
Harrison Maximus Longus Potter

Fleur picked at the ground, hoping to find the first victim of the day. She picked and picked some more, until her beak struck guey flesh. With the fervour of a lioness, she pulled and pulled at the squishy creatures, the insides a sweet promise of sustenance. Streching her fragile body, Fleur stood on the shrap claws of her feet before the rubbery food gave in and slapped against her skull, numbing her sense for but a few moments.

"Foolish worm," she snapped, flapping her wings and sqeaking angrily. "Why would you dare resist?"

The worm, baring the tiny construct of a pair of lenses and the most vivid green murky eyes, stared her down with fury. "Has no one ever told you not to wake the sleeping, shitty flying rat?"

Aghast by the foul language, the majestic blue avian speciman rose to full height and spread her wings as far as her limbs permitted, towering over the her food with malice dripping from her short tongue.

"You've blundered your last, worm."

"My name is Harrison Maximus Longus Potter," the slim creature grunted. "Do not call me worm, you foul French pest of a hovering shit bomber."

Silenced by the second outburst of foul language, Fleur reeled a step back, her feathery wings faltering unevenly. A worm, a mere supply of sustenance would dare speak to her like this, when nobody before had possessed the nerve to do so before him.

Denying it would be akin to a lie. The worm she had intended to eat, had instead piqued her interest.

"What would you have me do instead, Potter," she inquired with a smirk, silently relaying that she thought little of his other names. "Let you go when I need your flesh to feed my bodice?"

"It's food you want?" Harry asked instead of an asnwer, his eyes boring into her with something she thought looked like treachery.

"Yes," she offered curtly.

"Then wait here until I return." He begun slithering backward and slowly but surely digging into the ground. "My cousin would please you far more in that regard."

Impressed by the continued bravado of the raven coloured worm, Fleur nodded in curiousity. "Bring them to me and they better not disappoint. If not, I will find you, Potter."

"They won't."