
Phantom Pieces

Harry Potter always felt weird, ever since he could remember, he always felt like something was missing, as if he was incomplete, lacking.

Harry loved the color of his eyes for some reason, but always thought his ears(and everyone else's, but specially his) were weird, his hair too, but that was minor.

He loved running and climbing, running in the park and climbing the trees always calmed him.

He was also really good at fighting, he once beat Dudley and his gang with a stick, it was the first time Vernon threatened him, but backed down for some reason.

When Harry learned he was Wizard, he thought that would be it, but it wasn't, it got worse.

His Wand felt right and at the same time weird in his hand, as did using magic, Hogwarts made him feel nostalgic, and ever since he saw it, he felt drawn to the Forbidden Forest.

When in Second Year he met Aragog, the large spider looked wary of him, almost reluctant to send his children after them, but still did so.

While he was running, Harry felt the urge to go deeper into the Forest, but Ron was there and he had to protect his friend.

When the Sword of Gryffindor fell in his hand, Harry felt a rush of excitement like any other, as if, finally, something was right.

He had no idea where he learned to use a sword like that, to dodge and weave and cut in a way even Tom Riddle was baffled, especially when he killed the Basilisk without hurting himself, and then destroyed the Diary, somehow knowing that was the source of this Tom Riddle.

He later reflected that, while the thought of Voldemort as a threat, he had the notion there was always bigger fish.

The Sword felt right in his hand, but still not just right, it was a good sword, even if he thought it too ornamented, but it wasn't his Sword, as much as that was weird.

Hermione always looked like she had a theory to share with him, but always thought better, between everything that happened, he always forgot to ask her about it.

In Third Year, the Dementors seemed to hate and fear him in equal measure, always looking at his back before trying to attack him, weird. His Patronus was a large wolf of all things, and the Dementors seemed specially terrified of it.

When Lupin tried to attack him as a Werewolf, Harry punched him in the face(even Sirius was shocked by that, and would tease Remus relentlessly over it), Snape's eyes were wide as saucers.

Harry began to have dreams then, he always had weird dreams he couldn't remember, but this time he could, even if they were only flashes.

A large castle, a forest, a big tree, riding in a grass plain, fighting, so much fighting.

A girl smiling, he couldn't remember her face, but her smile was like the sun, it always made his day to dream of her smile.

The dreams got worse, a flash of darkness, terrible, terrible laughter, worse than even Voldemort's, but a light would always chase it away. He was in the middle of Summer, when he dreamt of a Sword, his Sword, he knew, deep in a Forest, waiting for him, as it always did.

Harry Potter decided he would get the Sword as soon as classes began, no matter what.

Ron and his brothers had to physically hold him in the World Cup, he was pretty sure he was intent on killing those Death Eaters.

Fourth Year began, and the Forest was actually guarded now, probably something to do with the Tournament, but Harry had his Cloak. He got lost there a lot, he always found his way back to the castle, but not to where he wanted to go, it was as if he was missing something.

The delegations arrived, and during dinner,Harry saw her and she saw him.

When he laid his eyes on Fleur DeLacour, it was as if a missing piece of the puzzle that was his life had been placed back, a very big piece. Her long blond hair, her eyes, it was as if he had meet her a thousand times with a thousand faces, all similar, but not exactly the same. Neither noticed the subtle magic wave when their eyes met, how the candles got brighter, the shadows weaker, how "Professor Moody" felt a strange chill in his back, nobody was in Dumbledore's office to see Fawkes sing an old song of victory.

"Do I know you?" Both said at the same time, both felt sure they did.