

In which Harry James Potter has a younger brother, Anthony James Potter. No Horcrux. Just plain Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts.

Daphne Greengrass was minding her business when Anthony James Potter, the youngest Potter grabbed her from the Great Hall and dragged her across Hogwarts.

Anthony James Potter, better known as the other Potter, was the only Potter in history to have been born sorted into Hufflepuff. But that didn’t stop him from making his mark into the world. Well, her world today.

“Today’s the day! Move faster before we miss him!” she heard Anthony say as he practically dragged her while she struggled to keep pace with her books in her arms.

“Huh?! What do you mean…?” Daphne Greengrass was not fond of surprises. She preferred being calculated and that meant not taking leaps of faith. She couldn’t see the end game of those scenarios. She had to think about it.

“What do you mean, ‘What do you mean?’ I told you yesterday. Today’s the day you talk to my brother. Or you can just go straight to spilling the beans to him.”

“What? C-confess? What?! No, no, no I can’t do that. I need a plan. I need more – “

“Come onnnnnnnnnn, Greengrass! My brother’s not that scary you know.”

Daphne Greengrass immediately felt like she was going to be sick. She had a long crush on one Harry Potter. Anthony’s older brother, the Golden Boy and the only person she wished she could show her true feelings.


Harry James Potter was the Head Boy, the best Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts student since Dumbledore himself and poised to possibly give England it’s first ever Quidditch World Cup. And he had the dreamiest green eyes. Of course, he was scary. Not in that way. It scared her, just thinking of talking to him. Everybody wanted to talk to Harry. Everybody wanted to be the person Harry would tell his secrets and problems to. Somehow, everybody has managed to spill their deepest desires and secrets to him the minute he smiles. She was scared he’d see her as another fan girl, another girl that only liked him because he was good looking and a damn good wizard. She liked him far beyond that.

How did she even end up in this situation? His brother, Anthony, must have been the least scary Potter. The Potters were wildly famous and rightly so as they were perhaps the most brilliant family in the modern century. She hadn’t meant to be friends with Anthony Potter but he had caught her staring at Harry while he took care of a lost first year Slytherin just when she thought no one else was there. He had since established some sort of friendship with her without any regard for her cold personality. As another brilliant Potter, he probably saw right through it.

“I…I know that! I just…can’t tell Harry yet. I can’t…” “Oh, don’t give me that look. You’re the Ice Princess, you’ll be fine!” “Tell Harry…what?” “Oh, Harry?!” “Well, now you guys look obviously suspicious. What did you do, Anthony?” They froze. Oh no. She did not just hear that voice. *Please tell me that it is anyone but Potter. *


“Me? What are you even doing out so early?” Anthony quipped. Clearly Anthony was not anticipating this event. Daphne felt like she was going to faint. This can’t be happening. Why did she have to be dragged into this?

“Oh…er…well McGonagall let us out early and now I’m just taking a walk. Don’t always get free time.”

Daphne Greengrass could not muster to look at Gryffindor’s golden boy but she realized he must have noticed Anthony still holding on to her hand as she stiffened when she heard him say “Oh.”

“Er...congratulations?” she heard him say as her eyes grew large. She struggled to keep herself from hitting Anthony and from blushing at the embarrassment. Harry thought they were dating. She wished that the grounds would open up to swallow her. Maybe Anthony first, then her. Anthony’s eyes must’ve nearly popped when he heard him say that.

“What?! Dear brother!” he said, sounding very much aghast, “don’t be ridiculous, you know who I like. Daphne’s just a friend I picked up. We’re nothing like that!”

Daphne had more than half the mind to hex Anthony. Picked up? What was she a pet animal? An abandoned snake? Oh bugger.

“Oh? I suppose not then. My bad. Err…just kidding then! Aha, I was actually just playing with you guys. Sorry. Bad joke.”


“You have horrible jokes, Harry. It always seems too serious.”

Harry Potter just scratched his head with his signature grin. Daphne could not help but look any more lost. How was she supposed to manage being in his presence?

“Well anyway, what is it then that you guys can’t tell me? Do you need help with a project? Is it Snape? Because if it is, I can’t be caught doing that again because he almost –”

“You know what, Harry. Daphne DOES need help with a project. I have to run…Hagrid needs me for his …uh Skrewts. See ya later!” He bowed towards Daphne in a mocking manner. Just like that, Anthony disappeared leaving her, Daphne Greengrass, the Ice Queen of Slytherin with the Golden Boy of Gryffindor.

She heard Harry clear his throat, “So, Daphne. Er, I am allowed to call you that right? Not just Greengrass?” he asked.

It must have taken forever for her to break her frozen stance. She wanted to breathe heavily but she was frozen to the core. How was she supposed to face him? He probably already thinks she’s another girl that his brother is setting him up with. Great. Thanks, Anthony.

“Daphne?” His voice sounded nearer. She turned so fast that she didn’t realize he was right behind her. She had lost control and fell into him. Luckily, he wasn’t as much of a clutz as she is, catching her into his arms. Of course she just had to look right into his beautiful eyes.

“You alright there, Daphne?” he said, looking straight into her eyes. She would have melted into his arms if she hadn’t been thinking. If she hadn’t been raised to be an Heiress, she would’ve melted into his arms and let him take her away. But she couldn’t. She needed more time.


“Oh yes, sorry Potter,” she said, quickly moving away from him. She had to get away from here. Students would come out in a few minutes and she’d rather not be caught in the arms of Hogwarts’ Head Boy, Golden Boy, Mr. Dreamy eyes, whatever they’re calling him these days.

“Potter? Did I offend you, Daphne?”

“No. Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“Er...well you called my brother Anthony and I’m just...Potter? Sorry, I’m a bit jealous.”

“You are?”

“Yes.” he said with a smile so sincere she would have believed it. Why would he even say that?

“Listen,” he continued before she could say something. “I actually have to go but I’d love to talk to you about your project later. Meet me in the lake later in the afternoon?