
Lone Stag and Fawn


James Potter was trudging along a dirt road, musing on the events of the past month in which he found himself on the run for the murder of his wife, Lily Potter. Framed by the Death Eaters, James found himself now a wanted man. To top it off, he had his three-year old son; Harry, with him in a baby cart that was customized by himself, his best friend and brother in all but blood, Sirius Black, and Lily.

As the pair to a clearing, they suddenly found themselves against a large group of masked samurai, all wearing masks bearing the Mark of Voldemort.

"We have come for you, Potter!"

James looked down at little Harry and asked, "What should we do, my son?"

Little Harry looked at his father and pressed a hidden button on the cart which activated the card's hidden weapons.

James smiled and drew his Katana.

"For Lily."

After a few minutes, it was over. Thirty samurai lay dead or dying. The Lone Stag and Fawn continued on their journey of righteous vengeance.