
Iron Blood

Fleur ran down the corridors of her family’s factory, technicians and security giving her a wide berth when they took one look at her face or her badge.

At least for this, she wouldn’t begrudge her family name.

At last, she reached one of the vehicle bays, her almost shoving her badge in the face of the poor security guard was enough for the blast doors to open.

And then she saw it, saw him.

The orange and white skinsuit wasn’t his style, but he wore it well. However, it was what he was going to use it for that bothered her.

“Fleur!” He called her and waved, the same way he does to call her over the throng of people at their University, with the same smile he always has for her, the one that’s fighting through his worries, his problems, all to shine through for her.

It doesn’t bring her the same comfort, not with her creation looming behind him, all black and yellow with tapes and plaques and lights. The first run of the prototype for her combat walker. One she designed, the first design of hers to be built on a real scale. By an ‘Engineer’ that hasn’t even graduated.

And the boy she was falling in love with was going to pilot it.

“‘Arry!” She tried to keep the apprehension out of her voice, but failed.

His smile didn’t change but he looked confused as she approached, panting, the crew chief waving the other technicians away.

“What-What are you doing here, ‘Arry?”

He gestured to his skinsuit, a cart with the helmet and armor pieces beside him, “What does it look like? You’re looking at the newest Test Pilot of Delacour Mechanique and Space! They even gave me a badge!” He showed said badge, the same design as her, but instead of Junior Engineer, it was Trainee Pilot.

“Harry.” She looked into his eyes, and his smile dimmed to a shy one, he averted his eyes to a passing cart of equipment.

“Remember those aptitude tests? And how I wanted to be a pilot? Well turns out I may not be a genius like you, but I can react and think fast enough they A-Rated me for Combat Piloting, they even say I can get an All-Terrain Combat certification.”

He stopped and bit his lip for a moment.

“A real job, Fleur, not flipping burgers or driving cargo mechs on the side, they are going to pay for my Uni, Fleur, all of it, and the salary is good enough I can get a real apartment.”

Fleur couldn’t believe her ears, didn’t he know what this job entailed? Why the pay was so good, why they prefer single, poor, males for it? He may be unbeatable in the Uni simulators, but those were toys, this…this was…

“And all you have to do is one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet! Piloting untested Mechs, and they may even send you into combat,’Arry!”

Harry shrugged, “I know the risks…I…this is my chance Fleur, you know how it is for people like me.” He shrugged but she could see his own apprehension behind his eyes. “I was already lucky to get good enough grades to study at Merquise with you, but, even if I get decent grades all around, I would…never amount to anything.”

This…this…fool, stupid..boy, of course, she knew that, without connections, even someone talented like Harry wouldn’t get good jobs for a long time.

But she was going to fix it, even if she had to beg her grandfather, she would get him a job as…a technician, a cargo mech pilot, anything but this.

And then, Fleur realized that Harry was aware of that, and then she remembered their first meeting.

” I will give you three hundred for that book.”

“It’s NOT for sale!”


Harry took pride in his independence, his damn relatives made him despise relying on others…

He would never accept anything handed to him, especially by her.

She remembered when he reluctantly showed her his apartment, if it could be called that.

Remembered the shame on his face, how he became distant for a few days after it.

“I will be okay, Fleur, after all, you designed it! And I trust you!”

Fleur could only nod as a siren signaled the next test was near, she stepped away in a daze as she saw the technicians come and place Harry in the armor and helmet, as they began preparing the cockpit.

She thought about why he would do this, but she knew.

Harry didn’t come from a family of sports stars like his friend Ron or even Angelina, nor a security company like Neville, no, Fleur didn’t know what Harry’s parents did, only that he was an orphan, the extent of his relatives' 'care' for him, had been his uncle paying a decent school.

And she suspected Ron’s father had something to do with him being accepted at their University, even good grades alone won’t get you there.

And now, the sweet, caring boy that liked the same things she did, who had let her read his exclusive advanced copy of the third book of her favorite trilogy for free…

The boy who had snuck out of parties with her, and stayed on the roof watching the stars and talking about nothing for three hours because Angelina had stolen their keys.

The boy who may have next to nothing, but had earned her heart, was going to risk his life, just so he could prove he could rise by himself, she wondered if he believed himself unworthy of her…

“Miss Delacour, please, clear the area, we are going to begin testing and it isn’t safe.”

As she left and saw Harry entering the cockpit, a confident smile plastered on his face, Fleur knew she wouldn’t be able to stop him.

Even if she begged her grandfather to not let him do it, to give him another assignment, that she would do what they wanted and take over the company, it would be an empty victory, because Harry would hate her for it.

But she could help in another way.

She would design the best, most powerful, and safest mechs for him to pilot, any who stood against him would be crushed, and he would be safe.

She had only come into this area because excellence here would give her a pick of any Engineering jobs she wanted, including Aerospace, but now, she would become the best Mech Engineer in the solar system.

And Harry would be right beside her.