
Goblin's Gratitude

Griphook looked at the trio, a sharp grin on his lips. “Those of us with any vision understand well that that Lord Gaunt-Slytherin does not hold Gringotts nor its holders in particularly high esteem. Oh, he delights his manager, and the fortune he has amassed does provide Gringotts with a not-insignificant amount of income from the share we take from his investments. But it is the fool who looks solely at what is there now and pays no mind to what is to come in the future. I have little doubt that Lord Gaunt-Slytherin would see his own people in our place in an instant.”

He spread his hands. “But make no mistake, Mister Potter, Mister and Missus Weasley. Gringotts guards her treasures jealously. Just because I and my allies agree that Tom Riddle needs to be taken care of does not mean that we will stand idly by as you attempt to ransack his vaults. We have our pride, after all, and it would not do to be accused of favoritism.”

The goblin rose, and that was signal enough for the three humans to follow suit. They made their way to the door, where the Chain sat, waiting for Griphook to take it up and begin the process of wiping any record of this visit or conversation from Gringotts history. “That being said, if you three are able to accomplish it, know that we will never forget what you’ve done for us.”

“Of course, Griphook.” Harry paused. “You know, I never know how to say goodbye. You and Sirius never say the same thing.”

Griphook laughed, a harsh and violent sound. “You’ll learn one day, Mister Potter.”

Harry exchanged a look with Ron, and then looked back at Griphook. “I suppose so. Until we meet again, then.”

The door shut in his face instantly. He heard a feminine snort behind him. “I don’t think that was it, Harry.”

“Shut up, ‘mione.” He said, and turned. “Well, we got some good information, at least. We know some of what we’re up against. Now we just need to find out who we’re up against.”

“Shouldn’t be that hard. Gringotts Personnel is a matter of public record. It’ll probably take a week for that information to get to us if we don’t want Riddle knowing that we’re looking at it.” Ron supplied.

“Which we obviously don’t.” Harry ran a hand through his hair. “You know who to talk to?”

“Yeah. I’ll get the palms greased. Gives us time to do some basic reconnaissance anyways.” The trio continued back up to the main level in silence for a few moments, before Ron broke it with a chuckle. Harry stopped, turning to look at him, as did Hermione. “Sorry, I just realized something.”

“What?” Hermione asked.

“Griphook said that Gringotts would never forget what we’re doing for them. But the whole purpose of the Chain is that nobody’s going to remember that we were here and had that conversation, right?”

It took Harry a moment to cotton on, but he snorted in amusement when he realized what Ron was saying. He gestured, and they started moving again. “That’s goblin gratitude for you.”