

Harry looked around the clean, ethereal walls of King's Cross, despair and hope warring in him.

"Fleur?" He called, again, and again.

"I am afraid she's not here Harry, but this old man would like a few words with you, if you would allow it"

Harry startled at the familiar voice and turned to look at his old mentor, now looking far healthier than last he had seen him, the burden the Headmaster seemed to carry, now slightly lessened.

"Professor Dumbledore?"

The former Headmaster smiled kindly at him, his features lighter but his eyes sad.

"Hello, Harry, I can't help but say it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, sir, but, am I...?"

"Not quite, as far as I know." Harry's eyebrows raised, and Professor Dumbledore, for the first time, told him everything, showed him the horcrux, and apologized.

When he finished, anger and resentment bubbled inside Harry as he asked, "Then, it's like Snape said, everything was a lie, I was always supposed to..."

"No!" Dumbledore stopped him, desperation, guilt and sadness weighing on him as Harry had rarely seen, "No, Harry, I've always had hope, that, when all was said and done, you would be safe, and free, to find happiness, and thankfully, it has happened, Harry for you have a choice now."

"Choice?" Harry asked in surprise.

Dumbledore gave him a thin smile, and gestured to the train that was just arriving."This Harry, is a place in between, the mechanics of it are rather complex, but understand that, due to Tom's foolish actions, you have a choice, to either go back, or to keep going, to take the train, with me."

"Will Fleur be there? On the other side?" He asked before he could stop himself, he knew what he had seen, he had seen her fall. (edited)

Dumbledore's smile dimmed, and his shoulders sagged. The aged wizards seemed to want to say something, to say he was sorry, to comfort Harry, but he stopped himself, and said instead, "That, I cannot say, for I have never been there, myself. My personal opinion is that if there's any justice to be had, then you and Miss Delacour, will find yourselves together again."

Harry seemed to have made his decision, but just as he opened his mouth, he stopped himself and sagged, covering his face with his hands.

"What about Tom? He will still be alive, won't he, and all the others too."

"Yes, I would say he will, but, there will be others..."

"There are NEVER others, sir, in this case, there's only...me, you know why."

"I...I do, and I am sorry Harry, I truly am"

“I know sir, thank you, but if Tom will still be there, then I have no choice at all."

Dumbledore embraced Harry, and the young man sobbed on his shoulder, perhaps for the first time, he sobbed for love lost, for his friends, his parents, and even the man embracing, and Dumbledore cried too.

"Thank you, sir, for everything." And Harry stood back as the train's door opened.

"No, Harry, thank you, for being a much better man than I am." He again seemed to want to say more, but didn't want to reduce the value of Harry's sacrifice with his own failures.

As Dumbledore entered the train and the doors closed silently, the train leaving the station, he felt he wasn't alone in the car.

"It is not fair, they loved each other so much, and always had to place others’ necessities over their own, and now, again."

"They married a few weeks ago, you know, a small ceremony in France, officiated by his best friend's father."

Dumbledore wept a little more, but the voice, kind and gentle, continued, and Dumbledore looked to see a beautiful pale lady with dark hair and dark eyes, dressed in a muggle manner, looking with gentleness and even pride at Harry through the window.

"Harry Potter sacrificed himself twice today when he chose to go, and when he chose to go back, this will not be forgotten, as his next actions won't be too, this will start a new journey for him, he will have to fight again, but he won't be alone, more than one of those he lost will be at his side."

Dumbledore, looked surprised and hopeful, "How?"

The woman turned him and smiled, "I may have made a few calls, and let's say the young man impressed more than a few important people."

As Tom Riddle finally fell, the Wand in his hand turning against him, Harry fell too, too wounded due to his desperation, his heartbreak, especially after seeing Fleur, or at least her body.

As he felt his knees hitting the ground, Harry felt that at last he would see her again, and yet, with that certainty, as he looked to the morning sky and noticed the Evening Star shining brightly, he felt a question come, if he would help again, if he would accept to go to another place, but not alone, and help them beat back the Darkness.

Harry returned with a question of his own.

'Will she be there?'

The answer did not come in form of words, but a feeling of certainty, of hope, and happiness.

'Yes' Harry answered.

And Harry smiled, and as he saw people close around him, Hermione and Ron's crying faces, Fleur's father, and many of Harry's friends, he looked to the Evening Star that was shining even more, and...was it looking like a boat?

As a little baby, with bright green eyes, black hair, and pointed ears was presented to her, the Lady of the Golden Forest smiled, while her husband looked on with interest,

“He was found-” the leader of the guards that brought him began.

“On the shores of the Celebrant, under the light of the Evening Star, I have seen it, yes.”

The guards looked at each other, and then just nodded.

“And he wasn’t alone, I recall.”

As if summoned, a beautiful white owl glided into the room, to perch on one of the chairs, her gaze fixed on the child in the Lady’s arms.

“Quite a loyal companion are you, even in distant shores, you do not abandon him, I would name thee Sarta, for thy loyalty.”

The bird puffed it’s chest, but it’s gaze remained steadfast.

“As for you little one, I know not where you came from, but your bearing and countenance are not difficult to discern, Haldir shall be your name, but many other names you shall remember and earn here.” Her husband approached and touched the baby’s brow, smiling.

“A fitting name.”

A messenger entered the room then, stopping in surprise at seeing the baby in his Lady’s arms, before looking at the others in the room.

“And so?” The Lord of the Galadhrim asked.

“Twins, my lords, two girls, healthy and hale. One with dark hair, and the other silver, like mithril.”

At this everyone smiled, and Lady Galadriel embraced the baby closer, for he too was smiling.