

The sun dwindled low on the horizon as the raven haired man opened the gate, making his way up the gravel path through the garden. He stopped before the door of the quaint little cottage, his hand coming up to knock once, twice, three times. He barely had to wait a moment, the door pulling open, as the scarred face of Bill Weasley came into view. The redhead smiled at the man in front of the door, his voice warm, “Hello there Harry. Long day?” Harry Potter chuckled sheepishly, running his hand through his messy locks, “You know it. Sorry I’m so late.” Bill patted his shoulder, “It's no biggie. We’re always happy to have that little bundle of sunshine around. You know that.” He turned, calling out over his shoulder, “Fae! Your father’s here!” An excited squeal sounded out from inside the house, a silvery haired blur streaking past Bill to slam into Harry’s stomach, small arms squeezing as hard as they could, “Papa!” Harry’s face lit up in a smile. He crouched down as his daughter scrambled up onto him, his arms wrapping around her as he hoisted her up, chuckling as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I love you too sweetie,” he said, lightly pecking her nose as she giggled in delight, “Now… were you good? You didn't give Uncle Bill and Aunt Elena any trouble, did you?”

She shook her head enthusiastically, green eyes alive with indignation, “No papa! I was good!” Harry turned to the doorway, quirking an eyebrow as he looked at Bill, who had an arm wrapped protectively around his wife’s waist, Elena having arrived since Fae’s eager reunion, her swollen belly visible in the red cardigan she wore. The pair smiled as they shook their heads. “Not in the least,” Elena assured, reaching out to tap the little girl’s nose, “She was just a wonderful angel, weren't you?” “Thank you so much for looking after her today,” Harry said apologetically, “I should have been here earlier but..” Bill shook his head, smiling, “Work gets demanding sometimes, I get it. It was our pleasure.” “Say thank you, Fae,” Harry said gently, his smile broadening again as his daughter waved, “Thank you Uncle Bill! Thank you Aunty Ellie! Bubye!” The eldest Weasley son and his wife waved at the father and daughter duo as they made their way down the path, watching as they stepped outside the gate, Fae giving one last, jaunty wave as they popped away.