
The Bestestest of Friends

19th July 1993,

Dear Harry Potter,

Did you fight dragon?

24th July 1993

Dear Mystery Person,

Who are you? How did you even manage to write me a letter? Did someone give you my address? No, I have not fought a dragon. I did fight a really big snake though.

Harry Potter.

2nd August 1993,

Dear Harry Potter,

Is not a dragon just winged snake?


7th August 1993,

Dear Mystery Person,

I think dragons are a little more than winged snakes. They can breathe fire…. I think? You still haven’t told me who you are though. Your owl is very pretty by the way.

Harry Potter.


14th August 1993,

Dear Harry Potter,

How big was the snake by the way? Thank you, Chouette likes being called a pretty owl. She is very pretty.


19th August 1993,

Dear Mystery Person,

The snake was 50 feet or something I think. It was a basilisk. Also, I looked up what Chouette meant. Did you just name your owl, ‘owl’ in French?

Harry Potter.

P.S. I am getting kind of tired of calling you a mystery person. Could you give me a name?


31st August 1993,

Dear Harry Potter,

No, my sister named Chouette.

That was a very big snake. You are hero really.

Gabrielle Delacour.