

"Really, Monsieur, you are going to use that, why must you British always depend on size?"

"I can assure you, I know how to use it quite well, unless you don't think you can handle it?"

"Hmpf, don't worry about me," Fleur flourished her rapier, a silvered steel blade with a silver hilt encrusted with sapphires, "I have more than enough skill to handle you and your unwieldy thing." Harry hefted his Claymore, golden hilted with a handle in dark red dragon hide, holding it with both hands and resting the blade on his shoulder.

"Are they even talking about duelling anymore?" Hermione shushed Ron as she looked on nervously as both combatants were sizing each other and entering into their stances.

"Professor McGonnagall, perhaps we should..." she stopped herself when she saw how furious the normally stern teacher looked.

"'Unwieldy Thing', why! The nerve of this lass, me ancestors' were cutting off troll's heads with that sword! Defeated plenty of those crazy Franks with it too." Minerva turned to Harry, "You defend the honor of Clan McGonagall, Harry! Make our ancestors proud!"

As Harry strengthened his grip and the sword made a twinning sound,the large blade looking a tad shinier than normal, and as Fleur did the same and hers assumed a silvery sheen, Hermione thought that maybe telling Harry to ask Fleur for the Ball(not knowing she would only accept if she was bested in combat) may not have been one of her brightest ideas.