
Harry's Alien Girl

Hermione goggled at the two figures walking up the path to the house she shared with her fiancé, Ron Weasley.

The male was tall, taller than he had been when she had last seen him. Yet, she would never misplace that messy head of raven hair, or those sharp green eyes.

Harry Potter had grown in the years they’d been apart, but she would know him anywhere.

No, what had her eyes popping out of her skull was the woman…. Female who strode down the pathway arm in arm with her friend, head resting on his shoulder as they held each other close.

Hermione would have squealed at the cuteness, if that head didn't have tentacle-like hair that seemed to seamlessly flow from her aqua green skin.

Said hair flowed to the female’s mid thigh, tucked back behind pointed ears, the same aqua tone as the rest of the female’s curvaceous body. Vivid pink irises, shining beacons in her black sclera eyed Hermione and Ron as they stood at the front door, watching Harry and his partner as they stopped in front of them.

Dressed in a crisp white and gold outfit, much like a blazer, with a bare midriff that tapered down into a dress, slits up the thighs, revealing the black pants underneath.

“It's good to see you both!”, Harry smiled.

“Right back at you mate”, Ron grinned.

“Harry…. Thats.. She’s..” Hermione stuttered.

“Ah! Yeah. Ron, Hermione, meet my girlfriend Kendra.”

The female smiled beatifically, wiggling her fingers at them in greeting.

“She’s an alien!”

The girl coloured purple, eyes darting to the ground as she partially hid herself behind Harry, who glared at the brunette, “Hermione! I know she’s a Morag, but do you have to be so rude about it?”

The brunette spluttered in shock, “But… An alien!”

“So?”, Ron interjected, brows furrowed as he glanced at his fiancé, “They obviously make each other happy, if how close they are is any indication.”

“But… But..”

“Really Hermione”, Ron sighed, shaking his head, “I wouldn't have taken you of all people for a Xenophobe.”
