, but he looks like he's been living outside. I think someone dumped him."

Luc laughed as he began to walk away.

"Have fun with that."

"What's that mean?" Harry asked, confused.

"You'll find out when Fleur shows up. I'm gonna find some real food."

Harry looked down at the cat, its small form curled into a ball that looked reminiscent of the croissants he'd sold that morning.

"Now what am I gonna call you? Hm? What do you think?"

Quickly, the kitty raised its head and cocked back its ears, looking out towards the barn. Following its gaze he smiled as he saw Fleur approach, her eyes softening as she saw his new furry friend. He tossed a small amount of chicken down onto the counter and the kitty began to eat it.

"Oh my, it's so cute. Who is your new friend?" Fleur asked as she made it to the counter, her arm raising towards the cat. It hissed, tail fluffing up before scrambling up and onto Harry's shoulder, looking down at Fleur with a wary eye.

Fleur's eyes dropped just as her arm and shoulders did.

"You alright there, Fleur?"

She nodded but her face still held a frown.

"Then why the frown?"

She looked at the kitten with a longing eye.

"Cats don't like me," she said, attempting to raise her hand again, only to stop. "Their fluffy bellies and soft fur are adorable, but they don't want me. What is its name?"

He looked at the kitten, its wise eyes looking up at him, a silent chat playing between the new friends. Finally, he nodded and looked back at Fleur.

"Trouble. Its name is Trouble."


Harry looked up at the sky, the stars twinkling above as the crescent moon painted the yard in just a hint of light. He rocked back and forth in the porch swing, a glass of sweet tea in hand, humming a tune he couldn’t quite place. He was pretty sure he’d picked it up from Fleur.

He glanced back as the screen door opened, the tall blonde strolling through, a smile on her face. She sat down next to him and hugged his arm, reaching for his glass.

“Ah ah,” he chided, moving the glass away, a smile on his face as he looked down at her. “Last I checked this was my glass.”

“Oui, but I poured it for you. Now give me some,” she said, poking him in the ribs as he complied. She took a long sip of the drink and he took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as a smile spread across his face.

“What’s got you smiling over there?” Fleur asked.

“Nothing much, just taking it all in.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Taking what in?”

Harry gestured out to the wide, expansive yard that spread before them, stalls dotting the landscape that stretched beyond the horizon. The night air was warm, but not uncomfortably so, a gentle breeze making the Texas heat bearable for once.

"You ever imagine what your life would be like if things were different?" he asked.

She tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Different? Like if I was a broom maker or something?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, like what your life would be like if you weren't running the sanctuary."

Fleur shook her head before resting it on his shoulder.

"Non. I've always loved these animals and I couldn't imagine my life turning out any other way. Maman and papa said I was destined to work with unicorns, though I don’t think anyone anticipated here of all places. What about you?"

"I used to imagine," he started before looking down at her, "but I don't think I'd have ended up here if things had gone differently. I don't think I'd have...stopped wandering."

"You know," she said, lifting her head and looking at him, "our agreement is coming to an end."

Harry raised an eyebrow before recognition passed over his face.

"Ah, right. I had forgotten about that. The deal for food truck real estate."

"I was thinking we could make a new arrangement?" she asked, suddenly sounding unsure. He looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Move in with me," Fleur said softly and he could see the hesitation in her eyes. It was an unfamiliar sight. Fleur Delacour didn't do uncertain. She knew what she wanted and went for it without hesitation.

As she launched into an explanation of the benefits, he simply smiled and cut her off by capturing her lips in a kiss. As they broke apart, she smiled back at him.

"If you can stand me I'd love to move in," he whispered. She bit her lip and something new entered her eyes as she looked at him.

"Perhaps I should show you around?"

Harry rolled his eyes.

“Fleur, I’ve already seen the place. I eat dinner here at least three times a week. I even know where you hide the good chocolate from Gabby.”

She stood and looked down at him, the glow of the moonlight making her look otherworldly. Fleur was beautiful, but in that moment his breath caught in his throat and he'd been rendered speechless.

“You haven’t seen the bedroom,” she purred.

She was still giggling as she pulled him up and led him, dumbstruck look on his face and all, into the house.

Halloween Hijinks

“Trick or treat!”

