
Get Up

“Get up.” Harry shot up as if shocked, careful not to hit his head on the bottom of the stairs. The voice that woke him was unfamiliar to him. It wasn’t Petunia and it definitely wasn't Vernon. As Harry slowly moved out of his cupboard, he was only glad that the voice had woken him up before either of his… relatives had gotten up.

“Get up!” The voice sounded urgent this time as Harry’s eyes shot open and he saw his defense professor lunging at him. Even with the warning, he barely managed to get his hands up in time to defend himself.

“Get up!” Everything hurt, couldn’t that voice let him rest just this once? His body hurt all over. Did anyone get the number of that lorry? Oh wait, it was just the tail of a 1,000 year old basilisk smacking him into a stone wall. And the cherry on top would have to be his arm which was steadily growing hotter and hotter. The heat and pain seeming to spread with every beat of his heart. Yup, basilisk venom is a bitch, but he did what the voice said. He had a job to finish after all. He slowly got to his feet, using the sword for leverage, and moved to the journal, dragging the sword behind him. With an all-mighty yell, he stabbed the sword down into the journal, wiping the smug look off of Riddle's face.

“GET UP!” The voice was desperate this time as Harry tried to block it out. He felt cold and he just wanted to try to find warmth in sleep. “Get up!” the voice came again, but it sounded farther away, almost like it was underwater. The cold began to hurt, burn even, and he opened his eyes to the night sky blocked by a horde of dementors. A few periodically branched off and would swoop down to feed on either Sirius or himself. He pushed the dying screams of his mother to the back of his mind as adrenaline, fear, and anger flooded his veins as he stood tall and called out to the sky above “EXPECTO PATRONUM!”

“Get up!” Harry’s eyes opened as he heard the voice once again. Above him, he saw the spiked tail of the [4:55 PM] Hungarian Horntail racing towards him. As he rolled out of the way, coming up into a crouch, his eyes shot towards the stands. Because this time the voice was different, it wasn’t in his head, he had actually heard it. As his eyes scanned the stands, he came across stunning blue eyes.

(AN: As I got to the end I started questioning what he actually heard. I actually changed the last sentence from what I origianly wrote so it was more open. It can be taken multiple ways I guess. You got magic subtly guiding him by imitating Fleur’s voice, some weird veela soul bond thing, or Fleur is simply a member of the crowd and is a guardian angel of sorts who is restricted in her involvement. Heck, the ending is open enough that it doesn’t even have to be Fleur. Heresy I contemplated having a different voice tell him to get up everytime; James, Lily, Cedric, Sirius, finally Fleur. At first he is confused by the choice of voices, but as Cedric and Sirius die for him the connection becomes clear and he does everything possible to keep it from happeneing.)