
I Will Find You

Harry James Potter sat in front of a huge mirror and found himself staring into it. He saw a variety of different scenes appear and then replaced by another. He saw his parents, he saw what appeared to be Potters from different generations, he saw himself older as a Quidditch captain, as an Auror.

He saw himself with children and he saw a woman. A woman with silver blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes that seemed to beckon to him. She kept on saying something, something that Harry couldn't quite make out yet. After learning that the object he had been staring at was called the Mirror of Erised, Harry finally understood what the woman had been saying.


Tri-Wizard Tournament

Fleur Isabelle Delacour had been having dreams...dreams of a young man with messy black hair and an amazing pair of emerald green eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses. Those eyes seemed to bore into her soul and found her wanting...wanting to know the young man who had been plaguing her dreams.

As the carriage from Beauxbatons neared the famed school of Hogwarts, Fleur began to feel a pull, something that seemed familiar and still so distant. As the carriage finally set down on the grounds of Hogwarts, the pull felt stronger as she left the carriage with her headmistress and her fellow students.

Then...she saw him, the boy, no, the young man from her dreams. She gracefully walked up to him as he stood with his fellow students alongside a tall, gangly red-headed boy and a bushy haired young girl. She looked into those emerald green eyes and pulled him into a searing kiss and she spoke the words that she had been wanting to say for a long time.