The group of kids held out their bags as Fleur dropped a handful of candy into each. Harry passed a slice of pumpkin pie to the man waiting at the counter, watching her give a dramatic story to the kids about the undead horses awaiting them further down the lane. They took off with a quick thank you as Fleur laughed lightly.

Fleur had said there was no choice in the matter, they’d be opening the ranch to any muggle or magical children who wished to stop by. Luc had simply shrugged and said he’d take care of the charms on the unicorns, though Harry hadn’t known what that meant until he’d seen Cinder with no horn and what would appear to the untrained eye to be a painting of its skeleton along her body.

Fleur had explained to every parent that it was simple water-based paint that would wash out that night. It was a very clever bit of magic.

She was in a long gown, her hair having been spelled black, just one strip of her natural silver-blonde hair remaining, falling down to her waist. She’d placed caps on two of her upper teeth, completing the look of a vampire countess. She’d made some suggestive comments the first time he’d seen her and his cheeks flushed at the memory.

He turned around and looked in the small fridge, letting a breath escape as he saw the cookie dough was still there.

“It’s not going away.”

He spun around to see Fleur was standing at the window, a wide smile on her face, fake fangs glistening in the moonlight. Her hair seemed to glow, and he wasn’t sure if it was the color-changing charm or her own magic that was causing it. In a word, she looked stunning.

“I know what I heard,” he replied, folding his arm across his chest as she laughed at him.

“Really, Harry? A ghost? Aren’t you a bit old to believe in scary stories?”

“There were noises coming from the truck the last two nights and when I came out to investigate the fridge was open and the cookie dough was gone,” he shot back, gesturing towards the small fridge. “Explain that!”

Fleur shrugged.

“Did Trouble get into it?”

Harry looked over at the small cat, curled up in its usual spot on the counter, though it had a brown lion mane hat on, much to everyone’s amusement.

“I locked it with magic last night. Unless I’ve made friends with an unregistered animagus then there’s no way a cat could have gotten into it.”

Fleur reached up and pulled on his shirt, forcing him to lean over. She kissed him lightly, patting him on the cheek as she broke away.

“Then I guess we’ll just have to stay up and wait for the ghost to return. How’s that sound?”

Harry nodded and winked at her.

“Yes mistress.”

It was late, hours had passed since the last of the kids and parents had gone. Long since they’ve removed the spells on the unicorns and everything pointing to a quiet night. That’s when they heard the noises in the truck.

“See?” Harry whispered as they crept out of the house and towards the truck. “I told you there was something!”

“It’s probably just a wild animal,” Fleur whispered back, rolling her eyes and they crept closer towards the truck. She jumped slightly as an unusual roar was heard and the truck shook violently. They both stopped, neither wanting to go closer until the usual noise returned.

“It sounds like eating,” she whispered as they made it to the back door of the truck.

“I locked the door and the fridge when I closed up tonight. Something is in my truck and it’s about to be in a world of hurt,” Harry whispered with determination. Fleur patted him on the shoulder.

“Get em tiger.”

Harry glared at her before flicking his wand to unlock the back door of the truck. He placed his hand on the handle and nodded to her. With a wordless count from three he pulled the door open quickly, the light at the top of the interior coming to life as soon as the metal moved. Both of them froze at the sight before them.

There, on the floor of the truck, was Luc sitting in front of the open fridge eating cookie dough with his bare hands.

And he was asleep.

Fleur laughed loudly and a pout formed on Harry’s face as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Of all the things it could have been…

“It’s not that funny,” he ground out, sending a stinging hex at Luc.

“I assure you, it is,” Fleur said as she continued to laugh.

Luc opened his eyes wide and jumped up, startled at the sensation of the hex. He looked down at Harry who was glaring up at him.

“What…What’s going on?” he said groggily.

“You’ve been sleep apparating into my truck and eating my cookie dough. Get the hell out and go take your potions!” Harry said, pulling the taller man from the truck and tossing him towards the house. As Luc stumbled towards the house, still half asleep, Harry sat on the back of the truck and chuckled. Fleur dropped next to him and elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

“Alright,” Harry admitted, “It was pretty funny.”

She interlocked her arm with his as they both looked up at the moon.

“At least it wasn’t a ghost.” She looked up at him with a smile. “Happy Halloween, Harry.”