
Secret Agent Man

“Damn,” mumbled Fleur Delacour, daughter of the French Ambassador to England, who was at this moment trying to release herself from the ropes that kept her tied to the chair. She had been kidnapped by a group of terrorists calling themselves “Death Eaters". Unfortunately, she was currently imprisoned in the cellar of the manor of Lucius Malfoy, a prominent member of British society and one of the wealthiest. No one suspected he would also be a member of this terrorist group.

Outside the Manor; crouching in the shadows, a young man in a tuxedo checked the suppressed Walther PPK 7.65mm pistol and ensured he had a full load before he reinserted the magazine into the PPK's pistol grip.

"Harry, are you in position?" A voice came through his ear piece.

"Affirmative, 'Mione. Just got here," Harry replied through his throat mike. "Ron, you there?"

"Yeah, mate. Got you covered."

"Okay, Ron. Take out the sentries."


In a concealed position, several suppressed shots quietly hissed from the barrel of the suppressed H&K PSG1 sniper rifle that was fitted with a night vision scope. Damn, I love this thing, Ron thought to himself as he checked his handiwork through the scope. "You're clear to proceed, Harry," Ron said through his throat mike.

"Affirmative. Making entry now."

Harry carefully opened the window he was next to and climbed through. He quietly made his way through the Manor towards the area where he believed the hostage was being held. Hearing someone nearby, Harry quietly approached the terrorist and neatly placed a single shot to the back of his head.

"One tango down," Harry quietly said. Harry quickly moved the dead terrorists body into a nearby closet as heard several voices and footsteps heading in his direction. He carefully peaked through the door and saw a man he instantly recognized: Lucius Malfoy.

"Alright, you two, follow me," Malfoy ordered as he turned and headed down a flight of stairs. "Guard the door while I entertain myself with our guest."

The two guards positioned themselves next to the door as Lucius made his way in. "Ah, good evening, Miss Delacour. I hope your enjoying your stay?"

Fleur growled as she spit in Lucius' face. "Fuck you," she screamed at him.

"Oh, no, Miss Delacour...that's what I'm going to do to you," he said as he began to take off his clothes…

Damn, Harry thought to himself has he saw the three men head down the stairs. Gotta move fast. Harry quickly left the confines of the closet and followed the three men. Peering around a corner, he saw the two guards talking to themselves about how they were going to "entertain" their guest after Malfoy was done with her.

Taking a quick breath to steady his nerves, Harry drew his pistol from its holster and quickly double tapped the two guards. Quickly approaching the door, he reloaded his pistol and then kicked the door in.

"What the fuck?!" Lucius screamed as he had just taken off his shirt. He desperately tried to grab his own weapon from its holster before he received a single shot to the head. The man slumped across Fleur's body as she screamed.

"It's alright," Harry said as holsters his pistol and pushed Malfoy's dead body off of Fleur. "I'm here to rescue you. Your father asked my government for help. We got here as soon as we found the place. Glad I got to you in time." Harry finally noticed the young woman as he untied her bonds. Damn, she's beautiful, he thought to himself.

Trembling, Fleur rubbed her wrists as her Savior began to remove the ropes binding her feet, Who is he, she thought to herself. As the young man stood up, Fleur noticed that he had a lightning bolt-shaped scar, a messy mop of black hair and the most amazing green eyes she had ever seen. Surprising herself, she grabbed his head and pulled him into a searing kiss. "Thank you for saving me," she said after catching her breath.

"No time for that now, we gotta leave," Harry said as he picked up the young woman, bridal-style. Harry looked at her and noticed she had the most cerulean blue eyes and long blonde, almost silver, hair. "Maybe later," he quickly said.

"Who are you?" The young woman in his arms asked.

Harry looked at her and smirked before he answered, "Potter. Harry Potter."