
Not So Clever

"Have I offended your sophistimicated French sensibilities?" he asked playfully.

"Non," she replied. "I'm just allergic to -- comme dit-on -- bullshite?"

His eyes widened at her comment. It was crass. No, it was out of character for her to react this way, to speak to anyone like that. He pondered why she would talk to him this way, why she'd act this way. And then a thought occurred to him and it made him smile.

"I haven't known you long but do you talk to all the other boys this way?"

She frowned at his accusation. But then a spark of realisation seemed to have crossed her mind and she smirked knowingly, taking a resolute closer step to him and placing a delicate finger on his chest.

"Non again," she breathed. "Only with the leetle boys whô bite off more zhan zhey can ândle."

She bit her lip with a perfect white fang and her eyes thinned as she looked down at him. he could feel his heartbeat grow more resounding. Heat rose to his neck and would he have touched his ears, he'd swear they'd steam.

He watched her without supplying a response. What could he say to her? She clearly was responding to what he said, albeit different than what he expected she would. Innuendo. Clearly, he was playing with fire. A fire she knew how to let dance in the centre of her palm. Who was he kidding. He was dancing, like a fool, in the palm of her hand.

"Not so clever now," she noted with a travelling eye, "are you?"

He swallowed. "I-...I merely-"

"You merely, what?" Her demeanour grew more amused than anything. "You thought to play wiz moi? To play wiz your fellow champion? Or perhaps you saw me as something else?"

"Something else?" He uttered in confusion as she began to walk around him, her finger drawing a line along his shoulder.

"Playing zhe fool won't save you now, Ârry," she concluded as she came to a stop in front of him again. Only now she was a mere few inches from his face. He could feel her breath tickling the tip of his nose.

His breath hitched as he could imagine himself moving closer. Her lush lips almost within reach of his own.


Those fangs, so intriguing, so thrilling... he wondered what it would feel like to kiss her. To run the tip of his tongue along the point of one of those teeth. To pull away from her lover's embrace and be held in place by petulant fangs sinking into his lip.

He shivered as she came full circle, she was still trailing a finger across his shoulders, and when she stopped before him her eyes fell to his throat. He knew they were both contemplating a bite. To his utter shock, and too easily found acceptance, he wanted her to do it. Perhaps this was that trance he'd heard some Order members mention, the dazed state they claimed Vamps could enduce in you for feeding. It was always women in the stories, and it was distant and unacknowledged vindication to confirm his long held suspicions.

There was no magic aura, this was lust, plain and simple. He wanted Fleur Delacour's fangs in him because he wanted Fleur Delacour. She wanted him too, he could see it in her eyes, and the innevitability of what would come next was thrilling even if it was virtual suicide.

She leaned in, and his hands found leather clad hips.

A shot rang out across the village, and she lept back with feline grace, shoving him back and down to the ground. The spell was broken, the arousal disappating, and she hissed at him. Her beautiful face had not transformed, and yet it was marred by a mask of hatred.

A second shot rang out, a beam of wood outside the Three Broomsticks exploded into splinters not three feet from her head. Harry didnt have to turn to see which of his brethren from the Order was ruining his murder. They were universally damned in his mind. With a last hiss toward his 'ally' and a narrow glare down at him, she turned and was gone in the blink of an eye.

"You okay mate?"

Harry had been frozen on his butt, staring after the disappearing vampire. It seemed his 'savior' was Ron.

He heaved a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, lets just get inside."

Ron helped him up, shouldering his rifle, and they set off toward the castle. One sullen, the other excited by his success. [1:29 PM] -o-o-o- First it was post war, then it was 4th year, now its Underworld