
Live for Me, Die for You

Live for me

Harry James Potter, the pride of James Potter and the heart of Lily Potter was the most cheerful and fun-loving person in the world.

James and Lily chose to not fight in the war, Sirius never went to any prison but as a result, Neville is an orphan and is the boy who lived but that doesn't matter tho. Neville isn't the protagonist of this one, Harry is.

Harry wanted to live life to the fullest, he couldn't bear to see anything sad. People who saw him used to say- " this boy could cheer up a mourning widow and convince her to live for something she believed in. His smile shone brighter than any summery day in France and his nights were equally fun-loving."

One day his parents returned to Britain and sent him to Hogwarts at his insistence, there was nothing they could deny to their boy once he had his mind on it. His requests were always genuine and reasonable. It did not help much that his godfather was always on his side.

He was at first scorned for fleeing the war, insults flew his way like arrows at an archery range but his demeanor towards his life did not change, he accepted it, all of it.

Slowly all the students came around, something about Harry was so irresistible and he was always so cheerful, it was impossible to hate him. Always the fun-loving boy helped everyone without any care for houses or any prejudices. Snape shortly left after his second year leaving everyone baffled as to what caused it and Lily took his place.

After this point till his fourth year, he lived the most beautiful and amazing moments of his life. That was until the Triwizard tournament happened and the boy who was as playful as summer met a veela who was as cold as winter.

Die for you

Why was it that people always want you to be happy? Can't they enjoy the sadness once in a while. There is not always a need to be happy, they've got an entire lifetime to be happy!

It baffled her how every time someone took a picture of her, they expected her to smile. Why should she smile? What is so auspicious about someone taking her photo that she should smile without any reason. What absolute morons.

The drooling of males and sometimes females alike did not help her mood either. Must they drool? Was she a last piece of croissant that they had to have her? people are so stupid sometimes, mindless too.

That was all she thought of others until she met Harry Potter.

He. Was. Not. Drooling.

How dare he do something out of normalcy in her life, it wasn't supposed to be like this. He had no right to carry on as if nothing was happening. Why was he so... lively?

Days passed as Harry held her curiosity for most of the event, yes she wanted to be a champion but her reasons were her own.

She wanted to die, it would be an honourable death to a miserable life but at least she could say she tried but that wasn't the point here. Her attention was captured by Harry Potter.

They met one day, pure accident in the owlery but it was enough for Fleur Delacour to be stuck now with Harry Potter

Enigma wasn't the word she'd use. It wouldn't do justice to how much he annoyed her with his bright smile and light-hearted jokes.

How can someone so annoying and relentless be so charming at the same time?!

An annoying life

He made it his mission to make her smile at least once a day, he'd come down to her carriage, wait for her to get up and she would reluctantly join him for his tours.

They kept repeating, she did not care much. She was secretly enjoying it too much to complain about it.

The champion selection happened. Neville got selected along with the original champions and once again she couldn't get over the stupidity of People in Britain in general.

Dumbledore had one job. One. Single. Job.

and he failed.

But she found out later that she couldn't care less, it was their blunder. If there was anything she did care about was her time with Harry and how annoyingly enough, he was changing her.

It was too subtle to notice before but after the first task when he took her in a very tight hug even before she got to the hospital wing, it was apparent.

She had smiled and returned his affections without any of his silly jokes. She was changing and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

Her desire for an honourable death was also wavering second by second, every moment she spent with Harry. If nothing else it'd be worth it to live just because she knew Harry would be there next morning, waiting for her and making her day brighter.

Yule Ball was not supposed to be a fun event. It was supposed to be terrible with people with fake smiles and drooling male population but alas Harry never gave up.

He wasn't supposed to ask her to the ball.

She wasn't supposed to say yes.

She wasn't supposed to have the time of her life in the arms of Harry Potter of all people.

She wasn't supposed to kiss him.

But that didn't change the fact that it did.

A peaceful death

She tried to avoid him for some time after the yule ball, purely on the principle that it was too much change in too little time but even as she avoided him, she couldn't help but ask herself...

Was this change really so bad? She was enjoying it, she might not admit to it but deep down she knew she had feelings for Harry.

So she acted on them, after almost a week of avoiding Harry, she acted on them.

Surprisingly, Harry did not seem to mind in the slightest that she had avoided him, in fact, he was more worried that he had done something to upset her. She did not need any other confirmation.

She asked him out, one floo trip to anywhere he might take her. He did not disappoint.

She had never been more thankful for a friendship than she was for this one and as Harry rightfully said after the amazing date, she couldn't agree more-

'I just had a sketch of our friendship you described it as a writer, I just drew the beginnings of our world but your thoughts Fleur. Your thoughts made it brighter.'

As cheesy as it may sound, it was the most heartfelt thing she had ever heard.

She wanted to live now, the tournament didn't matter, the stupid Britishers didn't matter. She had Harry and she wanted to be annoyed the rest of her life with his cheerfulness.

But alas it was after all too good to be true.

She had saved Harry in her second task and things were looking up when it all started to go downhill.

Barty Crouch went missing and Weatherby was put in his place instead, the tournament was at its most ominous point now with a judge missing and no clue of where he might be.

She was leading the tournament in the last task, her desire for death changed to a drive to win safely. To return back to an annoying boy whose smile was enough to make her reluctantly smile .

It did not go as planned.

She was attacked as she was dealing with the boggart. A cruciatus curse of all the evil things. She wanted to live not to die of pain!!

Her screams rang out in the dark of night, pleading for letting her live. suddenly bright flames of inferno came down crashing from her left. Harry Potter had come to rescue her with a vow of vengence on his face. His beautiful face conorted in rage as he let loose the brightest stupefy he could muster and her attcker and her fellow champion- Viktor Krum went crashing down.

He took her and hand healed the minor injuries and carried her back to the cup. All the other champions were already eliminated, the fate of the tournament was inevitable.

Just as they were about to touch the cup, a familiar, red curse tore through Harry's arm and he was forced to drop Fleur.

Fleur could only watch as a loud scream escaped his throat as they turned to see the now snarling face of Barty Crouch Jr. Fleur was terrified, how had it come to this?

Harry got his wits back but another red curse simply broke his knees and he was forced to fall again.

She had to do something, it couldn't end like this, It wouldn't dare end like this!!

She tried to reach the wand behind them but as soon as she tried, another curse came sailing their way.

Harry took it, the foolish boy took it to his other arm as she was saved and successfully reached her wand and retaliated with whatever a cruciatus victim could. Luckily she caught Barty off guard.

But even as she subdued Barty Crouch Jr. a feeling of ice had already jammed in her chest.

No wizard survived three reductor curses, it was impossible. But hoping against hope she turned back to see Harry.

He was still breathing and the bastard was smiling! what the bloody hell was wrong with him? his shallow breaths and bloodied body suggested otherwise then why did he look so peaceful?

Her trembling hand reached his cheeks as he leant in for one last time to make her night joyful with his kiss and whispered 3 words-

'Live for me.'

Harry wanted to live Fleur wanted to die But.. Harry died for Fleur and Fleur lived for Harry