
Forever Fight

Forever Fight

“Our first date did not include you holding my hair back while I hurled.”

Gabby sighed. Here it was again. What everyone had dubbed the “forever fight” between Harry and Fleur, a never ending battle of what, exactly, constituted their first date all those years ago. She knew them well enough to know it didn’t truly mean anything, not really. It was just another form of flirting between a husband and wife.

They were sickeningly adorable.

“Of course not,” Harry replied, a cocky smirk on his face, “magic did that for me. I was just there for moral and emotional support.”

Fleur narrowed her eyes.

“I didn’t put on makeup before our “date” as you call it.”

“And yet you still looked like an angel.”

Gabby giggled, earning a glare from her sister. Even being married had never stopped their playful jabs, and Harry was a master at corny lines to make Fleur blush, much to her sister's chagrin.

“You have to hold my hand for it to be a date,” Fleur exclaimed, a triumphant look in her eyes.

Harry simply continued smirking.

“I did. I held your hand and stroked it gently….while you emptied the contents of your stomach into a bucket.”

Fleur swatted him.

“If I wasn’t paying attention to you for most of it then it doesn’t count.”

Harry laughed and Gabby saw her sister's facade almost break. The pure joy in his laughter had always been one of Fleur's favorite things about her beloved.

“But we were spending quality time together alone! You were a lovely host and I was a perfect gentleman!”

Fleur crossed her arms.

“It didn’t convince me to go on a second date.”

Harry grabbed his cup of tea and took a sip, a sarcastic “ahhhhh” escaping his lips as he placed it back on the table.

“You were already planning our wedding.”

Fleur gasped and gave an offended look.

“How very full of yourself, Monsieur Potter.”

Gabby rolled her eyes, knowing what came next. Right on time, like clockwork, her sister poked her bottom lip out ever-so-slightly. Fleur Potter, famed Charms master, former Tri-Wizard Champion, and mother to a beautiful daughter did the one thing she could. Played the one card she had after being driven into a corner.

She pouted.

Like a child.

Gabby glanced over at Harry and sighed once again. Her brother-in-law loved his wife more than breathing, and she wasn't above taking advantage of those weaknesses. He was especially weak to The Pout, as he’d labeled it. Within moments he held up his hands in surrender.

“Fine, fine,” he conceded, “that wasn’t our first date.”

Fleur looked smug as she uncrossed her arms. Harry opened his mouth but was stopped when Fleur pointed a finger at him.

“The water outing doesn’t count either.”

He looked indignant. “In what world does a romantic boat ride not count as a date?”

“The wind destroyed my hair.”

Gabby giggled, drawing glares from both of them.

They were sickeningly adorable.