
Le Suillon, Harry

Harry couldn't help the nervousness that hit him when he left the castle to the grounds, to wait for the other school delegations.

His "guest" easily noticed.

"What bothers you, onwë?" Came the baritone voice in his mind, far softer than what it had once been.

Harry sighed, he should be used by now, after all these years, "Nothing, Cel, just that feeling I had this morning, that something important is going to happen today."

He heard a pleasant humn in his mind, before the voice comforted him "Have faith, young Harry, mayhaps the change will be positive."

His tenant telling him to have faith was incredibly rare, he normally was quite cynical, but Harry decided to just accept it, no reason to worry that much.

He had brought his dagger and bow, just to be safe.

"Well, at least you get to see more of the other magical schools, I am curious."

A snort, "As if you, Harry Laicatir, would ever be anything but."

Harry decided to ignore that and wait, using just a little bit of wandless magic, or curu as his teacher liked to call it, to keep himself warm.

Before he could dwell on his nervousness, a student shouted, pointing at the sky, and Harry turned to look where he was pointing.

Harry focused, and felt his vision improving, being able to see far into the distance, his eyes widened.

"Well now, that's not something you see everyday."

A massive flying carriage approached, being pulled by the large Abraxan horses, a splendid sight to see, it somewhat reminded Harry of the memories his guest had shown him of his people and their "distant cousins" from the sea.

The carriage landed, and the tallest woman Harry had ever seen came out, being greeted warmly by the Headmaster.

"Probably kin to the gamekeeper." Harry nodded, agreeing, but soon his attention was taken by the people coming after the tall woman, Maxime.

He liked the blue color of their uniform, and their hats were...pleasant, but they must have been freezing in this weather, some of them had shawls and scarves covering their faces, leaving only their eyes exposed.

However, he also felt a presence, it was just there, among them, a good presence, thankfully, but he couldn't pinpoint it.

Harry was taller than most in front of him, so he caught the eyes of several of the French students, one among them, had the brightest set of blue eyes he had ever seen, there was...something in them, and Harry felt his guest stir, but they broke contact and the feeling was muted.

The Beauxbatons students entered, and soon, Durmstrang arrived in a ship that sailed underwater, like a submarine, they were far more...martial than he expected.

His oldest friend grumbled about Men and posturing, but Harry chose to ignore him, the "faults" of their distant cousins were a common point of contention.

Dumbledore was courteous with Durmstrang's Headmaster but Harry could easily see the tension there, especially from the other man.

They entered back to the Great Hall, Durmstrang had, to the surprise of no one, sat down with Slytherin, Harry went to his own House table and wasn't that much surprised to find the Beauxbaton's students there.

He wondered if it was an alignment of values or of colors, maybe both.

He sat down in his usual place, Terry exchanged a look with him, and continued trying to speak with the brunette Beauxbatons' student with broken French, however, Harry, instantly felt the same presence close by.

"This, it feels much like our people, ettarendo, maybe another descendant, like you."

Harry felt excited by the prospect, while he had never met others of his 'kind', other than his 'cousin', the idea of meeting more family was always attractive to him.

He looked around, but found nothing, so he began to eat, he had foregone breakfast for some more time at the forge, and thus was famished, so much so, he did not notice a young woman in Beauxbatons' colours get up from the other extreme of the table, and go to him, she was eyeing the Bouillabaisse, before her blue eyes rested on him and widened.

"Excuse moi"

Harry turned to the person, getting ready to speak French, before his eyes connected with the young woman's and both froze.

A sharp, beautiful face looked back at him, slanted blue eyes, and blonde-silver hair, and some connection between them, something that was new but Harry felt had been missing all along.

"Le Suilon" he blurted out, a greeting he had seen and heard only in memories or in his own voice, and he feared she would think he was butchering her language.

Her eyes widening and the small gasp told him that maybe not.

"The old tongue, how do you know it?" she asked, her voice melodious and with an accent that was pleasant to his ears, though it had a similar lilt to his, she sat down on his other side while she spoke, getting closer so they could speak in a hush, he barely noticed Teddy's questioning look, or Lisa's raised eyebrows.

Such a simple question, such a complicated answer.

"Her face reminds of the Lady of Light, but her hair is silver..."Was the only 'help' offered, he must have been enjoying this.

"I...picked it up here and there." He could hear his mentor sighing, but he couldn't exactly tell his situation to a girl he had never met before, could he.

The girl snorted and managed to make it seem graceful, "I see, well, I am Fleur Delacour." (edited)

Harry smiled at her, though it was a somewhat nervous one, "Harry Potter", he expected the customary glance, but, while she was surprised, she kept looking at his eyes, before nodding.

"Le Suilon, Harry." Surprising him, she turned on the bench as if to eat there, and he noticed she had her plate in hand, then, she began putting Bouillabaisse in it, as if everything was normal.

She sampled the dish, shrugged and turned to look at him.

"Now can you tell me how you know and can pronounce the language of my ancestors as if you grew up with it?"

He heard a laugh in his mind, great, that old man loved to put him in these situations.