
Picking up the Pieces

Gone. It was gone. Broken. A single moment, a single slip, and it slipped from her fingers, never to return. Her hands trembled as she stared, eyes wide, unseeing. Gone. It had seemed so strong, but one action, one mistake, and it had shattered, irreparable forevermore. Tears slipped from her eyes as she fell to her knees. She was such a fool. Fleur felt her daughter’s hand on her shoulder, the little girl’s voice telling her mother that it would be alright, that they would just have to pick up the pieces. But it wouldn't. Fae wouldnt understand. Fae couldn't understand. It had meant too much to her and without it, she felt… hollow. Empty. But… her daughter was right. As Fleur Delcaour stared at the shattered remains of her favorite mug, its bold lettering, lettering that once read 'Best Wife in Forever', scattered on the kitchen tile, she realised that all she could do was pick up the pieces, and move on. Maybe with a quick Reparo to boot.

Alternate Titles

  • Fleur being a Drama Queen