
No Howlers, I Promise

"The morning sun cast a golden glow through the windows of the Potter family home, illuminating the elegant décor and warming the air. James Potter, with his messy black hair and mischievous grin, stirred awake from his slumber. He stretched his arms, feeling the softness of his bed and the comfort of home.

Descending the stairs, James caught the tantalizing aroma of bacon sizzling on the stove, mingling with the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee. He found himself in the cozy kitchen, where the clinking of utensils and the sound of cheerful chatter filled the air.

There, seated around the polished oak table, were his parents, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. Fleamont, a distinguished man with graying hair and a well-groomed beard, glanced up from his newspaper and greeted his son with a warm smile.

"Mornin', James," Fleamont said, folding the paper neatly and setting it aside. "Sleep well?"

James nodded, taking a seat next to his mother, who was skillfully flipping pancakes on the griddle. Euphemia, a graceful woman with gentle eyes and a loving aura, smiled at her son. "Good morning, darling. Would you like some pancakes?"

James grinned, his appetite suddenly awakened. "Absolutely, Mum. You know they're my favorite."

As Euphemia slid a stack of warm pancakes onto James' plate, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. This was his haven, a place where love and laughter flowed freely, shielded from the chaos of the outside world.

Fleamont poured a cup of steaming coffee for James, the rich aroma wafting through the kitchen. "So" he began, taking a sip from his own cup, "any new mischief planned for today?"

James chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, you know me, Dad. Always up to something."

Euphemia chimed in, her voice filled with gentle reprimand. "Now, James, remember to keep it within reason. We don't want any Howlers arriving in the mail."

James nodded, feigning innocence. "Of course, Mum. No Howlers, I promise."