
Nightmare of a Veela

"My office, Mr. Potter. NOW," Professor Snape said with his typical sneer.

Sitting at the Gryffindor table, Harry whispered, "Fuck." He quickly glanced at his two best friends and headed to the dour Professor's office. As he entered the room, the door suddenly locked behind him and Harry found himself bound and on the floor.

"What the FUCK is going on?!" Harry screamed as he fought to untangle himself from the binds that held him.

"There's nothing you can do, Mr. Potter." Harry couldn't believe his ears as he heard Snape's voice and with horror, he saw Snape in a dress (What the FUCK) seductively walking towards him. Harry desperately tried to release himself as he saw the Professor lean down.

"You can't escape, Mr. Potter. Now that I've discovered my true self. There is something I must tell you...you are my SOULMATE."

Harry screamed as the Professor moved as if to kiss him...


Harry suddenly woke up from the horrifying dream and found himself in the comfort of his bed and found his beautiful wife, Fleur, staring at him with concern.

"'Arry," Fleur asked as she watched as her husband cry into the small teddy bear their daughter Victoire had given for his birthday. "What's zhe matter, cheri?"

"Nightmare. Horrible nightmare. Snape was a Veela and...and he tried to do things to me," Harry cried as he clutched the teddy for dear life. "I can't get those images out of my head. There's nothing you can do, love. I just can't..."

"Nozzing I can do, 'Arry?" Fleur smiled and she disappeared underneath the blanket.

Harry's eyes widened as he felt what his wife was doing down there...

"Oh, MY..."