

When he'd first made the joke, it'd been rather mean spirited, a poor rebuttal to her own comment about his age. The two started out rather poorly, but after he saved Gabrielle from that accursed task a tentative accord was made. A pact of civility for the remainder of the tournament.

The second time he'd used it a year later, it was oddly endearing. A friendly tease said into her ear as she'd hugged him.

"your aczent iz 'orrible" she had said. Trying not to laugh when he had simply raised an eyebrow as he pulled back.

The short time in which he was there made her stay with her in laws bearable. She would see the way his jaw ticked when one of them made a snide comment. The way his eyes flicked to her whenever things would become heated. Silently asking if she wanted his input.

She knew he would step in if she asked, Bonds of friendship be damned. It was One of the things she had loved about him even then. He knew she didn't need help, but was there, if she wanted it.

Later in life, she would look back and crave that kind of support..


The day of her wedding, she had felt something missing. She'd said her vows and kissed the groom, but it didn't feel right.

When that stupid joke was again whisperd in her ear it had clicked. As they stole a dance, and he had explained his reason for leaving afterwards, she had felt.. Terror, for him, and his safety. And, in that moment she had known, as they danced at her wedding to another man.

Fleur Isabelle Delacour was in love with Harry Potter..

All she had been able to do was wish him luck. Not trusting her traitorous heart.

"be safe" she had said just before all hell broke loose, and he had disappeared..

In the months that followed her hearts revalidation, she had settled, her life became that of a housewife. And the more she threw herself into it,the more she was able to lock away her hidden feelings for another and focus on her husband.

But, no matter how hard she tried Fleur could never silence the part of her that wanted more.

When she next heard his joke. It was said with no humour, he was dirty, bruised, and he was hoarse from crying. The elf that had saved them now a resident of her garden.

Without a word, fleur had held him the pair stood silent in the dim kitchen. Until she began to hum softly..

When the final battle arrived, and she believed him dead in Hagrids arms. Her heart cracked. She had felt numb, cold. Nothing else mattered in that moment. He was gone.

And then, he wasn't. He was up and fighting, and her heart was whole again. She had wanted nothing more than to be at his side in that moment, but fleur had known that her interference would only distract him.

Instead she flung herself into the frey, against her husbands wishes, determined to guard his back from the death eaters..

When it was all over, she had to fight the urge to go to him. Despite what her heart wanted, Fleur knew she had to Bury it deep..

"she's gone" two words that changed her life.

At first it was just a few visits to make sure he was eating and taking care of the children after Ginny ny left. But after a fight with Bill, fleur had decided to stay with him for a while.. And just never left.

When, that morning she received a birthday card signed by his children that read

happy birthday mum she had gasped. And when Harry had greeted her downstairs with a plate she had laughed

"Omlette du fromage" they had both said. Before fleur kissed him..